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Results 121-140 of 5,311 for epa

Seanad: Order of Business (23 Jun 2010)

John Ellis: ...Prior to its being returned to the House, would it be possible to obtain clarification from the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, of the prescribed limits relating to discharges from sewage treatment units? I am reliably informed that the EPA is not in a position to provide a definitive indication regarding acceptable...

Written Answers — Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport: Departmental Reviews (19 Jan 2022)

Eamon Ryan: ...Review Q4 2022 Sustainable Mobility Policy Review Q1 2022 Roadside emissions in Dublin: measurements and projections (RED-MAP) (co-funded with the EPA) Q1 2022 Five Year Assessment Report (5YAR) - Writer Support Award – Volume 4 (Realising the benefits of transition and transformation) (Co-funded with...

Written Answers — Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment: Environmental Protection Enforcement (8 Dec 2020)

Eamon Ryan: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) already closely monitors the agriculture sector.  The Industrial Emissions Directive, 2010/75/EU (IED), is the primary instrument in place to control and mitigate the environmental and human health impacts arising from industrial emissions in Ireland. Under both the IEC and the 1992 EPA Act, activities that require an Integrated Pollution...

Written Answers — Department of Environment, Community and Local Government: Septic Tank Inspections (13 Mar 2014)

Phil Hogan: The Water Services (Amendment) Act 2012 assigns responsibility to the EPA to make a National Inspection Plan for domestic wastewater treatment systems. The National Inspection Plan 2013: Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems was adopted and published by the EPA in February 2013. The Plan provides for a minimum of 1,000 inspections to be carried out by the water services authorities (which...

Written Answers — Department of Environment, Community and Local Government: Wastewater Treatment Facilities Inspections (11 Mar 2014)

Phil Hogan: The Water Services (Amendment) Act 2012 assigns responsibility to the EPA to make a National Inspection Plan for domestic wastewater treatment systems. The National Inspection Plan 2013: Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems was adopted and published by the EPA in February 2013. The Plan provides for a minimum of 1,000 inspections to be carried out by the water services authorities (which...

Written Answers — Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment: Environmental Policy (15 Dec 2022)

Eamon Ryan: My Department published its Statement of Strategy, Le Cheile 23, in 2021. The Strategy sets out the five Strategic Goals for the Department up to the year 2023. Strategic Goal 2, the Transition to a Circular Economy and protecting and restoring our environmentidentified 10 specific areas of environmental engagement. Full details of the Statement of Strategy, and the associated actions...

Written Answers — Department of Environment, Community and Local Government: Air Pollution (11 Feb 2014)

Phil Hogan: The site in question operates under an IPC licence granted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The monitoring and enforcement of conditions attaching to IPC licences are a matter for the EPA. All documents relating to individual IPC licences, including inspection information, are available to view on the EPA’s website at . Under the Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992,...

Seanad: Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Bill 2015: Second Stage (14 Oct 2015)

James Heffernan: ...threaten to cut funding. If anything, additional funding should be provided to institutions which have a green agenda. I have raised concerns previously about the Environmental Protection Authority, EPA, including actions it has taken and its governance mechanism. The EPA cannot be trusted to do what it is supposed to do, namely, protect the environment. At times, its agenda appears to...

Written Answers — Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: Assisted Decision-Making (28 Feb 2024)

Anne Rabbitte: ...operating the provisions of the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015, and as such is required to respond to the complex decision-making needs of people with capacity difficulties. My Department is only able to provide figures of the numbers of applications of Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPAs) made to the Decision Support Service since the commencement of the Assisted...

Written Answers — Water Pollution: Water Pollution (7 May 2009)

John Gormley: The EPA reports on Water Quality in Ireland present a review of water quality in various water bodies, including groundwaters, and identify suspected causes of pollution. The EPA also provides details of the quality of urban waste water discharges and sewage sludges in its reports on Urban Waste Water Discharges in Ireland. Local authorities are responsible for the operation and maintenance...

Seanad: Order of Business (3 Dec 2014)

James Heffernan: ...not being delivered. I rise to discuss the issue of the Aughinish Alumina plant in Askeaton in west Limerick. No bond against the company has been secured by the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA. The bauxite waste pools contain corrosive elements and irritants. Should an accident occur, the potential consequence would put Haulbowline in the ha'penny place. The director general of...

Written Answers — Air Quality: Air Quality (14 Oct 2009)

John Gormley: ambient air (2009). Where the indicative level for any pollutant is exceeded, the Air Quality Standards Regulations 2002 require the local authority concerned, following notification by the EPA, to develop a long-term air quality management plan to ensure compliance with the thresholds for the relevant pollutant or pollutants. The EPA reports the results of the air quality monitoring...

Written Answers — Department of Environment, Community and Local Government: Environmental Protection Agency Remit (14 Oct 2014) See 1 other result from this answer

Alan Kelly: The facility in question operates under an Integrated Pollution Control (IPC) licence granted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The monitoring and enforcement of conditions attaching to IPC licences are a matter for the EPA. All documents relating to individual IPC licences, including inspection information, are available to view on the EPA’s website at . Under the...

Written Answers — Waste Disposal: Waste Disposal (28 Apr 2010)

John Gormley: I have received correspondence in relation to this particular landfill facility , which is licensed to operate by the EPA, as is required under section 39(1) of the Waste Management Act 1996 (as amended). The monitoring of compliance with the conditions of the licence is solely a matter for the EPA and is not one in which the Minister has a role. Indeed, section 60(3) of the Waste Management...

Written Answers — Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment: Greenhouse Gas Emissions (18 May 2023)

Eamon Ryan: ...the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are to be found in Irelands’ National Inventory Report. This is compiled and submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) annually to the UNFCCC. The latest report and the supporting information for the period 1990 to 2021 is publicly available on the EPA website ( There are three tiers of...

Written Answers — Air Quality: Air Quality (10 Feb 2010)

John Gormley: ambient air (2009). Where the indicative level for any pollutant is exceeded, the Air Quality Standards Regulations 2002 require the local authority concerned, following notification by the EPA, to develop a long-term air quality management plan to ensure compliance with the thresholds for the relevant pollutant or pollutants. The EPA reports the results of the air quality monitoring...

Written Answers — Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment: Energy Policy (2 Nov 2021)

Eamon Ryan: Enforcement action against breaches of the Air Pollution Act (Marketing, Sale, Distribution and Burning of Specified Fuels) Regulations 2012 is a matter for Local Authorities and my Department does not compile statistics in relation to prosecutions taken or fines imposed. Local Authorities do report information to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) annually regarding...

Written Answers — Department of Environment, Community and Local Government: Water Quality (21 Jul 2016)

Simon Coveney: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) produces an annual “Report on Bathing Water Quality”. The 2015 report shows that Ireland’s bathing waters are among the best in northern Europe, with 93.4% meeting EU minimum standards and 74% attaining “excellent” status. The report also identifies several bathing waters adjacent to urban areas, particularly in...

Written Answers — Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources: Environmental Protection Agency (15 Feb 2017)

Denis Naughten: The Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment seeks to promote environmental protection through putting in place the fiscal policy and statutory frameworks within which the Department and its agencies operate. The Environmental Protection Agency was established as an independent body to, inter alia, monitor the quality of the environment and to ensure overall compliance...

Written Answers — Waste Management: Waste Management (16 Dec 2010)

John Gormley: The facility in question operates under an Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) licence granted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). An IPPC licence is a single integrated licence which covers all emissions from the facility and its environmental management. The monitoring and enforcement of conditions attaching to IPPC licences, including materials handling, are a...

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