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Results 61-80 of 5,059 for speaker:Joe O'Reilly

Seanad: Criminal Law (Human Trafficking) Bill 2007: Committee Stage. (26 Feb 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: I am pleased my constituency colleague, the Minister of State, Deputy Smith, is present to deal with this legislation. I welcome him to the House. On behalf of the Fine Gael Party, I join Senator Alex White in welcoming this legislation. Second Stage has been dealt with and I do not propose to make a Second Stage speech, other than to cursorily state — as I did not participate in the...

Seanad: Order of Business (28 Feb 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: The survey by the Irish Primary Principals' Network displays a clear shortage of money for the day-to-day running of our schools and this is very disturbing. The 455,000 pupils in our primary schools are being subsidised by their parents to the tune of one euro a day and this cannot be easy in all circumstances. The schools and the parents' associations are running cake sales and a myriad...

Seanad: Order of Business (11 Mar 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: Ba mhaith liom aontú leis an tSeanadóir Ó Murchú maidir le úsáid na Gaeilge sa Teach. Ba chóir dúinn Gaeilge a úsáid i ndíospóireachtaí agus tá dualgas ar na meáin chumarsáide é a phiocadh suas agus a fhoilsiú. Aontaím go mór le sin. Molaim do mo chairde go léir anseo an Ghaeilge a úsáid go rialta, agus gach seachtain más féidir linn. My colleague, Deputy Frances...

Seanad: Criminal Law (Human Trafficking) Bill 2007: Report and Final Stages (11 Mar 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: I move amendmentNo. 12: In page 10, between lines 25 and 26, to insert the following: "12.—(1) Subject to the subsequent provisions of this section, a person who is an alleged victim of an offence under section 3 or 5, or section 3 (other than subsections (2A) and (2B)) of the Act of 1998, shall be given leave to remain in the State by the immigration officer concerned. (2) Subject to the...

Seanad: Order of Business (19 Mar 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: I support the proposal put by Senator Fitzgerald and seconded by Senator Alex White for a full debate on the undocumented Irish. These people are experiencing significant hardships and we have a humane duty to help them. They have difficulties in terms of returning home for family funerals and organising their lives in the US. It was wrong of the Taoiseach to disregard the decision of the...

Seanad: Services for People with Disabilities (19 Mar 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: Ba mhaith liom fáilte a chur roimh an Aire. The new unit for eight intellectually-disabled people at Milltown, Monaghan town, is a state of the art facility. The house is fully fitted and ready for use and was officially opened by President McAleese on Thursday, 17 January 2008. It is part of the implementation of Part 2 of the Disability Act 2005. The objective is to provide sheltered...

Seanad: Services for People with Disabilities (19 Mar 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: I thank the Minister for his reply. I accept the statement he made in respect of the two earlier matters to the effect that he is limited in what he can say. It appears there is a glimmer of hope for the people of Monaghan in that meetings are due to take place. Sanity may be about to prevail. I appeal to the Minister to inform the Minister for Health and Children that it is beyond belief...

Seanad: Order of Business (20 Mar 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: Hear, hear.

Seanad: Order of Business (20 Mar 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: Senator Fitzgerald——

Seanad: Order of Business (20 Mar 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: Senator Fitzgerald aptly and correctly put the Lisbon treaty on the agenda today and sought a response from the Leader. I consider it of significant national importance that we pass the Lisbon treaty. It goes without contradiction that our membership of the European Union has had enormous social and economic implications for this country. I wish to raise with the Leader one issue that is a...

Seanad: Order of Business (8 Apr 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: Recent Exchequer returns indicate a serious reduction in the tax take. It is undergoing radical decline in terms of budget projections and in absolute terms. This will result, and is resulting, in cutbacks and retrenchment, particularly in current expenditure. I am very concerned that these cutbacks are focused on front line services such as the reduction in home helps, the cancellation of...

Seanad: Order of Business (9 Apr 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: Among Senator Keaveney's many talents, it would seem she is also a latent poet. I join in the congratulations to the Tánaiste. We are all delighted that we will start to put socioeconomic issues and the real issues for the people at the top of the agenda once more. There is no more pressing an issue impinging on this country than the World Trade Organisations talks which are going a bit...

Seanad: Order of Business (10 Apr 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: In deference to the Cathaoirleach's wish that we be brief, I rise only to formally second Senator Ryan's proposition that we consider the Consumer Protection (Amendment) Bill 2008 today. I welcome the cross-party support for a very urgent and full debate on the most pressing crisis confronting our country at present, the WTO talks.

Seanad: Order of Business (22 Apr 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: I missed the opportunity last week to be associated with the congratulations to Senator Cannon on his elevation and offer my congratulations to him today. I also congratulate Senator Terry Leyden on his elevation to the vice presidency of his political grouping within the Council of Europe last week. I wish to raise an issue I raised at the beginning of the year, namely, the serious gridlock...

Seanad: Schools Building Projects: Motion (23 Apr 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: I thank my colleague, Senator McFadden, for being so generous in sharing time with me. I welcome the Minister of State, Deputy Seán Haughey, a former member of this House. I congratulate my INTO colleague, Senator Joe O'Toole, on tabling this excellent and timely motion with his Independent colleagues. I try not to be deliberately political in this House but it remains the case that the...

Seanad: Schools Building Projects: Motion (23 Apr 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: Government Deputies and Senators have access to information on planned works and break the news locally before the public announcement.

Seanad: Schools Building Projects: Motion (23 Apr 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: The imminent building of a number of schools — there is a glaring case in my own area in Virginia, County Cavan — was announced during the previous general election, but as yet there is not a sod turned. Unfortunately, such sinister and cynical announcements are common in politics at present and this needs to change. We need objective criteria and fair, transparent tracking procedures....

Seanad: Order of Business (24 Apr 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: I support and second Senator O'Toole's departure from standard political correctness this morning to say that we should not introduce the lowering of alcohol levels without the empirical evidence to support it. Will the Leader request the Minister to bring the supporting data before the Houses of the Oireachtas. Should the data produce the compelling evidence that a reduction in the limits...

Seanad: School Accommodation (24 Apr 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: Cuirim fáilte roimh an Aire and I wish to share time with my constituency colleague Senator Wilson.

Seanad: School Accommodation (24 Apr 2008)

Joe O'Reilly: St. Mary's primary school in Virginia has an enrolment of 355 students. The school was originally built to cater for 150 students. Since being built, St. Mary's has never had an upgrade. The school uses ten portakabins, two of which were paid for by the parents in the parish at a cost of €58,000. The total cumulative cost of the rent of the portakabins to date is €98,473. I have...

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