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Results 41-60 of 3,749 for speaker:Ciarán Cannon

Seanad: Volunteering in Irish Society: Statements (14 Oct 2008)

Ciarán Cannon: I welcome the Minister of State who has a serious grasp of the value of the voluntary sector, the challenges facing it and how we should address these. I welcome this opportunity to speak on the important role of volunteerism in the life of our country and how Government can proactively support and encourage the many people who generously give of their time in the service of others. We are...

Seanad: Death of Member: Expressions of Sympathy (18 Nov 2008)

Ciarán Cannon: I am pleased to have an opportunity to offer my deepest sympathy, and that of my party, to Séamus Brennan's wife, Ann, his family and his colleagues in Fianna Fáil. I did not have the privilege, as I am sure it would have been, of knowing my fellow Galwegian, Séamus Brennan, personally. My perception of him was always driven principally by my knowledge of his achievements as a politician...

Commemoration of the Ninetieth Anniversary of the First Dáil (20 Jan 2009)

Ciarán Cannon: Is mór an phribhléid dom í labhairt anseo inniu agus deis a bheith agam rian a fhágáil ar cheann de na hócáidí is tábhachtaí i stair na tíre seo. Déanaim é mar cheannaire an bPáirtí Daonlathach, a party that has made a distinct contribution to Ireland's democracy, prosperity and standards in public life, but will soon enter the annals of Irish political history. I hope I can...

Seanad: Commemoration of the Ninetieth Anniversary of the First Dáil (20 Jan 2009)

Ciarán Cannon: Is mór an phribhléid dom í labhairt anseo inniu agus deis a bheith agam rian a fhágáil ar cheann de na hócáidí is tábhachtaí i stair na tíre seo. Déanaim é mar cheannaire an Pháirtí Dhaonlathaigh, a party that has made a distinct contribution to Ireland's democracy, prosperity and standards in public life, but will soon enter the annals of Irish political history. I hope I...

Seanad: Anglo Irish Bank Corporation Bill 2009: Second Stage (20 Jan 2009)

Ciarán Cannon: There is a certain sense of déjÀ vu in that a number of weeks ago we sat into the early hours of the morning to deal with legislation regarding the bank guarantee scheme. We now find ourselves once again trying to work ourselves out of a difficult situation. I am, as I was then, confident that the Minister is acting solely and utterly in the interests of the Irish people. I do not accept...

Seanad: Schools Building Projects (29 Jan 2009)

Ciarán Cannon: I listened with interest to the debate on the Electoral (Amendment) Bill and the wonderful thing that is democracy. The essence of a healthy, thriving democracy must be the level of trust which exists between those who are elected and those who elect. While that trust is in general healthily maintained in Galway East, there is a danger that it may be about to break down, particularly in an...

Seanad: Order of Business (3 Feb 2009)

Ciarán Cannon: I was greatly concerned last weekend to hear a section of a debate that appears to have escaped under the radar at national level. It pertained to a decision taken by the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism to halt immediately the sports capital grants that have been so helpful to Irish sporting organisations since 1987. I note with interest that Senator Buttimer has decided to raise this...

Seanad: Order of Business (24 Mar 2009)

Ciarán Cannon: I agree with the comment about an increasing disconnect between the membership of our unions and union leadership. That is very much the case. From speaking to a number of union members in Galway in recent days, my experience is that they are utterly ashamed of the positions adopted by their leadership. While listening to a radio station yesterday evening — I cannot recall which one —...

Seanad: Forthcoming Budget: Statements (26 Mar 2009)

Ciarán Cannon: Nobody can deny that this is the last chance saloon and the upcoming budget is our last opportunity to turn the ship around. We are looking at the embers of the economic success that roared through the country during the past ten or 15 years. However, some flames are still lingering. Other commentators describe them as green shoots. The budget will either utterly extinguish those flames...

