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Results 101-117 of 117 for cloud competing

EU-IMF Programme for Ireland and National Recovery Plan 2011-14: Statements (30 Nov 2010)

Enda Kenny: ...of going for interview after interview without anything happening. The real concerns and problems I have mentioned, which are affecting huge swathes of Irish life, are being compounded by the black cloud represented by the borrowing of billions of euro at exceptionally high interest rates that will be difficult to manage. The European Commission said yesterday that the Government's...

Labour Services (Amendment) Bill 2009: Second Stage (Resumed) (14 Oct 2009)

Willie Penrose: .... Otherwise, we will be fixed with the idea that appointments are determined by who one knows. I do not believe that should preclude one from membership because one may well have abilities and competencies that are very important in the context of the board. However, it should be possible, even if one is not subject to scrutiny, for the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Enterprise, Trade...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on European Union Affairs: Engagement with Mr. Michael Russell, MSP, Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland's Place in Europe (7 Feb 2018)

...the main vehicle for a legal withdrawal. Inter alia, however, it empowers UK Ministers to make changes in devolved policy areas without the involvement of the Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament. It also takes straight back to Westminster all the areas of devolved competence currently shared with Europe. Concerns about this approach are shared by all parties in the Scottish...

Finance Bill 2008: Second Stage (5 Feb 2008)

Joan Burton: ...them to acquire transferable skills. There must be a significant focus on retraining and educational opportunities for such workers. Without further up-skilling, many of them will not be able to compete for jobs in expanding areas such as financial services and information technology or develop the specific skills required for NDP investment areas. The time for action on this is now,...

Financial Resolutions 2019 - Budget Statement 2019 (9 Oct 2018)

Michael McGrath: ...and the extension of film relief. The time limited regional uplift in the film relief is an important initiative. Our capital gains tax, CGT, regime for businesses and enterprises needs major reform, as it is currently uncompetitive when set against the jurisdictions with which we compete. CGT is simply too high for people wanting to invest or start their own company. We had asked...

Digital Services Bill 2023: Second Stage (13 Dec 2023)

Louise O'Reilly: ...European Union. The purpose of the EU Digital Services Act is to impose a harmonised set of obligations on intermediary service providers, which include services such as Internet service providers, cloud services, messaging services, marketplaces or social networks, which have an intermediary role in connecting customers with goods, services and content online. The European Commission...

National Surplus (Reserve Fund for Exceptional Contingencies) Bill 2018: Second Stage (Resumed) (29 Jan 2019)

Joan Burton: ...proportion of those people who are now back at work face a serious risk of unemployment and families, individuals, towns and the whole country may again experience distress and hardship. We have the largest cloud hanging over the economy since the bank guarantee, NAMA, the collapse of the banks and the working out of that. I was part of the Government that had to take up the reins of...

Irish Fiscal Advisory Council's Pre-Budget 2015 Statement: Statements (21 Oct 2014)

Michael McGrath: ...appear before the aforementioned finance committee, he is the main spokesperson and is very impressive. This is why Members should take it seriously when someone of Professor McHale's stature and competence must almost threaten in public the tool of resignation, as he put it, for notice to be taken of the council. This is why this debate is fundamentally important because while the...

Government's Priorities for the Year Ahead: Statements (4 Mar 2014)

Brendan Howlin: ...standards we aspire too for our people, and the public services they deserve, are dependent on our ability to earn our way in the world. We are a proud, resourceful and innovative people. We can compete and we are competing. Economic growth is not an end in itself, however. It is the building block with which we construct the kind of Ireland we aspire to - an Ireland where effort and...

Civil Unions Bill 2006: Restoration to Order Paper (31 Oct 2007)

Brendan Howlin: ...are in such relationships who are not recognised by the State in which they work, pay taxes and live. Other issues need to be addressed separately. They should not be brought into this debate to cloud the issue as they were on the last occasion when this measure was debated in this House. The Bill does not address or purport to address the issue of cohabiting couples of the opposite sex....

Seanad: Broadcasting Bill 2008: Second Stage (22 May 2008)

Rónán Mullen: ...consumers of media products and families are becoming increasingly aware of this issue. Parents comment on the challenges they face inculcating good values in their children when they are competing with messages in the marketplace, whether that is the school yard or the field of entertainment and culture. Television is one of prime bearers of the message from the entertainment industry...

Data Protection Bill 2017 [Seanad]: Second Stage (17 Apr 2018)

Charles Flanagan: ...same applies to Departments and all public bodies. The simple fact is that data protection law has not kept pace with the many technological advances and new business models such as social media and cloud computing that have emerged in recent years. Our current law, based on the European Union’s 1995 data protection directive, predates mass Internet usage, hand held devices, apps...

Health (Amendment) Bill 2005: Second Stage. (2 Mar 2005)

Liz McManus: ...accusation of malfeasance in public office. One can only presume that the Minister for Health and Children had chosen her words carefully, so her words open up the scenario that cast doubt on the competence, integrity and liability in the civil courts of public officials and public office holders. It is important that the Minister clarify the time she changed her view and the information...

Seanad: Investment in Science, Technology and Innovation: Statements (11 Oct 2011)

Seán Sherlock: ...; Intel has announced another 200 jobs in Kildare; DELL expects to employ an additional 150 workers between its operations in Dublin and Limerick; VM Ware, the global leader in virtualisation and cloud infrastructure, has announced plans to create 250 new jobs in Cork over three years; while SAP announced plans to expand its workforce by 100 in Citywest, Dublin. These companies are all...

Seanad: European Communities Bill 2006: Second Stage (7 Dec 2006)

Noel Treacy: ...we expressed a vote of confidence in ourselves and our capacity to stand tall among the great nations of Europe. This decision has paid rich dividends. Not only have we shown ourselves capable of competing economically with our European neighbours but we have become genuine Europeans, contributing to the shaping of our continent and no longer typecast by others as history's perennial...

Financial Resolutions 2019 - Financial Resolution No. 4: General (Resumed) (10 Oct 2018)

Micheál Martin: ...a focus solely on policy changes, with the reasonable expectation being that there were other opportunities to review ongoing policies. Unfortunately, now nearly every area is shrouded in a cloud of meaningless figures which tells one almost nothing about new or additional policy decisions which have been taken. It says something about the Government that it put out videos praising...

Seanad: Data Protection Bill 2018: Second Stage (8 Feb 2018)

Charles Flanagan: ...retain. The same applies to Government Departments and public bodies. The simple fact is that data protection law has not kept pace with the many technological advances and new business models such as cloud computing that have emerged in recent years. Our current data protection law, which is based on the EU's 1995 data protection directive, predates mass Internet usage, hand-held...

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