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Results 101-120 of 7,130 for destroyed

Seanad: Order of Business (7 Jul 2016)

Paul Coghlan: It seems strange that five cattle had to be destroyed in the manner they were. However, contrary to what Senator Ó Clochartaigh stated, it was to prevent these cattle from entering the food chain; it had nothing to do with repossession. We all have our views on repossessions. Repossession should obviously only be used be a last resort when all other avenues have been explored. In...

Ceisteanna ar Reachtaíocht a Gealladh - Questions on Promised Legislation (2 Dec 2020)

Matt Carthy: ...tactic on the part of Government. This week we learned that deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon surged in the past year. Over the past 12 months a total of 11,000 sq. km of forest have been destroyed. Most of this forest is destroyed to make way for beef ranches. That beef is expected to supplement or remove Irish beef from supermarket shelves across Europe if the EU Mercosur...

Select Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach: Estimates for Public Services 2018
Vote 13 - Office of Public Works (Revised)
(15 Feb 2018)

John McGuinness: ...OPW spent some flood protection money on it. I understand that some money was given to the business-owner to assist with flood protection. The flooding that occurred before the last major flood destroyed the house again and put the man out of business. He spent his money, restored the premises and got on with it, but the same thing happened again. Is there any relief for someone like...

Seanad: Dog Breeding Establishments Bill 2009: Second Stage (26 Jan 2010)

Niall Ó Brolcháin: There is a suggestion that this will destroy the whole rural way of life for generations. The suggestion that this Bill, which is straightforward animal welfare legislation, will destroy a way of life or a rural culture is a gross exaggeration. I cannot understand from where this is coming. I do not see the logic in it other that there is some ulterior motive which is not being expressed...

Other Questions: Freedom of Information Legislation (14 Dec 2017)

Mick Wallace: ..., accountability and a meaningful archival record." I take it that "thin out" is another word for shredding. It needs to be looked at. Currently, it is only an offence under the FOI Act to destroy a record after a request has been received in relation to that record. We have a situation, for example, where NAMA can destroy all the emails of staff 12 months after they have left and it...

Written Answers — Department of Finance: Drugs Seizures (11 Jun 2015) See 1 other result from this answer

Michael Noonan: .... Year Value of Illegal Drugs Seized 2010 €7,939,292 2011 €21,830,305 2012 €47,136,198 2013 €18,741,251 2014 €89,475,465 Illegal drugs seized by Revenue's Customs service are destroyed in consultation with An Garda Síochána and the Forensic Liaison Office of Forensic Science Ireland. Drugs seized by Revenue that are required for evidence...

Written Answers — Department of Finance: Drugs Seizures (4 Apr 2017)

Michael Noonan: ...full forensic analysis is complete. Year Value of Illegal Drugs Seized €million 2012 49.3 2013 20.8 2014 91 2015 23.1 2016 30.5 Illegal drugs seized by Revenue's Customs service are destroyed in consultation with An Garda Síochána and the Forensic Liaison Office of Forensic Science Ireland. Drugs seized by Revenue that are required for evidence in criminal...

Ceisteanna ar Pholasaí nó ar Reachtaíocht - Questions on Policy or Legislation (24 Nov 2022)

Richard Boyd Barrett: ...Very worryingly, Commandant Daire Roache explained that this is "part of a program that is for partner nations within NATO." Every week, we see further evidence that this Government is trying to destroy what is left of our neutrality and bring us in with NATO by stealth. How on earth can anyone look at this report and see anything other than the Irish Government pushing into a military...

Disclosures Tribunal: Motion [Private Members] (29 Nov 2017)

Peadar Tóibín: ...McCabe. That falsehood was that he was a paedophile. Furthermore, elements of the State sought to base an entire legal strategy around this falsehood. They codified a lie as a legal strategy to destroy a man who was asking honourable and decent questions. The manner in which they did so was calculated and cold. We are faced with the reality that it was not just one person who set out...