Seanad: Economic and Recovery Authority: Motion (1 Apr 2009)

Ciarán Cannon: I second the motion. It is a most welcome development in allowing us to debate the options open to us in tackling head-on the challenges we face. The proposal to implement a far-reaching economic stimulus package, overseen by a new economic and recovery authority, is welcome because it is real, tangible, looks past tomorrow and next week, can be implemented and, if it is, could create the...

Seanad: Affordable Housing: Statements (8 Apr 2009)

Ciarán Cannon: I welcome the Minister of State and I thank him for his contribution. As he pointed out, we have seen a significant change in the dynamic associated with affordable housing in our local authorities. As public representatives, we have all worked with couples, tried to get them on the affordable housing list and to have them included in allocations in recent years. Now, the exact opposite...

Seanad: Schools Building Projects (8 Apr 2009)

Ciarán Cannon: I welcome the Minister of State. Much progress is being made on the ongoing issue of the provision of second level education in Kinvara, in south Galway. On behalf of the community of Kinvara and its hinterland, I thank the Minister, Deputy Batt O'Keeffe, and his predecessor, Deputy Hanafin, for their input in ensuring we retain the high standard of second level education that is provided...

Seanad: Order of Business. (28 Apr 2009)

Ciarán Cannon: I too support the call for a debate on job creation. It was most disturbing to hear a former Minister of State at the Department that is supposed to be charged with creating jobs say he was sorry he did not have time to kick a larger hole in the wall of incompetence within the Department. Job creation is the single most effective tool the country has to turn the country around.

Seanad: Order of Business. (28 Apr 2009)

Ciarán Cannon: Dropping tax revenue and creating jobs is the solution. It is, perhaps, because the former Minister of State came from a business background that he realised the kinds of supports needed to allow indigenous Irish business develop. I agree foreign direct investment is wonderful and we should do all we can to ensure it continues, but the real potential for job creation here has always been...

Seanad: Order of Business. (28 Apr 2009)

Ciarán Cannon: I support the call for the Minister to come in to have that debate. The second issue I wish to raise is the issue of the Government's proposed early childhood services, one of the most welcome developments of the recent budget. I spoke to a gentleman yesterday who, because he had a passion for teaching, quit his job at 35 or 36 years of age and returned to college for three years to become a...

Seanad: Schools Building Projects (28 Apr 2009)

Ciarán Cannon: I welcome the Minister of State and congratulate him on surviving the cull. He has been most courteous to Members in this House. The parents of a number of children with special needs in County Galway have worked very hard in recent years to fill an educational void that exists for children with special needs in the three to six years age group. They have done so in child development...

Seanad: Schools Building Projects (28 Apr 2009)

Ciarán Cannon: On the face of it, the reply seems positive and I thank the Minister of State for that. I ask that, in incorporating all the children who are currently attending the child development centres into either mainstream schools or the special schools which were mentioned, whatever resources are required be made available.

Seanad: Order of Business (6 May 2009)

Ciarán Cannon: I also support the call of Senator Wilson for some financial control. We have invested billions of euro of taxpayers' money in the banking system. I do not wish to be crude about it, but we have effectively been given the two fingers by these people, who rode off into the sunset with our money. We have bought little or no influence in day-to-day banking policy. That is simply one example...

Seanad: Order of Business (6 May 2009)

Ciarán Cannon: I refer to the matter of adoption. I have much respect, as does Senator Norris, for the Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children, Deputy Barry Andrews. He has brought fresh thinking and enthusiasm to that Ministry. However, the energy and effort invested in the attempt to get the agreement with Vietnam re-established took place far too late. It began in earnest in March...

Seanad: Companies (Amendment) Bill 2009: Second Stage (6 May 2009)

Ciarán Cannon: I welcome the Tánaiste to the House. It is the role of Opposition to forensically analyse the actions of Government and point out shortcomings in its performance. Our people place great faith in the Opposition's ability to carry out this role on their behalf. To retain real credibility in carrying out this duty it is important that those in opposition acknowledge and support a positive...

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