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Results 101-120 of 12,967 for speaker:Dara Calleary

Lisbon Treaty: Statements (Resumed) (18 Jun 2008)

Dara Calleary: While I acknowledge and accept the result of last Thursday's referendum on the Lisbon treaty, I do not underestimate the damage done to Ireland by the result. The discontent that has arisen from the result is clear from the reports of newspapers and television stations across Europe. I noted it when I listened to the debate in the European Parliament earlier today and when I followed the...

Fishing Industry: Statements (19 Jun 2008)

Dara Calleary: As an island, our nation's character is defined by our relationship with the sea. Fishing in our coastal communities is an integral part of our island and community life. Members have spoken of the battering the fishermen have taken for some time. I endorse Deputy Connick's comments on the efforts made by the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Deputy Smith, and the Minister of...

Intoxicating Liquor Bill 2008: Second Stage (Resumed) (25 Jun 2008)

Dara Calleary: I propose to share time with Deputies Lowry and Finian McGrath. I welcome the proposals before the House from the Ministers, Deputies Brian Lenihan and Dermot Ahern. I particularly welcome the willingness of the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Deputy Ahern, to engage with the various interest groups on whose shoulders it will fall to implement this legislation. The changes...

Victims' Rights Bill 2008: Second Stage (Resumed) (25 Jun 2008)

Dara Calleary: I welcome this debate and the fact that victims will finally be given a chance in our adversarial justice system to have their say. I welcome the Minister's proposals, two of which I will focus on, namely, the reform of the law in respect of victim impact statements and the additional protection afforded victims at the pre-trial stage. The role of victim impact statements has grasped the...

National Development Plan: Motion (Resumed) (9 Jul 2008)

Dara Calleary: I welcome the opportunity to discuss the current developments in the economy. I welcome the initiatives announced yesterday, but these are only part of the solution and there are other actions that we can take that do not necessarily involve expenditure reviews. It is important to remember that the fundamentals of this economy are still very strong. The foundations that have been put in...

Irish Economy: Motion (Resumed) (25 Sep 2008)

Dara Calleary: I wish to share time with Deputies Michael Ahern, Chris Andrews and Michael McGrath. The sight, overnight, of an unusually humble President Bush addressing the American people on the parlous state of their economy is a vivid testimony to the extraordinary economic times in which we find ourselves. They are extraordinary times in which pillars of world commerce, such as Lehman Brothers and...

Irish Economy: Motion (Resumed) (25 Sep 2008)

Dara Calleary: I welcome the plans for public service reform initiated by the Taoiseach when Minister for Finance and to be implemented via the OECD implementation report. Again, Members opposite are great at calling for public service reform but they do not offer any specifics in this regard. They keep telling us about quangos and the bloated system but they will not lay down specifics in terms of where...

Irish Economy: Motion (Resumed) (25 Sep 2008)

Dara Calleary: They publish lists of quangos——

Irish Economy: Motion (Resumed) (25 Sep 2008)

Dara Calleary: ——while Deputy Kenny meets with State bodies around the country and tells them they need not worry as they are not on the list. Deputy Varadkar appears to have separate policies to those of his party on many issues.

Irish Economy: Motion (Resumed) (25 Sep 2008)

Dara Calleary: I welcome the call by the Minister for Finance last night for a wider redundancy programme across the public service. This is not a threat and should not be seen as one. Redundancy programmes are modern management techniques in any workforce. I appreciate the remarks made by Deputy Michael D. Higgins. It is unfortunate members of the media were not in the Press Gallery to hear them....

Irish Economy: Motion (Resumed) (25 Sep 2008)

Dara Calleary: Pressure on oil prices during the summer was partially caused by financial speculators.

Irish Economy: Motion (Resumed) (25 Sep 2008)

Dara Calleary: Those same speculators were also responsible in driving food and commodity prices. The decision by the Financial Regulator to suspend short-term selling is welcome and must be maintained for as long as possible. However, the Minister for Finance, Deputy Brian Lenihan, should spend time, internationally, addressing these issues and should also address through the EU and UN, if possible, these...

Irish Economy: Motion (Resumed) (25 Sep 2008)

Dara Calleary: I have full confidence that the Government can deal with the challenges ahead. Tough decisions will be made and are required to maintain the huge progress we, as an economy, have made in the past 20 years in particular. If the Opposition and, in particular, the main Opposition party, is interested in economic reform and public service reform, as it tells every journalist it is, it is time it...

Irish Economy: Motion (Resumed) (25 Sep 2008)

Dara Calleary: And

Energy Poverty: Motion (1 Oct 2008)

Dara Calleary: Everyone in the House is agreed on the implications of fuel poverty. They have been accentuated this year in an era of crazy energy hikes. As well as calling on the Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Deputy Mary Hanafin, to consider fuel allowances, I ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Deputy Mary Coughlan, to focus the resources of the National...

Broadcasting Bill 2008 [Seanad]: Second Stage (2 Oct 2008)

Dara Calleary: I too welcome this Bill, which is a very practical response to an area that has probably evolved more quickly in the past five years than in the previous 50. The advent of digital technology, the Internet and changed and changing ownership regimes have had more impact on the broadcasting sector than on many others. This Bill brings up to date the necessary legislation and the response to...

Written Answers — Regional Fisheries Boards: Regional Fisheries Boards (7 Oct 2008)

Dara Calleary: Question 412: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the number of salmon angling licences issued in each fishery board region in the years 2006, 2007 and to date in 2008; the number of these licences issued directly by each board; the number issued by agents of each of the boards; if the provisions of data protection legislation or related legislation apply to...

Written Answers — Electricity Sector: Electricity Sector (7 Oct 2008)

Dara Calleary: Question 413: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the incentives the single electricity market can offer to attract new entrants to build technology, for example electricity storage, that would improve the efficiency of fossil fuel generating plants owned by other players; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33854/08]

Written Answers — Electricity Sector: Electricity Sector (7 Oct 2008)

Dara Calleary: Question 414: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the information available to him on available estimates of the amount and value of fuel and emissions that would be saved annually by fossil fuel generating plants here if these plants were able to operate at their design efficiency; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33855/08]

Written Answers — Departmental Funding: Departmental Funding (14 Oct 2008)

Dara Calleary: Question 153: To ask the Minister for Transport the amounts granted to local authorities (details supplied) under all relevant transport headings in each of the years 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and to date in 2008. [34988/08]

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