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Results 81-100 of 10,371 for speaker:Róisín Shortall in 'Written Answers'

Written Answers — Third Level Fees: Third Level Fees (8 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 499: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if an examination will be carried out on the case of a person (details supplied) in Dublin 9, as an example of the total inadequacy of income support for mature students with low income; her plans to improve such supports; her views on whether a total of €120 per month in income support is completely inadequate for a mature student...

Written Answers — Nuclear Safety: Nuclear Safety (9 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 101: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the representations he has made to the British authorities about the decision announced in December 2004 regarding their decision to start accepting nuclear waste from around the world for burial in the UK; if he has sought a list of the locations at which the material will be buried and the nature of the...

Written Answers — National Spatial Strategy: National Spatial Strategy (9 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 127: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the progress made to date with regard to implementation of the national spatial strategy; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3914/05]

Written Answers — Social Welfare Benefits: Social Welfare Benefits (9 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 216: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs his policy in respect of the eligibility for unemployment benefit of mothers who give up work due to the cost of child care exceeding their net wage or reducing it to a negligible amount; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4312/05]

Written Answers — Rights of the Child: Rights of the Child (9 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 240: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if his attention has been drawn to the widespread concern among unmarried fathers regarding the lack of legal protection in respect of their right of access to and custody of their children; his views on whether these rights should not be dependent on the discretion of their children's mother but rather enshrined in law;...

Written Answers — Health Service Staff: Health Service Staff (10 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 18: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children if her attention has been drawn to the recent warning from the IMO and the IHCA of the possibility of industrial action unless her Department adopts a more conciliatory approach to a number of industrial relations problems, including the unilateral introduction of the clinical indemnity scheme; the action she intends to...

Written Answers — Private Sector Funding: Private Sector Funding (15 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 169: To ask the Minister for Transport if his attention has been drawn to efforts by Aer Lingus unions to raise their shareholding in the national airline; his views on such a move; the way in which this will affect plans to privatise or sell off any part of the company; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4761/05]

Written Answers — Road Safety: Road Safety (15 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 152: To ask the Minister for Transport his views on the success of Operation Lifesaver for the Christmas and new year period; if his attention has been drawn to the fact that the number of road deaths recorded during this period is back to the level attained before the introduction of penalty points; if he has new initiatives in this regard for 2005; and if he will make a statement...

Written Answers — Health Centres: Health Centres (15 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 207: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children if she will report on the protracted discussions which took place between her Department and the Northern Area Health Board regarding the provision of a new health centre in Ballymun, Dublin 9; the reason it has taken two years for these discussions to be completed while the new facility has lain idle for this two year...

Written Answers — Garda Stations: Garda Stations (16 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 89: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if steps are being taken to address the sub-standard accommodation and facilities in many Garda stations that have in the case of Finglas Garda station led to a threat of a walk-out by members; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4926/05]

Written Answers — Commission on Policing and Crime: Commission on Policing and Crime (16 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 129: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform his views on the report of the Dublin Lord Mayor's commission on policing and crime; if he intends to act on the recommendations contained in the report; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4927/05]

Written Answers — Garda Equipment: Garda Equipment (16 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 206: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if all Garda speed detection equipment has been recalibrated to function on the basis of kilometres rather than miles per hour; the reason there was insufficient time for this task to be carried out prior to the introduction of the new metric speed limits; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4759/05]

Written Answers — Garda Equipment: Garda Equipment (16 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 207: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he has investigated the situation with regard to the validity of hundreds of speeding summonses after it emerged that some of the forms used by gardaí failed to stipulate whether traffic offenders were driving in miles per hour, or kilometres per hour; if his attention has been drawn to the fact that a number of cases...

Written Answers — Tax Code: Tax Code (22 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 164: To ask the Minister for Finance the details of all section 50 student accommodation schemes approved since the inception of the schemes; if he will provide a breakdown of the location and number of bedspaces approved by each participating college; the mechanism whereby such student accommodation is monitored to ensure that it is used by students of the approving colleges; and if...

Written Answers — Road Safety: Road Safety (22 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 242: To ask the Minister for Transport the legal position in respect of the widespread use of quad-bikes by young people; if these bikes come within road traffic legislation; if it is legal for minors or adults to ride these bikes on public roads or public open spaces; the person who is liable in respect of injury to persons or to property caused by one of these bikes; and if he will...

Written Answers — Garda Stations: Garda Stations (22 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 315: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the reason for the delay in progressing the new Garda station promised for Ballymun; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [5919/05]

Written Answers — Tax Code: Tax Code (22 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 320: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if, in respect of the operation of section 50 tax relief for student accommodation, there is any conflict of interest on the part of third level institutions where they are the regulator of the scheme and in many cases are providers of the scheme; and if she has any plans to review this aspect of the scheme. [5914/05]

Written Answers — Special Educational Needs: Special Educational Needs (22 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 322: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the position regarding the provision of special services for children with Asperger's syndrome at St. Joseph's secondary school in Fairview; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [5619/05]

Written Answers — School Management: School Management (22 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 346: To ask the Minister for Education and Science, further to Parliamentary Question No. 333 of 2 February 2005, if her attention has been drawn to the fact that the new board of management for the Ballymun comprehensive schools will comprise representatives of both parents and teachers; and her views on the fact that there is no further delay in appointing the board. [5950/05]

Written Answers — Schools Building Projects: Schools Building Projects (22 Feb 2005)

Róisín Shortall: Question 347: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the nature and extent of capital works which need to be carried out to the Ballymun comprehensive schools prior to the amalgamation of these schools taking place; and when funding will be provided for these works. [5951/05]

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