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Results 141-160 of 372 for appointment speaker:Peadar Tóibín

Select Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Workplace Relations Bill 2014: Committee Stage (6 Nov 2014)

Peadar Tóibín: I move amendment No. 21: In page 34, between lines 32 and 33, to insert the following: "(c) Any person appointed as an adjudication officer immediately after the commencement of this Part will be required to be adequately trained in the area of equality legislation, in addition to all relevant industrial relations and employment law.".The Minister will probably know that the Equality Rights...

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions: Diplomatic Representation (23 Jun 2022)

Peadar Tóibín: ...agree that the position of Irish ambassador to Britain is very important, especially at this time of crisis in our relationship with Britain. I was surprised to hear of the Minister's decision to appoint the Secretary General of the Department of the Taoiseach, Martin Fraser, to the position of Irish ambassador to Britain. As Deputies know, there is an investigation into the leaking of a...

Other Questions: Industrial Development (2 Oct 2012)

Peadar Tóibín: ...are suffering significantly due to unemployment and emigration. A more proportionate response is required to redress this. How many IDA visits have these counties received since the Minister was appointed? I hope he will not dance around the question but give figures or, at least, appropriate estimates.

Questions on Promised Legislation (6 Dec 2017)

Peadar Tóibín: jobs and want to use buses to get to their jobs but those buses are letting them down. These jobs are under threat and other people are looking to get to hospitals for procedures, operations and appointments but are late for them. There is a commitment in the programme for Government regarding public services. Is it not true that this commitment lives in rhetoric alone rather than...

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Statements (21 Oct 2021)

Peadar Tóibín: 2019. In certain hospitals, for example, when a woman is going for a biopsy they reassure her before diagnosis by scheduling chemotherapy sessions for the following day. The woman has an appointment to hear the results of the biopsy and she also has an appointment to get chemotherapy the following day, just in case, even before she has had a diagnosis. This gives the strong...

Ministerial Rota for Parliamentary Questions: Motion: National Risk Assessment (25 Jan 2022)

Peadar Tóibín: ...and the HSE? Has the Government quantified the cost of the cyberattack economically and, more importantly, in terms of health and fatalities in our hospital system? For example, is the number of appointments that were cancelled known? Have the delays in the delivery of health services been quantified? Before the attack, the National Cyber Security Centre, NCSC, was funded to the tune...

Judicial Appointments Process: Statements (26 Nov 2020)

Peadar Tóibín: ...and Tánaiste have hidden behind a smoke screen that they call the separation of powers. Surely the biggest threat to the separation of powers is a culture that allows for party affiliates to be fast-tracked for appointment as judges. If we want to really separate the Oireachtas from the Judiciary, we need to separate the selection of individuals from the party system. The majority...

Ceisteanna ar Pholasaí nó ar Reachtaíocht - Questions on Policy or Legislation (8 Feb 2024)

Peadar Tóibín: ...five years. Last year, 442 GPs out of a class of 725 emigrated to work in other countries. Thousands of people cannot get onto doctors' lists and those who do are waiting up to two weeks for an appointment. This is having the effect of significantly clogging the accident and emergency system. There has been some increase in the number of college places and some GPs are being brought in...

Ceisteanna - Questions: Cabinet Committees (30 Jan 2024)

Peadar Tóibín: The general practitioner sector was one of the last elements of the health service that functioned properly. Now are seeing incredible two- or three-week delays for a simple first appointment with doctors throughout the country. That is if doctors will take people onto their lists. Many thousands of people now cannot even get on a doctor's list, which means that they are locked out of GP...

Select Committee on Health: Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Bill 2018: Committee Stage (Resumed) (8 Nov 2018)

Peadar Tóibín: ...This is one of the most contentious provisions in the Bill for the medical profession. As I mentioned earlier, the GP system is stuffed at present and is under fierce pressure. Nobody can get an appointment with a GP for love nor money. The GPs in my town are not taking on new patients. If I were to ring a GP now for an appointment, I would be lucky to get it for next Tuesday or...

