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Results 101-120 of 231 for speaker:John Carty

Seanad: Irish Agriculture: Motion (12 Nov 2008)

John Carty: Some €355 million has been provided for REPS in 2009, a 17% increase for farmers joining REPS 4 as new entrants and transferees from REPS 2 and 3. This is a major increase and is most welcome. The Minister is to be complimented on retaining this important contribution to farmers' income. Great work was done with this money, particularly in my part of the country where farms are small....

Seanad: Irish Agriculture: Motion (12 Nov 2008)

John Carty: That was not too often.

Seanad: Agriculture Sector: Statements (18 Nov 2008)

John Carty: I thank the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food for coming to the House and taking time out from a busy schedule on his way to Brussels to negotiate on the Common Agricultural Policy health check. I also welcome the Minister of State to the House. I fully agree with Senator Bradford on the importance of Europe to Irish agriculture. I would also like to remind certain farming...

Seanad: Agriculture Sector: Statements (18 Nov 2008)

John Carty: While Senator Healy Eames says "hear, hear", destocking had to take place. At the time it had to be severe, but it should have been reviewed. Within another couple of years, grants will be given to hill sheep farmers to get back into hill sheep from an environmental point of view rather than from an agricultural point of view. Vegetation is occurring at a high rate, so there is a problem...

Seanad: Agriculture Sector: Statements (18 Nov 2008)

John Carty: Tomorrow at 10.30 a.m.

Seanad: FÁS: Statements (2 Dec 2008)

John Carty: I welcome the Minister of State to the House and thank him for his speech. There is great disquiet at recent revelations in the media, primarily through the investigations of Senator Shane Ross, concerning activities in the corporate affairs division of FÁS, especially relating to foreign travel where a massive €643,000 was spent over a short number of years. I welcome the board's...

Seanad: FÁS: Statements (2 Dec 2008)

John Carty: You were masters at it.

Seanad: FÁS: Statements (2 Dec 2008)

John Carty: No, we learned it from you.

Seanad: FÁS: Statements (2 Dec 2008)

John Carty: Ag 10.30 a.m. amárach.

Seanad: Shoppers Task Force: Motion (3 Dec 2008)

John Carty: I move amendment No. 1: To delete all words after "Seanad Éireann" and substitute the following: "recognises: the economic impact of the significant decline in value of sterling against the euro in terms of exports and the effect on the price of consumer goods; that around half the value of goods and services purchased in the State, including the majority of foodstuffs, oral medicines,...

Seanad: Shoppers Task Force: Motion (3 Dec 2008)

John Carty: He thinks he is in the real republic.

Seanad: Shoppers Task Force: Motion (3 Dec 2008)

John Carty: The Senator's party has no solution either.

Seanad: Shoppers Task Force: Motion (3 Dec 2008)

John Carty: Fine Gael has a majority in local government.

Seanad: Order of Business (9 Dec 2008)

John Carty: Much of what I wanted to say has been already raised, especially concerning the pigmeat industry. I thank the Leader for arranging a debate on that subject tomorrow but perhaps he could allocate extra time during the week as well because events are overtaking us. Not only is the pigmeat industry affected, but other agricultural sectors could be as well. I compliment the Minister for...

Seanad: Recall of Irish Pork and Bacon Products: Statements (10 Dec 2008)

John Carty: I welcome the Minister of State, Deputy Sargent, to the House. I compliment him, the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Deputy Smith, and the Taoiseach on the quick and decisive action they took over the weekend in dealing with the recall of Irish pork and bacon products in which dioxins were discovered. There have been comments in the media that the action taken was over the...

Seanad: Criminal Law (Admissibility of Evidence) Bill 2008: Second Stage (10 Dec 2008)

John Carty: We did not hear a Member call one.

Seanad: Report on European Union Scrutiny: Statements (3 Feb 2009)

John Carty: I welcome the Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Deputy Trevor Sargent, to the House. I readily agree with the opening remarks of my fellow county man, Senator Paddy Burke. He referred to what people in County Mayo were obliged to do in the bogs and the hay field. I assure the Minister of State that there was never food cooked or put on a table such as...

Seanad: Report on European Union Scrutiny: Statements (3 Feb 2009)

John Carty: I am delighted to hear it. One aspect of the debate, to which Senator O'Toole alluded, was the matter of small abattoirs and the ways they operated throughout the years. They did much good work and still do, but the local authorities and the Department keep raising the bar and have nearly put them out of business. It was very common in my part of the country to have three, four or five...

Seanad: Order of Business (10 Mar 2009)

John Carty: I wish to be associated with the condemnation of these heinous murders that have taken place in recent days. As a member of the British-Irish Interparliamentary Body, with colleagues from both Houses, I have had many meetings with Sir Hugh Orde and other members of the security forces, both north and south of the Border. I found Sir Hugh Orde a very sensible man who knows what is happening....

Seanad: Telecommunications Services: Motion (25 Mar 2009)

John Carty: I welcome the Minister to the House. The Minister and the Government want to ensure their communications policy drives the Irish economy and breaks the digital divide. The key strategy in that strategy is to ensure there is widespread availability of affordable, always-on broadband for businesses and citizens. I am happy to note that the Minister recognises there is a lack of service in...

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