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Results 121-140 of 556 for "kenny report"

Seanad: National Asset Management Agency Bill 2009: Second Stage (9 Nov 2009)

Alex White: At that time my party argued, in trenchant terms, that there was no requirement to amend the Constitution in order to implement the principal recommendations made in the Kenny report which was published 35 years ago. These issues were canvassed and debated during the lifetime of the last two or three Administrations. It is not satisfactory for those opposite to simply state they are not to...

Mahon Tribunal Report: Statements (Resumed) (28 Mar 2012)

Maureen O'Sullivan: ...on rezoning. This means an independent planning regulator. Standards in public office ought to be more rigorous and there should be a register of lobbyists. The report recommends also that the Kenny report be implemented in full. The investigation behind this report began in 1971 and the report was published in 1974, and it called for an effective end to land speculation. It was...

Housing for All: Statements (21 May 2024)

Ivana Bacik: We need a radical reset to bring down construction prices, to bring down prices for purchase and rental for households and to ensure genuine affordability. Our Bill from 2021 to implement the Kenny report would represent a major step towards stabilising house prices but we have not seen take-up by Government on that. I will turn to the second pillar, which relates to...

Confidence in the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government: Motion [Private Members] (3 Dec 2019)

Róisín Shortall: ...that what the Minister has in mind for the LDA is not an agency that is socially focused, just as the National Asset Management Agency was not either. Claims by the Minister he is implementing the Kenny report are laughable. The State needs to take control of land prices and the Minister should stop hiding behind the Constitution in that regard. Having a place to call home is a...

Seanad: Order of Business (25 Jun 2014)

Aideen Hayden: ...the cost of the land and the exorbitant profits made by developers in those years. In that context I ask for a debate on the broader construction sector. In particular I would like to dust off the Kenny report published in the 1970s, which was an excellent study into how we prevent a property bubble based on the price of land.

An Bille um an Naoú Leasú is Tríocha ar an mBunreacht (Ceart chun Tithíochta) 2020: An Dara Céim [Comhaltaí Príobháideacha] - Thirty-ninth Amendment of the Constitution (Right to Housing) Bill 2020: Second Stage [Private Members] (3 Jun 2021)

Duncan Smith: two more unless something is done. When we peel back all the complex reasons, this issue comes down to some very simple things. It comes down, in many ways, to the price of land. If we look at the Kenny report, which has been gathering dust now for 50 years, what has stopped that from being implemented? It is the threat that it would be shot down in the courts and might be...

Housing for All: Statements (Resumed) (29 Sep 2021)

Patrick Costello: and to buy. This is an important measure and one the Green Party introduced when we were last in government to try to take the legs out from under land speculation. It was referred to in the Kenny report all those years ago and we finally implemented it. Unfortunately, it was removed in 2015 by the then Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan, so I am very glad to see that it is...

Seanad: Education Policy: Statements (22 Nov 2007)

Déirdre de Búrca: ...plan, in some cases it is not. There would be strong public support for the State to intervene in such situations. The all-party Oireachtas committee that examined the implementation of the Kenny report was of the view that no changes to the Constitution were necessary to implement the provisions of that report. The Kenny report sought to empower local authorities to be able to purchase...

Committee on Housing and Homelessness: Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government (28 Apr 2016) See 1 other result from this debate

Mick Wallace: ...was sold in Clontarf for which the developer paid more than €220,000 per unit. We have not dealt with the issue. It is an absolute scandal that the State has not dealt with land banking. The Kenny report published in 1974 is gathering dust on the shelves. The Minister said that nationalising all aspects of housing is not the answer. Nobody is saying it is the answer. We...

Seanad: Water Services Bill 2014: Committee Stage (19 Dec 2014)

Denis O'Donovan: ...being seen here as impossible to enshrine the right to water in the Constitution. I have heard Mr. Justice Hogan and other constitutional experts say that maybe we should expand and look again at the Kenny report. The right to property was watered down in a local government Act which allowed for social housing needs. Maybe we should think outside the box. What about the right to...