Committee on Drugs Use: Decriminalisation, Depenalisation, Diversion and Legalisation of Drugs: Discussion (27 Jun 2024)

...for drug possession and use needs to be funnelled back into communities and into all the services the Deputy has mentioned. It is important to keep to the lens that these communities have been destroyed by drugs, as the Deputy said. Have they been destroyed by drugs or drug policy? To take a step towards ending this harm and destruction of communities, decriminalisation must happen and...

Special Committee on Covid-19 Response: Use of Private Hospitals (2 Jun 2020)

...interest, FEMPI, cuts that all healthcare workers suffered. It is an extra 30% cut that was targeted - and politically targeted - at consultants. It saved the State hardly any amount of money but destroyed the health service and destroyed the recruitment of consultants into the public system and we are still suffering from that cut now.

Seanad Public Consultation Committee: Other Voices on the Constitutional Future of the Island of Ireland: Unionist Community (14 Oct 2022)

...thing that he did not say. He said that unionism could cause a major problem within a reunified Ireland but one of the biggest problems for me is that the extremist nationalism that has tried to destroy Northern Ireland for the last 100 years would not sit comfortably in this country either without the changing of symbolism and so on. It might not just be a problem within unionism. Some...

Topical Issue Debate: Motor Fuels Issues (18 Sep 2014)

John O'Mahony: ...and in the Mayo constituency. It involves mixing kerosene into petrol. Kerosene costs 80 cent per litre and petrol is €1.55 per litre and doing this increases the amount of petrol but it destroys the engines of cars more quickly than laundered diesel was doing some years ago. It has reached epidemic proportions in my constituency over the past number of weeks, as unsuspecting...

Post Office Network: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (26 Feb 2014)

Luke Flanagan: Eventually it will privatiseand destroy it like it has destroyed everything else. I was lucky enough to be brought up in a family where I had an aunt and an uncle who were 50 years and 49 years working in the post office. They were great people and never missed work. My uncle was a hero of the country. He used to deliver cheques to people and if he thought there was an alcoholic in the...

Written Answers — Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: Mother and Baby Homes Inquiries (17 Feb 2021)

Mary Lou McDonald: 521. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth if his attention has been drawn to the fact that the Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation destroyed audio recordings of 550 interviews given to its Confidential Committee; if his attention has been further drawn to the fact that section 43(2) of the Commissions of Investigation Act 2004 provides...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Middle East Issues (7 Nov 2017)

Simon Coveney: ...attention in recent years is the destruction or confiscation of structures funded by the EU and its Member States, including tents and water tanks for families whose homes have already been destroyed. This issue has been discussed on a number of occasions here in the Dáil. Ireland has argued at EU level that Israel should restore or make recompense for structures which have been...

Written Answers — Department of Housing, Planning, and Local Government: Planning Guidelines (3 Mar 2021)

Darragh O'Brien: respect of such an application may be appealed to An Bord Pleanála. Section 193(1) of the Act contains a special provision for structures substantially replacing structures demolished or destroyed by fire. Compensation may be claimed from a planning authority where there has been a refusal of permission for the erection of a new structure substantially replacing a structure...

Written Answers — Tree Felling: Tree Felling (26 Sep 2007)

Mary Coughlan: ...laboratory testing yearly and upwards of a dozen positive findings principally in Dublin and Cork Suburbs, along with a number of findings on nursery stock are detected. All infected plants must be destroyed under the supervision of the Department of Agriculture and Food. It may also be necessary to destroy other adjacent host plants in order to control spread of the disease due to the...

Seanad: Order of Business (3 Oct 2006)

Michael Finucane: ...said. This is a classic example of the consequences of privatisation with the recent arrival of Babcock & Brown from Australia. They know that Smart Telecom is in trouble and are attempting to destroy it with a highly irresponsible action. The regulator is trying to increase competition in the market. Eircom should not forget that the taxpayer initially paid for the infrastructure for...

Seanad: Order of Business (26 Nov 2009)

Alex White: ...done in the future. In part, Members can give voice and have a role in giving voice to people who are faced with this situation on a daily basis. I refer to those whose homes and lives have been destroyed or almost destroyed in many cases. While this is important, others such as the media can do it as well and people can do it themselves. One can see and hear the frustration of people...

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