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Results 61-80 of 190 for speaker:Mark Dearey

Seanad: Interception of Gaza-bound Humanitarian Flotilla: Statements (2 Jun 2010)

Mark Dearey: I wish to share time with Senator Ó Brolcháin with the agreement of the House.

Seanad: Interception of Gaza-bound Humanitarian Flotilla: Statements (2 Jun 2010)

Mark Dearey: I welcome the Minister. Senator Quinn is looking through the wrong end of the telescope on this issue and I was astonished by his contribution which struck me as ill-informed and grossly misplaced. As Senator Doherty remarked, we find ourselves much in agreement with Senator Quinn in this House but in this case his contribution was beyond the beyonds. The Rachel Corrie is on its way to the...

Seanad: Order of Business (15 Jun 2010)

Mark Dearey: I support the requests for a debate on foot of today's publication of the Saville report and the Prime Minister Mr. Cameron's statements thereon, which I believe will be delivered in approximately half an hour's time in the House of Commons in England. Moreover, I ask for such a debate at the earliest possible time. Were it to take place next week, it would be most timely. I ask for this...

Seanad: Provision of Health Services by the HSE: Statements (16 Jun 2010)

Mark Dearey: I appreciate the opportunity to address the Minister directly. As I have only two minutes in which to do so, I need to cut to the chase. I refer to what is probably the most intractable network, the north east, my own area, and my analysis of how the problem might be addressed by the Minister. I have looked carefully at Parts 7 and 10 of the Health Act 2004 which describe in broad terms...

Seanad: Dog Breeding Establishments Bill 2009: Report and Final Stages (16 Jun 2010)

Mark Dearey: For Senator Cummins to employ hyperbole with regard to this issue — and hyperbole is what it is — does not serve him at all. I have lived for most of my life within sight of my local greyhound track. I am the nearest neighbour to the greyhound track on the road out of Dundalk.

Seanad: Dog Breeding Establishments Bill 2009: Report and Final Stages (16 Jun 2010)

Mark Dearey: Fr. John Harrington, who is present in the Gallery, will confirm this.

Seanad: Dog Breeding Establishments Bill 2009: Report and Final Stages (16 Jun 2010)

Mark Dearey: I have received a single telephone call on this matter and for an industry that supposedly is being brought to its knees, that is an extraordinarily low level of lobbying and if that is the case, it shows an extraordinary degree of complacency. It leads me to conclude that Senator Cummins's comments are grossly exaggerated.

Seanad: Dog Breeding Establishments Bill 2009: Report and Final Stages (16 Jun 2010)

Mark Dearey: The concept of over-regulation is another canard I wish to put to rest. Every sector and industry worth its salt is regulated. The principle of being self-financed——

Seanad: Dog Breeding Establishments Bill 2009: Report and Final Stages (16 Jun 2010)

Mark Dearey: The principle of being self-financed stands other sectors in good stead. In the sector in which I work, I must contribute to my own regulation. That is the way it is across the board and the costs are not excessive. This measure will improve the overall standing of the industry in the eyes of the public and of the market abroad, where the Irish puppy breeding industry does not enjoy a good...

Seanad: Dog Breeding Establishments Bill 2009: Report and Final Stages (16 Jun 2010)

Mark Dearey: I would have considered that I was an obvious person to contact.

Seanad: Order of Business (Resumed) (17 Jun 2010)

Mark Dearey: I thank the Leader for arranging for the Minister for Health and Children, Deputy Harney, to come in yesterday to debate the health issues of the day in the House. It was a useful hour with her. Unfortunately, the debate had to be curtailed and I understand she is due back in - I wonder could he confirm when - to conclude that debate. When communicating with her, he might ask if she could...

Seanad: Offences against the State (Amendment) Act 1998: Motion (17 Jun 2010)

Mark Dearey: I also support this legislation because, as the Minister stated, the dissident threat is and has been for some time at a high level and recently manifested in a number of highly disturbing incidents. Gun murders have taken place on this side of the Border for the first time in many years and there has been a series of disruptive and sinister events north of the Border, particularly in...

Seanad: Order of Business (29 Jun 2010)

Mark Dearey: I ask the Leader for an urgent resumption of the debate on health services we had in the House with the Minister for Health and Children the week before last. During that debate, I put it to her that the reconfiguration of health services in the north east was being done in a hasty and premature way given the inability of the Lourdes hospital in Drogheda to deal with the additional load...

Seanad: Employers' Job Incentive Scheme: Motion (30 Jun 2010)

Mark Dearey: A job is a very precious thing. It underpins people's lives and provides a bedrock for family stability. It generates a sense of self esteem for the person holding the job and it creates wealth and spending power in the local economy. All of these features are significant pluses in any individual's life. I say as much to underscore my understanding of how important jobs are. Senator...

Seanad: Order of Business. (1 Jul 2010)

Mark Dearey: I agree with the calls for a debate on waste management, the issue underpinning the points, some of them valid, on the legitimate expectations to which Senator Regan referred. I do not doubt that the Minister is aware of the requirements for consistency with legitimate expectations, but the situation is more complex, as he warned the incinerator's promoters that the waste management strategy...

Seanad: Order of Business. (1 Jul 2010)

Mark Dearey: I have asked him for a debate on waste management. There are issues on which morality demands a free vote, but civil partnership is not one of them. It is a civil rights and civil law issue. It is about succession, inheritance, social welfare and the State-----

Seanad: Order of Business. (1 Jul 2010)

Mark Dearey: -----recognising and applying civil rights to people who are deserving of them, no matter their sexual orientation and so on.

Seanad: Order of Business. (1 Jul 2010)

Mark Dearey: There is no moral issue.

Seanad: Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2010: Second Stage (1 Jul 2010)

Mark Dearey: I thank Senator Corrigan for sharing time with me. I have a particular interest in this issue. I do not like to drag my good wife into the debate, but she has worked in St. Luke's Hospital and the cancer centre in Belfast as a senior radiation therapist. As such, she has a particular insight into the issues involved. I asked her the other night whether patients from County Donegal being...

Seanad: Order of Business (2 Jul 2010)

Mark Dearey: Will the Leader plead with the Minister of State with responsibility for children, Deputy Barry Andrews, and the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform regarding the fate of approximately 70 so-called aged out minors? These are young people who came to Ireland, often trafficked, and have reached the age of 18 years. They are being moved from the facilities they currently occupy,...

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