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Results 81-90 of 90 for dogs segment:8499353

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Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Dangerous Dog Breeds and Sheep Worrying: Discussion (1 Feb 2023)

Ms Nanci Creedon: Every dog. That is why education is critical.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Dangerous Dog Breeds and Sheep Worrying: Discussion (1 Feb 2023)

Erin McGreehan: .... She talks so much sense. If you have children, you might tell them to go to the playroom to calm down because they do not always need to stay in the same room as you. The same is true of dogs. They have their own personalities-----

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Dangerous Dog Breeds and Sheep Worrying: Discussion (1 Feb 2023)

...authorities. I am not sure whether I can speak to the licensing issue because it does not come under the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. I have my own experience, of course, of dog licensing with my own dog. However, I would not like to make a reply on that because it is not our area.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Dangerous Dog Breeds and Sheep Worrying: Discussion (1 Feb 2023)

Martin Browne: Looking at Ms Creedon’s opening statement and the research she said she did, she claims there is no significant difference between a dog on the restricted list and those that are not on it. I would have to disagree with that. I was raised in the country and I would prefer to get a nip in the heel from a little terrier than a pit bull.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Dangerous Dog Breeds and Sheep Worrying: Discussion (1 Feb 2023)

...I also mentioned the national outdoor recreation strategy for which our Department has responsibility. I think Senator McGreehan raised this issue but we have heard many stakeholder concerns about dogs going up mountains. It is an issue. As Deputy Carthy said, the upset that attacks can cause is extraordinary. We have heard the stories and they are very stark and very upsetting.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Dangerous Dog Breeds and Sheep Worrying: Discussion (1 Feb 2023)

Matt Carthy: If ever one wanted to put the word "shortly" into the name of legislation, it would be in the Title of the Dog Breeding Establishments (Amendment) Bill because I have been hearing the word in connection with it for a long time. The heads have been in preparation in every legislative agenda since at least autumn 2020. When will the heads of Bill be published? Do we have a timeframe?...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Dangerous Dog Breeds and Sheep Worrying: Discussion (1 Feb 2023)

Victor Boyhan: I welcome the officials of both Departments. I have some points to put to them. I am conscious that we are dealing with dangerous dog breeds and sheep worrying. That is the heading we are dealing with. I thank the officials for the concise way in which they laid out their submissions. They were circulated to the committee members and we have discussed them. I will first deal with...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Dangerous Dog Breeds and Sheep Worrying: Discussion (1 Feb 2023)

...strategy in our Department as well. A range of stakeholders are involved in putting together that strategy. Some detailed submissions came in in respect of the issue the Senator raised. All dogs should be kept under effectual control at all times.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Dangerous Dog Breeds and Sheep Worrying: Discussion (1 Feb 2023)

Jackie Cahill: I remind members, witnesses and those in the Public Gallery to turn off their mobile phones. The purpose of today’s meeting is to undertake an examination of dangerous dog breeds and sheep worrying. The committee will hear from a canine behavioural expert and officials from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. It will also hear from officials from the Department of...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Dangerous Dog Breeds and Sheep Worrying: Discussion (1 Feb 2023)

Paul Daly: .... There can be no assurances in relation to participation online from outside the parliamentary precincts and members should be mindful of this when contributing. Today's agenda is to discuss dangerous dog breeds and sheep worrying. For the second session, we are joined by the Department of Rural and Community Development which is represented by Mr. Paul Geraghty, principal officer,...

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