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People matching 'bar'

Results 141-160 of 10,616 for bar

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Seanad: Order of Business. (20 Nov 2003) See 1 other result from this debate

Members will have received a communication from the Bar Council at the eleventh hour plus 55 minutes of the debate. These people failed to do anything about these issues since the foundation of the State, but they have suddenly decided to tell us how to do our business with less than an hour to go. It is disgraceful. We could have listened to them for the last ten years if they had let us....

Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2021: Committee and Remaining Stages (30 Jun 2021)

Martin Kenny: I am a little confused. Issues arise with regard to the licensee and the licensed premises because there are situations where the licensee is not the person who runs the bar. The bar may be leased by the licensee to someone else. The licensee applies for the licence each year but is seldom, if ever, on the premises and so it is outside of his or her control. The other issue is that often...

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Brexit Supports (2 Nov 2021)

Charlie McConalogue: EU Regulation 2021/1755 of 6th October 2021 established the Brexit Adjustment Reserve. The purpose of the BAR is to provide support to counter the adverse economic, social, territorial and environmental consequences of Brexit in the Member States, regions, communities and economic sectors most adversely affected. Ireland has been provisionally allocated €1.1 billion from the BAR,...

Seanad: Order of Business. (5 Nov 2003) See 3 other results from this debate

While I did not initially understand Senator Kitt's point, it is well made. After 9 p.m. young people cannot go into a premises with a bar, even if the bar is not open. Senator Scanlon supported Senator Kitt's point. I believe the Minister is keen to look at that matter and we will certainly bring it to his attention.

Seanad: Programme for Government: Motion (23 Mar 2011)

Eoghan Harris: The Minister was misquoting me all afternoon. I did not say the banks were the Becher's Brook. I tried to give him parole on that. I tried to stop raising the bar of expectations but, by God, if the Government keeps going over to Europe and coming back with nothing, the bar will be raised very high.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Children and Youth Affairs: Tackling Childhood Obesity: Discussion (Resumed) (2 May 2018) stocking vending machines with wholegrains, nuts, fruit and vegetables. I have visited other European countries where I have seen vending machines that are not populated with crisps, energy bars and chocolate bars but a variety of different items to show people the importance of a balanced diet.

Special Committee on Covid-19 Response: Covid-19: Legislative Framework Underpinning the State's Response (9 Sep 2020) See 1 other result from this debate

Ms Maura McNally: Everyone is pointing the finger at me. Unfortunately, that is not a matter for the Bar Council of Ireland or the Bar of Ireland. As I have said, it is up to the Executive and the Legislature. Then we have the final check, which is carried out by the courts. We need to consider the system and how it operates. If there is a fundamental breach of a person's rights in...

Seanad: Ageism Policy: Statements (Resumed). (17 May 2006)

Mary White: It appears that bar owners fear that well-mannered and respected older people will not fit in with younger clients, some of whom, as reports indicate, drink too much and become involved in anti-social behaviour. If an older person does not look the part in a sexy, jazzy bar, he or she is not allowed to enter.

Public Accounts Committee: Tusla - Financial Statements 2016 (19 Oct 2017)

Seán Fleming: Yes. Mr. McBride could give the committee a short report on that. I have two final points. Domestic violence was mentioned by Deputy Connolly. Obviously, many protection orders and barring orders have been issued in the courts as a result of domestic violence and threats of such violence. Do Mr. McBride know how many were issued and how many children would have been in families where...

Written Answers — Legal Aid Service: Legal Aid Service (21 Feb 2012)

Alan Shatter: As the Deputy is aware, there are two schemes for legal aid, one for Criminal Legal Aid and another for Civil Legal Aid. Criminal Legal Aid I can inform the Deputy that barristers who wish to operate under the Criminal Legal Aid Scheme must be on a criminal legal aid panel as provided for in the Criminal Justice (Legal Aid) Act, 1962 and Regulations, 1965 to 2011. The procedure for...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Possible Reconfiguration of Schools: Archdiocese of Dublin (25 Jun 2014)

Marie Louise O'Donnell: We are not talking about that. We are talking about using the De La Salle property for the amalgamation. Is the debate on that all over, bar the shouting? Could that campus, with its green fields and its existing buildings be the one to be renovated or realigned? Is the debate on that all over, bar the shouting?

Written Answers — Pension Provisions: Pension Provisions (1 Jun 2006)

David Stanton: Question 130: To ask the Minister for Finance the number of women who were affected by the marriage bar; the number of women who will not be entitled to a pension in their own right as a result of the bar; his views on the implications of same; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [21477/06]

Seanad: Intoxicating Liquor Bill 2003: Second Stage. (18 Jun 2003) See 25 other results from this debate

Admission to the bar of licensed premises is prohibited in certain cases, but access to other parts of the premises – for example, a function room or a dining room or many public houses which serve food – is not affected. If a room is set aside which is not a bar, many of the provisions of the Bill will not apply to them.

Select Committee on Justice and Equality: Criminal Procedure Bill 2021: Committee Stage (2 Mar 2021)

Helen McEntee: ...into a different type of list. This is simply focusing on arraignment. It would be more appropriate that the court would be able to decide that without having to have a test or that a certain bar would have to be reached. The test that is provided for is adequate. It strikes the right balance between something that is workable and practical in reality in the courtroom. We are setting...

Seanad: EU Regulations: Motion (20 Oct 2021)

James Browne: July. The proposals include a proposed 6th anti-money laundering directive, 6AMLD, which, among other things, would provide for a cross-border interconnection between member states' bank account registers, BAR, via a single access point. The amending directive we are discussing today seeks to extend access to the BAR single access point to the bodies designated with responsibility for...

Seanad: Moore Street Area Renewal and Development Bill 2015: Second Stage [Private Members] (10 Jun 2015) See 1 other result from this debate

David Norris: It is important that a dissenting voice is raised. The buildings are completely undistinguished architecturally and are in a very poor state of repair. Temple Bar Properties was invoked. I know all about Temple Bar Properties because I started the Hirschfeld Centre. There was absolutely nothing there beforehand; nobody had ever heard of the place. When we started a discotheque there and...

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Brexit Supports (27 Sep 2022)

Charlie McConalogue: The terms of the Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR) are established by the European Union in Regulation (EU) 2021/1755. This includes that all expenditure funded by the BAR must be carried out within the defined reference period, which ends on 31 December 2023. The Regulation, as confirmed by the relevant authorities in the EU, does not provide for any flexibility in this timing.

Written Answers — Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht: Brexit Supports (5 Mar 2024)

Thomas Byrne: The allocation of funding from the Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR) is a matter for the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform. Information on the BAR, including the applicable eligibility criteria, is accordingly available from that Department. If the FAI has a specific project in mind and wishes to submit it to my Department, my Department is happy to engage.

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Brexit Supports (13 Jun 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: The Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR) provides financial support to the most affected Member States to counter the adverse economic, social, territorial and, where appropriate, environmental consequences of the withdrawal of the UK from the EU. Expenditure under the BAR must demonstrate a direct link to the negative impact of the withdrawal of the UK from the EU, and failure to do so will...

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Agriculture Schemes (30 Mar 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: ...and indirectly improved nutrient use efficiency, as well as a reduced dependency on chemical fertilisers. To date under TAMS II, 70% of expenditure under LESS was grant aided for dribble bar machines. While each of the LESS options meet nitrate requirements, it is important that the number of trailing shoe units on farms is maximised to help contribute to the agreed 25% reduction in...

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