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Results 461-480 of 1,311 for speaker:Sheila Terry

Seanad: Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2004: Committee and Remaining Stages. (24 Mar 2004)

Sheila Terry: Senator Norris suggested earlier that Members should charm the Minister for Social and Family Affairs into changing her mind on this amendment. However, we are not here to charm but to use common sense and fair play on this matter. It is obvious to everyone in the House, including the Minister, that this legislative provision is grossly unfair. It constitutes an attack on the most vulnerable...

Seanad: Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2004: Committee and Remaining Stages. (24 Mar 2004)

Sheila Terry: Many of them were forced to give up their jobs. These are the women who have been affected by the Government's actions.

Seanad: Private Security Services Bill 2001: Second Stage. (25 Mar 2004)

Sheila Terry: I welcome the Minister. I also welcome this Bill. The private security area has been in need of regulation for some time. The Minister said this is urgently needed. Why has it taken so long? Nonetheless, it is welcome now and I hope it will progress quickly after it is passed by this House. The private security area has grown significantly and we see it every day, whether it is at public...

Seanad: Private Security Services Bill 2001: Second Stage. (25 Mar 2004)

Sheila Terry: I have no experience myself.

Seanad: Private Security Services Bill 2001: Second Stage. (25 Mar 2004)

Sheila Terry: That is one of them.

Seanad: Order of Business. (31 Mar 2004)

Sheila Terry: I have called for a debate on alcohol consumption on more than one occasion and I hope the Leader will allow Senators to speak on the matter tomorrow. On the open air concert, the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism should come to this House and outline his real reasons for cancelling it. I do not believe we have been told the truth on the matter. I am not sure whether it is a question of...

Seanad: Private Security Services Bill 2001: Committee Stage. (31 Mar 2004)

Sheila Terry: I move amendment No. 4: In page 16, subsection (5), lines 44 and 45, after "other information" to insert ", including any information necessary to enable him or her to furnish a parliamentary reply,". I am upset I missed the opportunity to move my first amendment as I had to leave to get a copy of the amendments.

Seanad: Private Security Services Bill 2001: Committee Stage. (31 Mar 2004)

Sheila Terry: Amendment No. 4 will allow the Minister to receive as much information as possible. Too often we see State agencies dealing with information which the Minister should have. The amendment promotes accountability. When Members of the Oireachtas ask the Minister questions, the information necessary to answer them should be provided by the authority.

Seanad: Private Security Services Bill 2001: Committee Stage. (31 Mar 2004)

Sheila Terry: The amendment is concerned with accountability and with facilitating Deputies and Senators in asking the Minister questions on behalf of the public. That information should be provided to him by the authority. I am disappointed the Minister is not accepting the amendment.

Seanad: Private Security Services Bill 2001: Committee Stage. (31 Mar 2004)

Sheila Terry: I move amendment No. 11: In page 20, subsection (5), between lines 37 and 38, to insert the following paragraphs: "(a) shall not be granted to a person who is a serving member of An Garda Síochána, (b) shall not be granted to a person who is a serving member of the Permanent Defence Forces,". I ask that members of the Garda Síochána and of the Defence Forces would not be allowed to take...

Seanad: Private Security Services Bill 2001: Committee Stage. (31 Mar 2004)

Sheila Terry: I accept the Minister of State's argument that members of the Garda are prohibited from involvement in such work. Perhaps that should be enforced. It is like many other rules and laws which are not enforced. While I accept the Minister of State's reply, the law should be enforced.

Seanad: Private Security Services Bill 2001: Committee Stage. (31 Mar 2004)

Sheila Terry: I move amendment No. 12: In page 21, before section 23, to insert the following new section: 23.—(1) Where a person, being the applicant for or the holder of a licence, is convicted of any of the following offences, namely— (a) murder, (b) manslaughter, (c) an offence— (i) under the Non-Fatal Offences against the Person Act 1997 (other than section 2 or 3), or (ii) on— (I) conviction...

Seanad: Private Security Services Bill 2001: Committee Stage. (31 Mar 2004)

Sheila Terry: I am disappointed the Minister will not accept the amendment. It would provide a cast iron guarantee that every effort will be made to ensure that criminals who have committed serious offences will be prevented from holding a licence. I support ex-prisoners integrating themselves into the community and securing employment. However, in the case of criminals who have committed serious offences,...

Seanad: Private Security Services Bill 2001: Committee Stage. (31 Mar 2004)

Sheila Terry: I welcome the Bill and look forward to Report Stage when I will be resubmitting amendments in my name. I wish to resubmit, in particular, the amendment dealing with remuneration to ensure that door supervisors in clubs cannot get drink as part of their remuneration. I thank the Minister of State and his staff for their attendance.

Seanad: High Level of Alcohol Consumption by Young People: Statements. (1 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: This is an important issue about which I have called for debate for some time. I welcome the Minister of State and note he is representing the Minister for Health and Children as opposed to the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, although the issue comes within the remit of both Departments. Therefore, it is good the Minister of State is here because he deals with both. The issue...

Seanad: High Level of Alcohol Consumption by Young People: Statements. (1 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: The current laws must be enforced, rather than bringing in a load of new ones.

Seanad: Private Security Services Bill 2001: Report and Final Stages. (1 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: I move amendment No. 1: In page 7, lines 24 to 26, to delete all words from and including "but" to "service". I thank the Cathaoirleach for his ruling which allows me to re-table this amendment. Due to leaving the Chamber for a few seconds yesterday I was unable to move it on Committee Stage. I received an explanation yesterday from a member of the Minister's staff but I wanted to move the...

Seanad: Private Security Services Bill 2001: Report and Final Stages. (1 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: I thank the Minister and accept what he has said. Can we be sure the authority will do that? Does the Minister issue guidelines to it as to the type of regulations required and would this be one of them?

Seanad: Private Security Services Bill 2001: Report and Final Stages. (1 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: I second the amendment.

Seanad: Private Security Services Bill 2001: Report and Final Stages. (1 Apr 2004)

Sheila Terry: I second the amendment.

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