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Results 61-80 of 1,039 for speaker:Barry Ward

Seanad: Ábhair Ghnó an tSeanaid - Matters on the Business of the Seanad (5 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: Ba mhaith liom labhairt ar feadh nóiméid faoi chlárúcháin vótála. The deadline for registration on the draft register of electors is 25 November next. It is important to encourage people to register to vote so that they have a say in the next election, whenever that might be. It is also important to remind people that no matter where they come from, as...

Seanad: Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud Offences) (Amendment) Bill 2020: Order for Second Stage (5 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: I move: "That Second Stage be taken now."

Seanad: Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud Offences) (Amendment) Bill 2020: Second Stage (5 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: I welcome the Minister of State back to the House. Like my colleague, Senator Gallagher, I welcome the Bill. Fine Gael is supporting this legislation which is very important to implement the existing directive relating to these matters. This legislative measure comes at the end of a long path of legislation in this area. Obviously, theft, fraud and dishonesty offences are as old as time....

Seanad: Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud Offences) (Amendment) Bill 2020: Second Stage (5 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: Next Tuesday.

Seanad: Criminal Justice (Enforcement Powers) (Covid-19) Act 2020: Motion (6 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: I move: That Seanad Éireann resolves that the Criminal Justice (Enforcement Powers) (Covid-19) Act 2020 (No. 14 of 2020) shall continue in operation for the period beginning on the 9th day of November, 2020 and ending on the 9th day of June, 2021.".

Seanad: Criminal Justice (Enforcement Powers) (Covid-19) Act 2020: Motion (6 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: I support the motion that the Minister has put before the House in circumstances where I think it makes perfect sense. The legislation passed by this House a number of months ago was introduced in a context where some Members in both Houses complained of what they considered to be its draconian aspects. There were legitimate concerns about that, and there were also some who raised concerns...

Seanad: Seanad Electoral (University Members) (Amendment) Bill 2020: Second Stage (10 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: I welcome this Bill and I commend Senators Byrne, Cassells and Casey on bringing it forward. The Minister of State has said he will support it, and I welcome that. I welcome him to the House. He has a very interesting portfolio and I am looking forward to much of the work he outlined in his speech this evening. It is not true to say that everybody welcomes the Bill. We heard speeches...

Seanad: Seanad Electoral (University Members) (Amendment) Bill 2020: Second Stage (10 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: I do not believe that is a fair comment from Senator Mullen because I have always supported this House and have always been a strong supporter of Seanad reform. I listened to what Senator McDowell said about his first preference vote. I am not being vainglorious in saying that of the 47 panel Senators and the six university Senators elected earlier this year I got the lowest first...

Seanad: Seanad Electoral (University Members) (Amendment) Bill 2020: Second Stage (10 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: I am in no way a small parcel. However, Senator McDowell is somewhat comparing apples with oranges when talking about the different votes because the electorates and the size of the electorates on each panel are very different. There is a danger of suggesting that this House should be elected in the same way as the Dáil is elected. I doubt that anybody is suggesting that, but we do...

Seanad: Political Donations: Motion (11 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: I move: "That Seanad Éireann: notes: - the decision of Sinn Féin to accept a donation in excess of €4 million from the estate of William Hampton; - that the maximum donation allowable under Irish electoral law is €2,500 and that this donation to Sinn Féin is more than 1,600 times the maximum allowable donation; - that the will of Mr. Hampton...

Seanad: Political Donations: Motion (11 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: I am pleased to propose this motion on behalf of the Fine Gael group in the Seanad. It comes in the context of the legislation that relates to political donations and political funding in Ireland. All of us in this House know that in the past, the culture of political donations in Ireland involved politicians receiving money without any oversight or transparency. We are acutely aware of...

Seanad: Political Donations: Motion (11 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: I would happily answer. The Senator should not ask a question and then not allow time to answer.

Seanad: Political Donations: Motion (11 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: Gabhaim buíochas leis an Aire Stáit as ucht a chúpla focal agus as ucht an tacaíocht don rún freisin. In bringing this motion before the House I sought to raise an issue that needs to be addressed by this House. I agree with Members who expressed regret that we have used our Private Members' time to do this. I agree that it is regrettable that we have had to do it....

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (17 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: I wish to raise the issue of local harbours. Recent changes in legislation have meant that harbour companies were abolished and their responsibilities were transferred to local authorities. That is welcome. Any element of local democratic involvement in the operation of harbours was removed in 2009 and councillors were removed from the boards of those companies. Harbours are now being...

Seanad: Criminal Justice (Hate Crime) Bill 2020: Second Stage (17 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: This type of legislation is welcome. I agree with almost everything Senator O'Loughlin said in her contribution introducing the Bill to the House. I commend her and her colleagues on bringing it forward. It is timely and, regrettably, it is also necessary. A number of Senators recounted the stories many of us will be aware of, including famous cases like that of Declan Flynn, where the...

Seanad: Seanad Bill 2020: Second Stage (18 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: I also join with other Members who have congratulated the signatories to this Bill on the work involved in it. I do not know if I can say this definitively but physically it is probably the largest Private Members' Bill that has ever come before the House. There is an enormous amount of work in it and I recognise the acknowledgement of the work done by Dr. Maurice Manning and the committee...

Seanad: Seanad Bill 2020: Second Stage (18 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: Yes, there is also a lack of press coverage. I, of all people, would like to do more about that but it is not within my gift, unfortunately. Last week, when we debated the Bill brought forward by Senator Byrne and his colleagues, I said that in 2003, the then Senator Mary O'Rourke, who I believe was Leader of the House at the time, chaired a committee on Seanad reform to which I...

Seanad: Seanad Bill 2020: Second Stage (18 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: Senator Norris said it last week in the debate. Unfortunately, I did not have time to contradict him but I will do so today. The Senators who are elected by local authority members around the country are democratically elected Members of this House. They are indirectly democratically elected in exactly the same way as the Taoiseach. Nobody ever suggests the Taoiseach is not democratically...

Seanad: Combating Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: Statements (24 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: I propose to share my time with Senators Currie and Carrigy.

Seanad: Combating Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: Statements (24 Nov 2020)

Barry Ward: I am grateful to Senator Gallagher for allowing me to speak because I wish to put on the record my appreciation for the work the Minister has done in this area. The understanding and the commitment she has had in this area are reassuring and impressive. She has listed off a number of schemes that are already in place to address these issues. When I say "these issues", this is a huge area....

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