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Results 61-80 of 584 for "kenny report"

Ceisteanna - Questions: Cabinet Committee Meetings (29 Nov 2016)

Brendan Howlin: ...Party which has drafted legislation on two issues. I ask the Taoiseach to give these two issues careful attention. The first is that of rent certainty and the second is the implementation of the Kenny Report on building land which is long overdue. We are all responsible for the fact the recommendations of that report have not been implemented which would ensure that building land was...

Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis: Nexus Phase (16 Jul 2015)

...pressed in the House to go back and look at land prices when it was showing that land prices had moved from 12% of the cost of house to 25%, to go back and look at the housing report names ... the Kenny report of years earlier and I did that. I spent a considerable amount of time with the then Attorney General looking to see what could we do short of a constitutional referendum on...

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions: Land Issues (3 Mar 2022)

Gerald Nash: ...All strategy have yet to be delivered on. We have been told now that we will have to wait until next year for the implementation of those plans. Land value sharing was a key recommendation of the Kenny report and we resurrected those principles in a Labour Party Bill from last year. It is, effectively, as the Minister of State knows, a mechanism to allow the State to realise the benefit...

Proposed Legislation. (8 Mar 2006) See 1 other result from this debate

Dick Roche: .... I will find out whether it is a general practice because I concur with the Deputy that there should be a senior official in the local authority who can be consulted in a value free manner. On the Kenny report, the Deputy will be aware of the differing opinions on the issue of constitutionality but I suggest that we will not discuss these today.

Ceisteanna (Atógáil) - Questions (Resumed): Constitutional Amendments (9 Sep 2020)

Alan Kelly: ...would have to be held as soon as possible. This was given the electorate's clear desire for that. There is no mention of that in the programme for Government. Why did it disappear? We all talk about the Kenny report. Why did that commitment from Fianna Fáil from the framework document disappear from the programme for Government? Will the Taoiseach outline in detail what he is...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (13 Dec 2022) See 1 other result from this debate

Ivana Bacik: ...that State intervention is now needed to end land speculation and land hoarding and to see a speeded-up delivery of housing. In particular, we in the Labour Party introduced a Bill to enact the Kenny report, a report which if enacted - this report will be 50 years old next year - would have done a great deal to ensure an end to land hoarding. Will the Taoiseach speed up and see to the...

Legislative Programme. (6 Feb 2007)

Trevor Sargent: ...the House considered this question. I refer to the All-Party Committee on the Constitution, which the Taoiseach mentioned. Is it now clear that the implementation of the recommendations of the Kenny report will not require a referendum? The Taoiseach mentioned in his reply to me the last time we spoke about this matter that the Bill to give effect to those recommendations was being...

National Asset Management Agency Bill 2009: Second Stage (Resumed) (17 Sep 2009) See 3 other results from this debate

Mary White: ...of the common good, with the supply and cost of building land". When he established the committee Deputy Quinn said the problem of land prices had got worse and had not eased since 1973 when the Kenny report was submitted to Government. Neither that nor subsequent Labour Party Governments addressed this issue. We in the Green Party are ensuring, through this measure, that land...

Leaders' Questions (25 Oct 2006)

Trevor Sargent: ...away with approximately €250,000 before foundations are even laid. Will the Taoiseach do anything about this matter? When I asked him about it, he said he was and still is in favour of the Kenny report. I asked about the legislation and he said it was being drafted, that he was pressing to get on with it and that he did not agree with me. He said he would try to address the matter...

Urban Regeneration and Housing Bill 2015: Report Stage (Resumed) (8 Jul 2015) See 1 other result from this debate

Mick Wallace: ...It seems to emerge on a regular basis as a reason for not doing the right thing far too often. We were looking at something similar when there was contemplation of implementing the findings of the Kenny report in the 1970s. Some people would argue that our Constitution gives greater rights to property than it does to the individual. It does need to be addressed. It would be so much...

Housing Provisions: Motion. (25 May 2004) See 1 other result from this debate

Jan O'Sullivan: ...all the interests in this House. There was no dissent on the recommendation which, as my colleague, Deputy McManus said, was that of the Labour Party, namely, we could implement the terms of the Kenny report and there was no need to change the Constitution, particularly in order to address the issue of providing affordable land to local authorities so they build houses or arrange for...

Death of Former Taoiseach: Expressions of Sympathy. (13 Jun 2006)

Trevor Sargent: ...for examining where rules need to be put in place for planning and land rezoning and bringing together that huge divide in Irish society between those who have property and those who do not. The Kenny report of 1973 should be the catalyst to bring us forward and leave behind what was a murky past. Charles Haughey was identified with that past, although unfairly in many ways. He undertook...

Social and Affordable Housing Bill 2016: Second Stage [Private Members] (8 Dec 2016) See 2 other results from this debate

Jan O'Sullivan: if people had not made a huge amount of money out of the rezoning of agricultural land. It resulted in tribunals and huge problems around the edge of Dublin. It is as if there had been no proposal in the Kenny report, which is about 40 years old now, that the compulsory purchase of land for social housing should not result in extortionate profits for the owners. The Kenny report...

Affordable Housing: Motion [Private Members] (8 May 2024)

Gino Kenny: ...that all landlords are bad but this money could be better spent on improving affordability, sociability and availability. That is the key to what we are talking about. I will make a final point. I have heard a lot about the Kenny report. I hope I will be corrected if I am wrong but this report was published in 1973. As far as I know, it was produced by a special committee of the...

Planning and Development (Housing) and Residential Tenancies Bill 2016 [Seanad]: Report Stage (Resumed) (16 Dec 2016)

Jan O'Sullivan: the previous Government. We proposed it should come forward earlier than intended. That is also why we proposed in our Bill last week that we should implement the recommendations of the Kenny report, which would be a deterrent to developers sitting on land which could be used for building social houses in the future.

Finance Bill 2014: Second Stage (Resumed) (5 Nov 2014)

Fergus O'Dowd: ..., obviously, is going to happen, but the key aspect is regulating the price of building land. This issue was raised a long time ago. I think Deputies Peter Mathews and Thomas P. Broughan might remember the Kenny report when we were just four or five years of age. Do the Deputies remember it?

Private Members' Business. Building Control Regulations: Motion (6 Jun 2012)

Séamus Healy: ...those who are responsible for what happened during what can only be described as the disgraceful orgy by developers in recent years. These are the same people who prevented implementation of the Kenny report recommendations on the price of building land many years ago. Had they been implemented, the major difficulties we have encountered in recent years would at least have been...

Written Answers — Proposed Legislation: Proposed Legislation (20 May 2008)

John Gormley: the Ninth Progress Report of the All Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution (APOCC), on Private Property, was for the implementation of the central proposal of the 1973 majority — Kenny Report — a "designated area scheme" under which local authorities would be empowered to compulsorily acquire land for general development purposes, at its existing use value plus 25%,...

Affordable Housing: Motion [Private Members] (7 Jul 2020)

Cian O'Callaghan: ...the existing land use values and acquire land at the existing land value. There is nothing new in that idea; it was proposed in Ireland, as everyone in the House will know, some 47 years ago in the Kenny report. The current Taoiseach stated two years ago that he was examining whether the Kenny report could be implemented but there has been silence on that since. That is what we should...

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