Workplace Relations Bill 2014: Report Stage (Resumed) and Final Stage (21 Jan 2015)

Peadar Tóibín: I move amendment No. 28:In page 37, between lines 32 and 33, to insert the following:“(c) Any person appointed as an adjudication officer immediately after the commencement of this Part will be required to be adequately trained in the area of equality legislation, in addition to all relevant industrial relations and employment law.”.The Equality Rights Alliance has raised a...

Ceisteanna - Questions (Resumed) - Other Questions: Film Industry Tax Reliefs (23 Jan 2018)

Peadar Tóibín: ...stakeholders to work together to ensure they start to fix this. I believe there is a will in the sector to fix this. Secondly, I ask the Minister to ensure the actual workers in this sector are appointed to the Irish Film Board in order that they themselves have an opportunity to represent real issues to the Irish Film Board.

Microenterprise Loan Fund Bill 2012: Report Stage (10 Jul 2012)

Peadar Tóibín: and contrast exercise for a different type of vehicle to be used from the one proposed in the Bill. Microfinance Ireland is accountable to Social Finance Foundation, SFF, including for the appointment of the board. While the Minister has some oversight, due to company law he will not have tight control over the organisation. We also asked what would the difference be for SFF to...

Confidence in Government: Motion (12 Jul 2022)

Peadar Tóibín: ...waiting for 24 hours on average. GP services are collapsing throughout the country. So far this year, 400 GPs have emigrated to Australia, which is incredible. A constituent of mine rang a doctor for an appointment and was given a date in September. At the same time we have the Government cutting emergency department and ICU capacities. There are more than 600 patients on trolleys in...

Ministers and Ministers of State (Successors) Bill 2020: First Stage (28 Jul 2020)

Peadar Tóibín: I move: That leave be granted to introduce a Bill entitled an Act to ensure the prompt appointment of successors to Ministers and Ministers of State who have as a result of a general election ceased to be members of the Oireachtas; and to provide for related matters. This Bill comes on the back of the incredibly long negotiations required to form a Government at the start of this year....

Public Dental Services: Motion [Private Members] (19 Jan 2023)

Peadar Tóibín: ...for children is a major problem. First, fourth and sixth class children are not being called to dentists anymore in County Meath. It is incredible. These children are only receiving their first appointments in secondary school. That means far more damage being caused, far more invasive treatment being necessary and it being far more costly to the State in the long run. There is no...

Ceisteanna - Questions: Government Communications (14 Dec 2021)

Peadar Tóibín: This day last week, the Taoiseach stated that only 93,000 of 180,000 people showed up for their booster appointments. He suggested there was not the same urgency for boosters as there was for the first doses of the Covid-19 vaccine. Does he stand by that statement? Is it still correct? Was it even correct last week? My office and those of other Deputies are getting calls from people who...

Dog Breeding Establishments (Amendment) Bill 2021: First Stage (5 May 2021)

Peadar Tóibín: ...must be permitted to exhibit their natural and normal behaviour and to have the company of other dogs. Our Bill amends the definition of "authorised person" in the 2010 Act to ensure the person who acts under that term should be appointed specifically to fulfil this duty. The problem exists that some local authorities are doing this job very well, while others have appointed an...

Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Bill 2018: Report Stage (Resumed) (5 Dec 2018)

Peadar Tóibín: ...has been a unifier in many ways. There are 750,000 people on hospital waiting lists, 10,000 people on hospital trolleys last month, 2,500 children waiting over a year for their first mental health appointment and now the people working in that sector are also being attacked by the Minister. He was on the radio today and said that these people had conscientious obstruction, not...

Select Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach: Estimates for Public Services 2022
Vote 1 - President's Establishment (Revised)
Vote 2 - Taoiseach (Revised)
Vote 3 - Attorney General (Revised)
Vote 5 - Director of Public Prosecutions (Revised)
Vote 6 - Chief State Solicitor's Office (Revised)
(9 Feb 2022)

Peadar Tóibín: ...restrictions and the length of their imposition. There was also the cancellation of cancer care and consequences for diagnoses, as well as the cancellation of hundreds of thousands of BreastCheck appointments. There were difficulties for the mental health of younger people especially. In the first quarter of 2021, only one country in the whole of Europe had stopped building homes, and...

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