Mahon Tribunal Report: Statements (Resumed) (29 Mar 2012) See 1 other result from this debate

Catherine Murphy: not go to the heart of the problem in terms of their requiring reform of the system. I believe the current system needs to be changed. For example, it is safe to conclude that had the Kenny report been implemented we would not be debating the Mahon report nor would we be in the depth of economic crisis. Prior to establishment of the Mahon tribunal to investigate planning corruption in...

Appointment of Taoiseach and Nomination of Members of Government: Motion (14 Jun 2007)

Trevor Sargent: ...about the change that cannot wait for another five years and cannot wait for the perfect arrangement that anyone in the Opposition may imagine. All they are doing is imagining. For example, the Kenny report has been neglected by every party in Government. Enough is enough, it must be implemented and included in the programme for Government. We will see that it is done. It is not an...

Banking System: Motion (Resumed) (13 May 2009)

Joanna Tuffy: ...years the Government allowed for 90,000 houses, which was totally unsustainable. The All-Party Committee on the Constitution, on which I served, recommended, for example, the implementation of the Kenny report and stated there was no legal or constitutional obstruction to the Government doing this. However, the Government let land speculation and the housing bubble continue despite the...

Land Development Agency Bill 2021: Second Stage (Resumed) (4 Mar 2021)

Bernard Durkan: ...generation have been excluded from the housing market by one means or another. Various reasons have been put forward for that, and I disagree with my colleague, Deputy Lahart, on this one. The Kenny report is meant to be the be-all and end-all of everything. It is not because there were a number of reports around that time. There was the Kenny report, the Myles Wright report and the...

Mortgage Arrears Proposals: Motion [Private Members] (9 Jul 2013)

Joanna Tuffy: a massive gap between what people earn and the price of housing. We have to keep an eye on this issue and put in place steps to address it. I would still be in favour of the implementation of the Kenny report. On an issue I raised in a parliamentary question to the Minister last week, life loans were sold by Bank of Ireland which I do not believe were appropriate to sell to older...

Quarterly Report on Housing: Statements (6 Jul 2017)

Eamon Ryan: ...the market not to keep investing in hoarding land, that it would not turn a quick buck when it was rezoned. I do not know why that measure was removed. It was a sensible lesson and it applied the Kenny report, going back 40 years but for no reason that I can see the last Government withdrew it. It is legal. It was in operation and while it did not raise revenue it was a signal that...

Select Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government: Planning and Development Bill 2023: Committee Stage (Resumed) (11 Apr 2024)

Ivana Bacik: ...Labour Party believe that planning permission should not be used as a means to increase the value of land for sale. We have other amendments in as well looking at implementing some key aspects of the Kenny report. We believe it is essential for the health of our planning and housing systems generally that speculative planning permissions should be reduced and that land should not simply...

Independent Inquiries into Planning Irregularities: Motion (12 Jun 2012)

Maureen O'Sullivan: ...a shopping mall. That is just one example. Other heritage sites are also at risk from extremely bad planning. So much of this could have been avoided. I gave the example from 2004. In 1974 the Kenny report was produced. If that had been implemented, much that was wrong with planning in this country might never have occurred. With regard to the motion, it is a case of what the...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (7 Dec 2023)

Ivana Bacik: ...of Chartered Surveyors Ireland today. The Government is pricing far too many people out of a home and could do much more to address this, such as by passing our Labour Party Bill to implement the Kenny report, or by launching a proactive construction recruitment programme to bring in more construction workers. Yet, we know that some of the price increases that people face when trying to...

Housing (Homeless Families) Bill 2017: Second Stage [Private Members] (15 Nov 2017) See 1 other result from this debate

Brendan Howlin: .... It is unfortunate that the Government decided not to support the Bill. Fianna Fáil did not support it either and it died. However, it had three important components. First was the implementation of the Kenny report after decades to control the price of building land. If we do not do that, we will head into another crisis. I have listened to learned legal opinion that this is a...

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