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Results 41-60 of 161 for long speaker:Ossian Smyth

Select Committee on Communications, Climate Action and Environment: Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2021: Committee Stage (Resumed) (9 Jun 2021)

Ossian Smyth: ...proposes that the members of the CCAC be appointed by the President and that there be a process involving the Public Appointments Service and so on. My objection to this is that it would take too long. We have a Climate Change Advisory Council, we decided at the pre-legislative stage to revise the way in which that advisory council is composed and what its membership should be and we...

Seanad: Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Bill 2022: Report and Final Stages (7 Jul 2022)

Ossian Smyth: ...his or her report. It is inevitable that if a report involves a matter of such complexity that follow-up is protracted, the feedback would include an explanation as to why the process is taking so long. There are similar provisions for further feedback in four other sections: 6A(1)(f), 7A(1)(e), 10D(7)(d) and 10E(1)(e). I do not see the necessity of this provision given these existing...

Seanad: Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters: Health Services Staff (4 Jul 2024)

Ossian Smyth: ...Senator Gallagher and the Seanad for giving me the opportunity to address this issue on behalf of the Minister, Deputy Stephen Donnelly. For eligible public health sector employees suffering from long Covid, a temporary 12-month special scheme of paid leave was introduced in July 2022. This was on the foot of the withdrawal of access to the then Department of Public Expenditure and...

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate: Disability Services (4 Jul 2024)

Ossian Smyth: ...of services for those living with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and their families. To this end, I am happy to report that a cross-departmental working group will be established to develop a long-term and sustainable plan that will provide access to appropriate services for those living with FASD and their families. The Minister of State, Deputy Rabbitte, wishes to reiterate her full...

Seanad: Circular Economy, Waste Management (Amendment) and Minerals Development (Amendment) Bill 2022: Committee Stage (30 Jun 2022)

Ossian Smyth: contravene that independence by intervening on EPA operational decision-making. It is for that reason I do not propose to accept amendments Nos. 24 and 27. The circular economy programme is a long-term programme. I believe that six years is an appropriate length of time for the programme to be effective and achieve real results. I think that a three-year programme is not long...

Written Answers — Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment: Telecommunications Services (24 Feb 2022)

Ossian Smyth: ..., facilitated by the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) has been established to identify and recommend practical interventions that might be taken by operators in the short, medium and long-term to combat nuisance communications. As with much fraudulent activity a multi-faceted approach is required.  This particular Taskforce is focussed on telecoms and will seek to...

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions: Garda Stations (29 Sep 2020)

Ossian Smyth: ..., An Garda Síochána and the Department of Justice and Equality, which is funding the project on a regular basis to progress it as part of a PPP. Other agencies are involved as well. There were long negotiations with Cork County Council regarding the shared access road. Irish Water has concerns about the capacity required. An Garda Síochána upgraded this project...

Select Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Communications Regulation Bill 2022: Committee Stage (26 Oct 2022)

Ossian Smyth: ...judge to hear the matter, (c) the parties to the proceedings, (d) the legal representatives of the parties to the proceedings, and (e) a witness whose evidence is relevant to the proceedings, for as long as the witness's presence is required for the purpose of providing such evidence, unless it is satisfied that the interests of justice require any other person not to be so excluded.".

Select Committee on Communications, Climate Action and Environment: Estimates for Public Services 2023
Vote 29 - Environment, Climate and Communications (Revised)
(21 Feb 2023)

Ossian Smyth: I feel that the civil servants are looking at me now. I will send you a note, Chair, to clarify how the indicators are agreed, the process whereby they are agreed, how long it takes before an indicator is agreed and then data are got out of it. It would be an idea to think of which indicators we should be following. That should be something between maybe the committee and the Department to...

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions: Energy Production (28 Sep 2023)

Ossian Smyth: ...and I do not expect there to be a challenge to what happened. If there is, I expect that challenge to fail. There really is a great opportunity for north Kerry and the whole region to achieve a long-term and successful energy future with economic activity based on renewable energy and storage. That will happen in the area. It will not happen by looking back to fossil fuels. That is...

