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Results 141-160 of 6,998 for esb

Written Answers — Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources: Industrial Relations Issues (12 Dec 2013)

Pat Rabbitte: Since taking office I have met with the Group Secretary and members of the ESB Group of Unions on two occasions. Officials in my Department have, together with officials from other Government Departments, met with representatives of the ESB pension forum, including the Group Secretary of the ESB Group of Unions, on two other occasions. My special adviser was present on each occasion.

Company Takeovers (30 Nov 2010) See 1 other result from this debate

Eamon Ryan: With the agreement of the Government, ESB received my consent, and the consent of the Minister for Finance, to the acquisition of Northern Ireland Electricity, NIE, in July last. These consents were given after consideration by my Department and the Department of Finance of detailed legal and financial advice in relation to the proposal and its implications for the ESB Group, including...

Seanad: Order of Business. (23 Mar 2006)

Noel Coonan: I support the call by Senator Finucane for a debate on energy and ESB charges. I am not sure whether the Government will take seriously a report which cost €1.2 million when one considers that the Minister said that €143 million is not a significant figure. One wonders how he would regard a figure of €1.2 million. He would probably consider it to be small change which is not worth...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Communications, Climate Action and Environment: National Broadband Plan: Discussion (22 May 2019) See 1 other result from this debate

Mr. Patrick Neary: I will cover ESB infrastructure. It is important to state that while NBI's bid is based primarily on use of Eir and Enet infrastructure, using ESB infrastructure in the course of the roll-out is absolutely still an option. It will be an option in instances where that infrastructure is most appropriate and cost-effective to use. During the roll-out and prior to starting...

Written Answers — Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht: Special Areas of Conservation (9 Nov 2017)

Heather Humphreys: I propose to take Questions Nos. 135 and 136 together. The Gearagh special area of conservation is a nature reserve in the ownership of the ESB. The ESB has advised my Department that, due to concerns over public health and safety and access for emergency services, a number of damaged and fallen trees on a public walkway within the site had to be removed following the...

Ceisteanna ar Pholasaí nó ar Reachtaíocht - Questions on Policy or Legislation (22 Mar 2023)

Jennifer Whitmore: ...the past year, the organisation had 230,000 requests of help, including 1,200 a day in December. I would imagine that for those thousands of people, hearing about the €847 million profit of the ESB today must be absolutely gut-wrenching. That increase the ESB has seen is directly as a result of the high wholesale prices in generation. I understand the ESB has recommended an...

Written Answers — Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment: Electric Vehicles (16 Oct 2018)

Richard Bruton: I propose to take Questions Nos. 535 and 546 together. The majority of the existing network of publicly accessible charge points was rolled out by the ESB through its eCars programme. This network includes circa 80 fast chargers, mainly on national routes. A map showing the charge points, including the status and availability of the charge points, is available on the ESB's website at...

Electricity Generation. (21 Nov 2006) See 5 other results from this debate

Eamon Ryan: Question 74: To ask the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources the timeline on approval of new investment in the Aghada power plant; the communication he has had with the ESB and CER with regard to the proposed leasing of the ESB's current sites; and if the approval of new ESB power plants is conditional on progress being made in this long-term leasing proposal. [38779/06]

Written Answers — Electricity Generation: Electricity Generation (28 Jun 2005) See 1 other result from this answer

Noel Dempsey: I am informed by ESB National Grid that the capacity of the power system can be divided in terms of generation capacity and transmission capacity. The latest figures from ESB National Grid show there are 5,800 MW of generation capacity connected to the Irish power system. Peak demand in the coming winter is forecast to reach 4,600 MW. Generation capacity is shared by all customers nationwide...

Written Answers — Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment: Telecommunications Infrastructure (26 Oct 2022)

Eamon Ryan: Issues regarding the permission to construct a direct line are first and foremost an issue for ESB Networks in accordance with Section 34 of the Electricity Regulation Act 1999 (ERA), as amended. However, in respect of the provision of permissions to construct a direct line there is an element of overlap between ESB Networks and the work of the Commission for Regulation of Utilities...

