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Results 501-520 of 1,311 for speaker:Sheila Terry

Seanad: Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) (Amendment) Bill 2003 [Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil]: Report and Final Stages (29 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: We now find that there were flaws in it.

Seanad: Transfer of Execution of Sentences Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (29 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: I move amendment No. 2: In page 3, subsection (1), between lines 25 and 26, to insert the following definition: "relevant authority' means the person designated in the relevant country concerned who performs functions the same as or similar to those performed by the Minister under this Act;". I seek the insertion of the definition of "relevant authority" in subsection (1). I have taken this...

Seanad: Transfer of Execution of Sentences Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (29 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: I am seeking to move this from section 5 because it is more appropriate to have it in section 1. I understand it is very clear and this is just for clarity. It would be more sensible to have this in section 1.

Seanad: Transfer of Execution of Sentences Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (29 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: I have received notice that amendment No. 4 cannot be moved.

Seanad: Transfer of Execution of Sentences Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (29 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: May I speak on the amendment if it is out of order?

Seanad: Transfer of Execution of Sentences Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (29 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: I regret the Chair has ruled this amendment out of order because it would impose a cost on the State. This is a matter of accountability and the amendment sought to make the Minister accountable to the Houses of the Oireachtas in order that Members would have necessary information. I regret it has been ruled out of order. Amendment No. 4 not moved.

Seanad: Transfer of Execution of Sentences Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (29 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: I move amendment No. 5: In page 4, line 19, after "sentences" to insert ", including those imposed outside the State,". There is a presumption in our legislation against extra-territorial effect and to rebut this presumption very clear words must be used. I propose the amendment to guarantee that the Act applies to sentences imposed outside the State. I hope the Minister of State accepts the...

Seanad: Transfer of Execution of Sentences Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (29 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: On a point of order, we have not been given the groupings list.

Seanad: Transfer of Execution of Sentences Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (29 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: I move amendment No. 8: In page 5, subsection (2)(a), line 22, after "deemed to be," to insert "or is entitled to be," In the Twenty-seventh Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2004, which is before the Dáil, the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform places great significance on the entitlement to citizenship. Therefore, if we are to be consistent, the entitlement to citizenship...

Seanad: Transfer of Execution of Sentences Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (29 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: With the permission of the House, may amendment No. 21 be discussed with amendments Nos. 25 and 26?

Seanad: Transfer of Execution of Sentences Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (29 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: I move amendment No. 9: In page 5, subsection (2)(c), line 25, to delete "6 months" and substitute "one month". These amendments deal with subsection (2). They propose that persons with less than six months to serve will not be pursued. If we are committed to preserving and securing the integrity of the courts and the integrity of the sentences imposed, all those who have unserved sentences...

Seanad: Transfer of Execution of Sentences Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (29 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: I move amendment No. 19: In page 7, subsection (6), line 36, after "any time" to insert "prior to the execution of the warrant". This amendment proposes that the section would state: " The Minister may at any time prior to the execution of the warrant apply to the High Court for an order varying the terms of, or revoking, a warrant issued under this section." The amendment is to ensure that...

Seanad: Transfer of Execution of Sentences Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (29 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: I move amendment No. 25: In page 10, subsection (3)(a), line 6, after "State" to insert "at that time". This subsection deals with how we treat persons who have been sentenced to terms greater than the maximum term under Irish law. I suggest that the words "at that time" are inserted to ensure that the sentence at the time of conviction and not at the time the person is caught is applicable....

Seanad: Probation and Welfare Service. (29 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: I welcome the Minister of State. The matter I wish to raise concerns the provision of a new location for the probation and welfare service in Dublin 15. I know the Minister of State is very familiar with this issue and is working to try to identify and secure another location for the service. The service is very much needed in the Dublin 15 area and I support the decision to provide one but,...

Seanad: Order of Business. (30 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: I join with Senator Brian Hayes in raising the issue of electronic voting. There are serious concerns about the security of this system and I hope the report to be launched later this morning will highlight the concerns expressed by many Opposition Senators and Deputies. I refer particularly to information received recently through freedom of information legislation to the effect that the...

Seanad: Order of Business. (30 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: This information did not come from the Minister in the Dáil when he was trying to impress on the Opposition that electronic voting is safe and secure.

Seanad: Order of Business. (30 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: As someone who is next to take a seat in this area I am extremely concerned by these mistakes which have been highlighted. I thank the Chair for this latitude. Following from what I said yesterday I refer to the "Prime Time" programme last night. The pensioners of today or those who are about to receive their pensions are never mentioned, nor is the fact that those pensions are worth very...

Seanad: Twenty-seventh Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2004: Second Stage. (30 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: I move amendment No. 1: To delete all words after "That" and substitute the following: "Seanad Éireann, in accordance with the recommendations of the All-Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution's Report for clear and agreed procedures for the holding of referendums on constitutional amendments, —considering that political parties, north and south, view the proposal for an amendment...

Seanad: Twenty-seventh Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2004: Second Stage. (30 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: The Minister has greater skills than many if he can listen and speak at the same time. Fine Gael's commitment has not been reciprocated by the Minister. Members of this House first became aware of the proposal to have a referendum to deal with the citizenship issue when the Minister published his information note on the proposal on 12 March. At that time the Minister's justification for...

Seanad: Twenty-seventh Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2004: Second Stage. (30 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: There are different ways to deal with this.

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