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Results 81-100 of 570 for "kenny report"

Order of Business (6 Feb 2007)

Trevor Sargent: ...been estimated that €750 million will be needed. I have asked on previous occasions about this matter. I am still not sure if the promised legislation giving effect to the recommendations of the Kenny report on the affordability of building land and proper planning is promised legislation as the Taoiseach informed me during Question Time. In the case of various pieces of legislation,...

Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions: Social and Affordable Housing Provision (17 Jun 2014)

Mick Wallace: ...will not even function in the interests of the State and the people. If we cannot tell them what to do, we need our own strategic investment bank. A huge problem remains. I have just read the Kenny report and it is complicated. It is difficult to come up with a system to control the price of development land but it is very much worth doing.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government: General Scheme of the Land Development Agency Bill 2019: Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and Land Development Agency (2 Oct 2019) See 1 other result from this debate is useful, we might pull together some information on that aspect for the committee. There are various complexities involved in it. The genesis of much of what is set out in the Bill is in the Kenny report, to which Senator Kelleher alluded, in terms of active land management and so on. NewERA is part of the National Treasury Management Agency, NTMA, family, having been established...

Land and Conveyancing Law Reform (Review of Rent in Certain Cases) (Amendment) Bill 2010: Second Stage (Resumed) (10 Mar 2010) See 1 other result from this debate

Joe Costello: ..., to the Attorney General's advice, which the Minister has not published, and blaming the Constitution as the obstacle. This is exactly the same hands-off position adopted by the Government on the Kenny report on land valuation after rezoning. If implemented at the time it was published, the Kenny report would have prevented most of the corruption of the planning process and the reckless...

Seanad: Rent Certainty (No. 2) Bill 2016: Second Stage (12 Oct 2016)

Denis Landy: ...Housing Act 2015 to bring forward the levy to 2017. This would further encourage the use of vacant land which, as has been said, is lying idle while thousands of people wait on housing lists. The Kenny report of 1973, which has lain on the shelves since then, is adopted in our Bill, with one or two modifications. The issue is constantly being debated as being unconstitutional. In 2004,...

Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis: Context Phase (2 Apr 2015)

...responsibility. Land speculation happens in every single boom. It is not down to firms such as ourselves to fix that because only government can do so. It has been an issue since 1972, when the Kenny report was published. We need to put a system in place that shares the benefit of rezoning decisions and speculation with the wider community and not just for the benefit of the owner of...

Planning and Development (Transparency and Consumer Confidence) Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) [Private Members] (18 Dec 2013)

Séamus Healy: ...paying huge prices for houses. These couples are now in negative equity and have distressed mortgages. Back in the 1970s, when I was a young clerical officer in South Tipperary County Council, the Kenny report on the price and value of building land was published. It was widely accepted and recommended but never implemented. Unfortunately, this means we have had to endure the debacle...

Planning and Development (Strategic Infrastructure) Bill 2006 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed). (14 Jun 2006) See 1 other result from this debate

Séamus Healy: ...on big private developers, local authorities or State agencies. The Bill should be dealing with a series of areas in the planning process but fails to do so. They include the implementation of the Kenny report which was published in the early 1970s. I was a young clerical officer in South Tipperary County Council at the time and I know there was a big welcome for that report by local...

Written Answers — Proposed Legislation: Proposed Legislation (10 Oct 2007)

John Gormley: the Ninth Progress Report of the All Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution (APOCC), on Private Property, was for the implementation of the central proposal of the 1973 majority "Kenny Report", a "designated area scheme" under which local authorities would be empowered to compulsorily acquire land for general development purposes, at its existing use value plus25%, rather than...

Housing Policy: Statements (Resumed). (16 Nov 2005)

Séamus Healy: ...problem. No doubt part of the problem in this regard is the price of building land. When I was a young clerical officer in south Tipperary county council in the early 1970s, all the talk was of the Kenny report which would control the price of building land. Nothing has been done about this in the 30 years since because the people who own that land are supporters of Fianna Fáil and the...