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Flood Risk Management (30 Jun 2022)

Patrick O'Donovan: I propose to take Questions Nos. 132 and 136 together. On the Shannon Navigation, the water levels on the 3 lakes (Lough Allen, Lough Ree and Lough Derg) are controlled and managed by the ESB while the levels in between the lakes are managed by Waterways Ireland. The ESB manages the outlets of the major lakes through sluice barrages at Bellantra (Lough Allen), Athlone (Lough Ree) and...

River Shannon Management Agency Bill 2020: Second Stage [Private Members] (3 Nov 2020)

Michael McNamara: ...of State is proposing to allow some time to effectively consider what exactly needs to be done is to be commended. The one issue I wish to particularly raise is that of the Shannon fishery. The ESB has undoubtedly been one of the success stories of this State. I think I can claim without fear of contradiction that it is the most successful semi-State company in the country. ESB...

Written Answers — Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources: Inland Fisheries Stocks (25 Jun 2015)

Joe McHugh: barriers; and, - an improvement of water quality.Mitigation of the impact of hydropower installations is addressed via a Trap and Transport (T&T) on the Shannon, Erne and Lee, managed by ESB Fisheries. This involves the capture of adult eels migrating to sea, transporting them around the hydro power installations and releasing them. In addition elver traps are installed at...

Written Answers — Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht: Special Areas of Conservation Management (14 Nov 2017)

Heather Humphreys: As referred to in my answer to the Deputy's Questions Numbers 135 and 136 of 9 November 2017, the Gearagh special area of conservation is a nature reserve in the ownership of the ESB. The ESB has advised my Department that, due to concerns over public health and safety and access for emergency services, a number of damaged and fallen trees on a public walkway within the site had to be removed...

Seanad: Order of Business. (13 Jul 2004) See 1 other result from this debate

Eddie Bohan: Will the Leader invite the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources here to explain why the cost of electricity has increased by approximately 13%? The ESB cites oil prices as the reason for this but it pays for oil in dollars. The euro and the dollar were almost on par up to a year or so ago. The ESB has saved over 20% on the purchase of oil because it is paying in dollars....

Written Answers — Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources: Semi-State Bodies Issues (26 Feb 2014)

Pat Rabbitte: ...three Commercial Semi State companies under the aegis of my Department which have employee share ownership plans (ESOPs) in operation, namely Bord na Mona (BnaM) , Bord Gáis Éireann (BGE) and the ESB. The (ESOPs) in all three companies were established in return for specific, substantial, verifiable changes to be delivered by employees which give value to the company and the...

Written Answers — Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment: Electric Vehicles (22 Jan 2019)

Richard Bruton: The majority of the existing publicly accessible electric vehicle infrastructure was rolled out by the ESB through its eCars programme. This network includes 77 fast chargers, mainly on national routes. A map showing the charge points, including the status and availability of the charge points, is available on the ESB's website at In addition, under the first call for...

Written Answers — Energy Prices: Energy Prices (10 Nov 2011)

Pat Rabbitte: ...the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) pilot microgeneration programme instigated in 2009 and comprising 42 installations and the microgeneration feed-in-tariff programme introduced by ESB in 2009. The SEAI pilot microgeneration programme has now been operational for a number of years and I expect to shortly receive a report from SEAI on its findings. The ESB scheme has been...

Written Answers — Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources: Pension Provisions (21 Oct 2014)

Alex White: While this is a matter for the management and staff of the ESB, and not a matter in which I have a function, I welcome the opportunity to address the matter. The ESB General Employees’ Superannuation Scheme is the scheme through which pensions for the majority of employees in the electricity business are funded. The fund is vested in trustees nominated by ESB and its members for the...

Written Answers — Electricity Transmission Network: Electricity Transmission Network (12 Mar 2008) See 1 other result from this answer

Eamon Ryan: Management of industrial relations within ESB is, in the first instance, a matter for the board and management of the company. I am aware of the ballot undertaken by a number of the unions within ESB last November. I am also aware of recent comments from a representative of one of the constituent unions with regard to Smart Metering. My Department is continuing to monitor the situation...

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