Covid-19 (Health): Statements (17 Jun 2020)

Ossian Smyth: ...with recommendations. Ultimately, it is a decision for the Minister and the Cabinet as to how to proceed in this matter. There is no personal benefit for me in asking this question as it is a long time since I had any use for the services of a hairdresser but it is a matter of comfort and confidence for many people. Hairdressers, whose businesses are not very profitable normally, are...

Select Committee on Communications, Climate Action and Environment: Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2021: Committee Stage (Resumed) (9 Jun 2021)

Ossian Smyth: ...emissions will be automatically brought forward to the next budget, so the next carbon budget will be reduced accordingly. We have framed this Bill to provide a suitable balance of flexibility and long-term stability to support necessary investment and implementation over time. Three consecutive five-year carbon budgets budgets are set out every five years, with the third and later...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action: Circular Economy: Discussion (30 Apr 2024)

Ossian Smyth: Deputy Bruton said he did not have a long time to read the document and that he could not see targets within it. In fact, three targets occur to me. There is a target for textiles, where 20% textiles bought by the public sector should be from recycled fibres. There is a target that 10% of food bought by the public sector should be organic. In addition, the public sector should favour...

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions: Flood Risk Management (28 Nov 2023)

Ossian Smyth: I appreciate and understand the feelings of Deputy Conway-Walsh's constituents on this matter. It has taken a long time to reach consent for this scheme because it is such a large scheme and has to be done under the Arterial Drainage Act. We have to follow the law. The role the Minister is playing is similar to the role of An Bord Pleanála. We are at the stage, having received final...

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions: Greenhouse Gas Emissions (4 Nov 2021)

Ossian Smyth: ...and farming is taken as definitely to be a negative. It is discussed in terms of pain, suffering and job losses when actually it is a time of opportunity. It is a traditional sector with a long heritage. It is difficult to have deep changes in such a sector, or lifestyle and culture. Nobody in Ireland who wants to deprive farmers of income. Everybody in Ireland is proud of their...

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions: National Broadband Plan (28 Feb 2023)

Ossian Smyth: ...this in 2025 and 2026, and the Deputy can imagine how frustrated they are. I will work with NBI and see how we can agree a reasonable, fair and practical way to give people an indication of how long it takes to get connected if they have built new homes in the intervention area.

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions: National Broadband Plan (1 Jun 2021)

Ossian Smyth: It will be difficult and disappointing for anybody in year 4 or year 5 who feels an immediate need and is faced with this long gap. The Deputy suggests looking at technologies like satellite or fixed wireless and he is absolutely correct. Those technologies are developing all the time. One of the things about a project like this is that the assumptions made at the start or the environment...

Ceisteanna (Atógáil) - Questions (Resumed) - Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions: Natural Gas Grid (14 Dec 2021)

Ossian Smyth: as we possibly can. On the Deputy's question as to whether we should have a national body to develop renewable energy, there will be considerable involvement by the State. The ESB has for a long time been building renewable energy facilities. Bord na Móna, Coillte and all such large State bodies will be significantly involved, as will EirGrid.

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions: Budget 2024 (28 Nov 2023)

Ossian Smyth: ...words following that, the Department of Heath agreed to regrade public health doctors to consultant level so that this service would become consultant-led. Public health doctors sought that for a long time. That decision was taken partly in response to the experience during the pandemic, which showed that the only way we could deal with a large health crisis was through preventative...

Communications Regulation Bill 2022: Report and Final Stages (25 Jan 2023)

Ossian Smyth: all An Post UK traffic following the withdrawal of the UK from the EU. This important change in international trade has had a significant negative impact on the postal sector in Ireland. Brexit also coincided with long-planned extensive changes to EU customs regulations governing goods entering and leaving the EU. All traffic from the UK that was previously categorised as intra-EU...

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