Seanad: Housing Policy: Motion. (7 Jun 2006) See 1 other result from this debate

Noel Ahern: ...of the affordable homes partnership last year, with a focused mandate to co-ordinate and add impetus to the delivery of affordable housing in and around the capital. We can talk about the Kenny report until the cows come home, and the all-party committee's comments last year, but it is a case of spending one's life in the Supreme Court arguing a case or getting on with it.

Select Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government: Land Development Agency Bill 2021: Committee Stage (Resumed) (1 Jun 2021)

Richard Boyd Barrett: to deliver housing to meet housing needs, particularly the need for social and affordable housing. What I would like to see, and what these amendments aim to bring about, is an agency that essentially does what the Kenny report talked about. It should, in an aggressive way, take control of the bank of land for building that is currently largely privately held in order to deal with...

Development Land (5 Apr 2007)

Dick Roche: ...directly but the law is the law and if people behave improperly by excessive use of zoning, it must be curtailed. The legislation will answer the long-standing debate we have had since the Kenny report was published. As regards Deputy O'Dowd's point, I believe it will have the effect of demonstrating that the Houses of the Oireachtas are anxious to ensure that people who have significant...

Housing for All: Statements (28 Sep 2021)

Brian Leddin: ...doing things in a different way and they are all very difficult problems to solve. Every year in this Chamber we talk about housing, and every time we discuss the issue someone mentions the Kenny report. It was often Green Party Deputies who raised the issue of housing as that report gathered another layer of dust on the shelf. I am very pleased this Government will introduce...

Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis: Nexus Phase (29 Jul 2015)

...members of the public. Unfortunately, those inquiries were shut down. The final thing that we did, and it's important ... I really do believe it's important because you can go right back to the Kenny report, back in the '70s, which recommended a windfall tax to deal with this sort of corrupt over-zoning that we were witnessing - that's an 80% windfall tax. And then we went through a...

Housing Strategy: Statements (19 Jul 2016) See 1 other result from this debate

Catherine Connolly: .... I am appalled that the Minister thinks we should give public land bought at the highest prices to private companies on which to build to provide social housing rather than the other way round. The Kenny report has been quoted by the Deputy from the Labour Party. Successive Governments have refused to act on it. We have refused to recognise the long-term gain in providing homes for...

Stabilisation of the Public Finances: Motion (Resumed) (5 Feb 2009)

Pat Rabbitte: ...a number of years — it is on the record of the House — pleaded with the then Taoiseach, Deputy Bertie Ahern, to intervene in the cost of building land and advocated many of the proposals in the Kenny report. At the same time I argued that case with him, my colleague, Deputy Burton, highlighted the extension and continuation of tax incentives to maintain the property bubble while the...

Social and Affordable Housing Bill 2016: First Stage (15 Nov 2016)

Jan O'Sullivan: .... The Bill contains a number of measures including one regarding the amount of compensation made in the compulsory acquisition of land and proposes the implementation of the recommendations in the Kenny report of 1973, following on from the All-Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution, which examined the proposals in 2004 and found that they did not contravene the Constitution...

Seanad: The Economy: Statements (5 Dec 2008)

Denis O'Donovan: ...Constitution which examined and reported on property rights. Some of the conclusions the committee came to in its 2004 report were, however, ignored. People laughed at the findings of the 1970s Kenny report. The committee's conclusions were allied to many of his. Regrettably, not even some of them were taken on board. Some day we may revisit his report and say Kenny was not too far...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (9 Feb 2023)

Ivana Bacik: ...extension of the eviction ban to the end of the year and the strengthening of the tenant in situscheme. We ask for fast-tracking of our constructive legislative proposals: our homeless families Bill, our renters’ rights Bill and our Kenny report Bill. All of those, if adopted and enacted by the Government, could and would make a real difference in addressing the housing crisis.

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