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Results 81-100 of 10,793 for speaker:Colm Burke

Seanad: Order of Business (13 Oct 2011)

Colm Burke: Legislation is processed by member states; it is an ongoing process that goes back and forth between Europe and the member states. Just as the European Parliament sets aside a number of days in Strasbourg each month, why can this House not set aside two days a month to deal specifically with EU legislation?

Seanad: Order of Business (13 Oct 2011)

Colm Burke: It is not an unreasonable amount of time. It is a role the Seanad could undertake and it would be extremely helpful in getting correct information to the public. For two days a month we should deal with nothing but EU legislation. Senator O'Keeffe mentioned that the Common Agricultural Policy will be reviewed. The Leader should invite the European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural...

Seanad: Order of Business. (18 Oct 2011)

Colm Burke: I have heard some of the debate on the radio about the Priory Hall incident. I am surprised at the lack of information. It is not just about the builders being responsible; other people, including engineers, signed off on payments. Planning regulations apply to every property sold and an engineer must sign a certificate of compliance with planning and building regulations. For the...

Seanad: Order of Business. (18 Oct 2011)

Colm Burke: Perhaps the Leader can convey to the Minister the possible need for a change to the regulations in that area.

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Oct 2011)

Colm Burke: I wish to comment on the important matters raised by Senators Quinn and Crown. We are not doing enough in the area of education. With regard to the diplomatic service, last year I had the privilege of being in Georgia in eastern Europe for the local elections. I was joined by a member of the diplomatic corps, a young girl from Dublin based in Bulgaria. She was fluent in Russian because...

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Oct 2011)

Colm Burke: I have a question for the Leader. I will write to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health and Children to ask it to bring in VHI and I call on the Leader of the House to support this move. The agency is in breach of the Competition Authority rules because of they way it is dealing with the matter. The matter should be discussed and dealt with.

Seanad: Health Services: Statements, Questions and Answers (27 Oct 2011)

Colm Burke: I welcome the Minister to the House. I ask the House to bear with me as I have the flu. I hope I will be able to finish my speech. As a member of the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health and Children for the past six months I can confirm to the House that very constructive debate has taken place on a number of policy areas and the Minister has attended and briefed the committee on a number...

Seanad: Order of Business (8 Nov 2011)

Colm Burke: I would welcome a debate on the appointment of the nominee to the Court of Auditors. The information I am getting from Brussels is that there is no enthusiasm for this appointment and it is important that there is a debate in this House. There is a draft report from the committee on budgetary control in Brussels which is being considered and it will go through the full course if the...

Seanad: Order of Business (8 Nov 2011)

Colm Burke: My question is about bringing this matter to the attention of the Minister and about making sure it is dealt with at the earliest possible date. A message must be brought home that statutory agencies are accountable to us and to the people for whom they work. I ask that this matter be brought to their attention at the earliest possible date.

Seanad: Recent Developments in the Eurozone: Discussion with Minister of State (8 Nov 2011)

Colm Burke: I welcome the Minister of State. I refer to the availability of money, in particular for small and medium sized businesses. The Minister of State referred to a structure, or a mechanism, to make money available to small and medium sized companies. Will she elaborate on what is proposed in that regard because it is one of the big problems facing this country? To give her an idea of the...

Seanad: Recent Developments in the Eurozone: Discussion with Minister of State (8 Nov 2011)

Colm Burke: I thank the Minister of State for her response to issues raised by me and Senator Leyden. Given the volume of EU legislation that is coming through, one of the problems is that committees are under pressure. I am a member of the Joint Committee on Health and Children and many issues at a national level are confronting it. The one committee that is working effectively on EU changes is the...

Seanad: Order of Business (9 Nov 2011)

Colm Burke: I wish to join in the debate on Gaza. I visited Gaza as a Member of the European Parliament's foreign affairs committee four weeks after Israel used extreme force, cluster munitions and white phosphorus and got away with it. More than 1,400 people were killed. I fully support the call for a debate on this matter. However, it is important we put it into perspective. Pressure on Israel...

Seanad: Order of Business (9 Nov 2011)

Colm Burke: I am aware of that but I would like to put it into perspective. Israel is the fourth largest exporter of arms in the world and yet in a four year period, it imported $1.4 billion worth of arms and munitions. While the protest helps to highlight the issue, the real pressure should come from Europe and the US because they can force a change in policy. There is a need for a change in policy in...

Seanad: Order of Business (9 Nov 2011)

Colm Burke: A Chathaoirligh, I do not understand-----

Seanad: Order of Business (9 Nov 2011)

Colm Burke: How can this be raised when the matter will be debated next week?

Seanad: Community and Voluntary Sector: Statements, Questions and Answers (9 Nov 2011)

Colm Burke: My involvement in the voluntary sector is based on my legal background and my chairmanship of a community association which employed more than 30 people under a community employment scheme, which worked effectively. Many of the people involved in that scheme had gotten into the rut of being unemployed and found participation in it extremely helpful in terms of assisting them to get back into...

Seanad: Order of Business (10 Nov 2011)

Colm Burke: I wish to raise the issue of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund. There is a vote in the European Parliament next week about this funding. Nearly 6,000 Irish construction workers are entitled to benefit from this, and we have a time limit of seven months in which to make sure all the paperwork is in order and draw down the funding. The total fund will be €55 million and it is for...

Seanad: Order of Business (15 Nov 2011)

Colm Burke: We have no difficulty with Senator Cullinane and his party giving us a detailed written submission on their proposals. I am sure the Minister for Finance will take on board all proposals furnished-----

Seanad: Order of Business (15 Nov 2011)

Colm Burke: -----but we will arrive decisions which are in the best interests of this country. I refer to the role of the VHI in the private health care sector. The company has taken a decision not to cover patients who wish to avail of services at a brand new hospital in Cork. The hospital cost €75 million to build. It is fully equipped with MRI scanners, four new operating theatres and...

Seanad: Order of Business (16 Nov 2011)

Colm Burke: I support the call for a debate on jobs. There is a need to discuss the various issues. Senator Cullinane raised the issue of jobs. It was interesting to read in the newspapers this morning about the difficulties in the other part of this island with job creation. Perhaps he might outline some of the ideas being used in Northern Ireland, where his party is part of the Government.

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