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Results 121-140 of 5,059 for speaker:Joe O'Reilly

Seanad: Broadcasting Bill 2008: Committee Stage (4 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: "Scrap Saturday" was much more superior.

Seanad: Broadcasting Bill 2008: Committee Stage (Resumed) (4 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: Is it in order to speak to amendments Nos. 25 and 26, to hear the Minister's response to them and then return to speak on amendment No. 105?

Seanad: Broadcasting Bill 2008: Committee Stage (Resumed) (4 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: I find it easier to deal with the amendments in this way. I move amendment No. 25: In page 43, subsection (2), line 33, to delete "any hour" and substitute "any two hours". Amendments Nos. 25 and 26 seek to achieve something simple and practical. The Bill provides that there should be only ten minutes of advertisements in any hour, a principle which is accepted across the House as being in...

Seanad: Broadcasting Bill 2008: Committee Stage (Resumed) (4 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: I am disappointed the Minister has not accepted the amendment or at least the spirit of it and considered other ways of dealing with this matter. In light of the fact that the Minister will not yet accept it, we will try further persuasion on Report Stage and I hope the Minister reflects in the interim.

Seanad: Broadcasting Bill 2008: Committee Stage (Resumed) (4 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: On earlier amendments, I stated I was a great supporter of the concept of a film channel. It is welcome and I congratulate everybody concerned with that initiative. I am delighted it has been included in the legislation. Senator Mullen tabled a well thought out amendment relating to a heritage channel. Amendment No. 105 provides for five minutes per hour of advertising on the film...

Seanad: Broadcasting Bill 2008: Committee Stage (Resumed) (4 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: I accept that.

Seanad: Broadcasting Bill 2008: Committee Stage (Resumed) (4 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: I will withdraw the amendment in order to resubmit it.

Seanad: Broadcasting Bill 2008: Committee Stage (Resumed) (4 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: I move amendment No. 26: In page 43, subsection (2), line 34, after "minutes" to insert "in either hour".

Seanad: Broadcasting Bill 2008: Committee Stage (Resumed) (4 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: I congratulate Senator Mullen on tabling these amendments on which he has invested considerable thought and work. I do not have a difficulty with cases such as that of an advertisement for the Franciscan order which the Senator cited or advertisements for other religious exercises or efforts.

Seanad: Broadcasting Bill 2008: Committee Stage (Resumed) (4 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: While I believe we could amend the legislation to permit this type of advertising, I am concerned by the possibility that removing a prohibition on religious advertising could be used by the Church of Scientology and other sinister sects to influence young people in a negative manner. Senator Mullen clearly has no such ambition and I support his objective of clearing the way for the...

Seanad: Business of Seanad (4 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: Is it in order to point out that people have come here especially and are waiting for this? It is not fair to them.

Seanad: Business of Seanad (4 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: There are people here who have been waiting all night.

Seanad: Order of Business (5 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: Hear, hear.

Seanad: Order of Business (5 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: I support the amendment to the Order of Business to hold a special debate on the economy with specific reference to the national development plan and frontline services. Economic storm clouds are gathering and we have had three concrete pieces of evidence in recent times——

Seanad: Order of Business (5 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: On the basis of the Davy Stockbrokers report, the FÁS projection that one quarter of building workers are about to lose their jobs and the shortfall in taxes of €430 million in May, the debate is warranted and urgent. The Government must accept responsibility for the lack of money following the boom and the lack of improved public services, which also merits debate. In debating the NDP,...

Seanad: Broadcasting Bill 2008: Committee Stage (Resumed) (18 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: My amendment sets out to achieve the objectives of the two previous amendments. It is a question of the best method to achieve the objective. It is important to restate that we have an alcohol problem. We have a problem with binge drinking. There is a frightening culture of drinking among our youth, which has enormous health and social implications. The progression to other forms of...

Seanad: Broadcasting Bill 2008: Committee Stage (Resumed) (18 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: While I thank the Minister of State for his reply, I am disappointed he will not accept amendment No. 35. Senators Alex White and Walsh endorsed the amendment and acknowledged its practical wisdom and other colleagues have informally expressed their support for it. The purpose of the amendment is to place a specific requirement on the BAI to draw up the code in a consultative manner. The...

Seanad: Broadcasting Bill 2008: Committee Stage (Resumed) (18 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: I move amendment No. 35: In page 44, subsection (2), between lines 41 and 42, to insert the following: "(g) A broadcasting code on alcohol advertising, or related matters, shall be drawn up by the Authority in consultation with the relevant industry representatives. If such a code cannot be drawn up, the Authority may, as a matter of last resort, prohibit the advertising of alcohol products...

Seanad: Broadcasting Bill 2008: Committee Stage (Resumed) (18 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: I support the amendments. They are worthwhile and self-explanatory and were well proposed.

Seanad: Broadcasting Bill 2008: Committee Stage (Resumed) (18 Jun 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: I move amendment No. 83: In page 74, subsection (9), line 14, to delete "5" and substitute "7". This section deals with a situation where a licence is due for renewal and there is no realistic challenge to the current licence holder. I welcome that the section provides adequate opportunity for challengers. There is a process whereby challengers can emerge from broadcasting organisations for...

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