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Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: General Scheme of the Irish Prison Service Bill and of the Criminal Justice (Legal Aid) Bill: Discussion (3 Oct 2023)

Patrick Costello: I thank the witnesses who are before us today. I will try to keep this quite brief. I echo the comments of Senator Ward on the importance of legal aid. It is hard to overstate its importance. It frustrates me when I hear people in here - not members of this committee, which is perhaps quite telling - talking about how we spend too much on legal aid or saying legal aid should be provided...

Northern Ireland Issues (22 Feb 2012)

Joe McHugh: The Minister said everything that needs to be said. I echo his call that information be provided. We must send out a strong signal on the importance of this matter to the families. Unfortunately we may not have success for all seven families, but even a percentage increase would be significant. I echo the Minister's comments and concur with him on the efforts of everybody in the...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Ambulance Services, Recruitment and Retention of Personnel, and Response Times: Discussion (22 Feb 2023)

Martin Conway: ...other members, I pay tribute to all our firefighters and ambulance drivers and crews for the fantastic work they do on the front line for us all. I might begin with the NAS and the percentage of echo and delta calls that was mentioned as having been responded to within an appropriate timeframe. Mr. Morton stated the service had met the key performance indicator to a degree of 71% for...

Ceisteanna - Questions: Taoiseach's Meetings and Engagements (19 Feb 2019)

Richard Boyd Barrett: I want to ask the Taoiseach about another aspect of British politics which we heard echoed today on "Morning Ireland", when a contributor echoed a position of Theresa May's about which we should have something to say. We had a journalist making a casual connection between support for Palestinians, criticism of the Israeli state and anti-Semitism, essentially suggesting they were all the same...

Seanad: Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2020: Committee Stage (3 Dec 2020)

John Cummins: I echo the comments of my colleagues to my right. I come from Waterford and Waterford Crystal is a large international company in our city, with a long track record of attracting significant numbers of international tourists. It is rightly concerned about the threshold set here. I support Senator Chambers's call to pause this proposal. I believe the proposed compromise of a €50...

Seanad: Garda Síochána Bill 2004 [Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil]: Report Stage (Resumed) and Final Stage. (30 Jun 2005)

Michael McDowell: I fully echo what Senator Jim Walsh has just said. I intend to fast-track the ethnic diversification of the Garda Síochána, since we know that in Britain youths from racial minorities in particular saw a police force in the 1950s and 1960s which did not reflect their community at all. It indelibly marked the relationship between those minority communities and the force. Now is the time for...

Seanad: Civil Liability and Courts Bill 2004 [Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil]: Report and Final Stages. (8 Jul 2004)

John Paul Phelan: I echo what Senator O'Meara said. I compliment the Minister of State who seems to have taken on board many of the concerns expressed in the Seanad when this Bill was previously discussed here. I refer in particular to amendment No. 51 which deals with the issue of an accompanying person. This is an area in respect of which all Senators received correspondence. I am delighted the Minister of...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Cardiovascular Health, Stroke and Heart Attack: Discussion (13 Dec 2023)

...performance, it will be a mix of people, processes and systems. If there are gaps or failings in any one of those three, there will be issues. Taking the survey that Croí carried out on echocardiography services, which is a critical diagnostic tool that is used, we found that the average waiting time for an echo was six months in the public system, up to 12 months in some cases. A...

Joint Committee on Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht: General Scheme of the Online Safety and Media Regulation Bill 2020: Discussion (Resumed) (13 May 2021)

Ms Alex Cooney: Yes, briefly. On the first question about resourcing the Garda, I echo Ms Jennings's point. We hear very inconsistent reports from members of the public about reporting, for example, bullying cases, to the Garda and the advice they receive. Training and supports are definitely required, especially for the gardaí who are dealing with the complaints as they come in, to...

Appointment of Taoiseach and Nomination of Members of Government (14 Jun 2017)

Eamon Ryan: I have to echo the earlier comments of Deputy Danny Healy-Rae. We are with him in a whole new rural-green alliance. We were right. We were proud to vote for the Deputy's motion and proud that our two votes counted. He is also right that we will not be silenced. I was very disappointed to hear the Taoiseach echoing Fianna Fáil and that he is seeking to silence the smaller parties in...

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions: Sports Funding (20 Jan 2022)

Pádraig O'Sullivan: I echo that sentiment. The Minister of State, Deputy Chambers, said February is a good month to announce grants. As I think every month is a good month to announce sports capital grants, the sooner we can get the announcement better. I commend the Minister of State and his team in the Department, who have been excellent at liaising with us. I echo the sentiments of Deputy Carey. I ask...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (21 Sep 2022)

Joe O'Reilly: Before we proceed, I join the Cathaoirleach in welcoming the Maltese delegation. I had the privilege of meeting them with the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs committee yesterday. I echo the Cathaoirelach's words and those of the other Senators on that. They are very welcome. We are friendly countries with a lot of cultural ties and many political issues in common. It is great to have...

Written Answers — Department of Health: Hospital Services (31 Mar 2021)

Stephen Donnelly: care heart failure nursing service is in place and a Cardiac Rehabilitation service is available in the hospital. A number of cardiac diagnostics are available including Echo, Holter, Exercise Stress Tests and CT Coronary Angiography. The cardiac service in Prortiuncula has received a Sláintecare Integration Fund grant of approximately €0.33m to develop...

Select Committee on Communications, Climate Action and Environment: Estimates for Public Services 2024
Vote 29 - Environment, Climate and Communications (Further Revised Estimate)
(25 Jun 2024)

Brian Leddin: As there are no other questions, I will finish by echoing Deputy Bruton's words. I do not want to be presumptuous as this may not be the Minister's final appearance before the committee. We will see how things go in the next few months but it may be his last appearance. The Minister's engagements with the committee have always been very thorough, professional and informative and we...

Written Answers — Department of Health: Ambulance Service Response Times (14 May 2013)

James Reilly: ...Indicators for Emergency Response Times in October 2012. They developed a set of key performance indicators (KPIs), which classify 999/211 emergency calls by clinical status. Clinical Status 1 Echo calls involve life-threatening emergencies of cardiac or respiratory origin. Clinical Status 1 Delta calls involve life-threatening emergencies of other than cardiac or respiratory origin....

Written Answers — Department of Health: Departmental Advertising (14 May 2024)


Written Answers — Department of Health: Ambulance Service (14 Feb 2013)

James Reilly: ...Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has developed key performance indicators (KPIs) for pre-hospital emergency care, which classify 999 emergency calls by clinical status. Clinical Status 1 Echo calls involve life-threatening emergencies of cardiac or respiratory origin, while Clinical Status 1 Delta calls involve life-threatening emergencies other than cardiac or respiratory. The...

Joint Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport And Media: Inclusion in Sport: Discussion (21 Jun 2023)

Ms Sarah Carney: To echo those points, when we talk about inclusion in sport, there are specific needs of specific groups. Overall, inclusion can be addressed by a change in culture. While there is specific work to do in the space, a culture of inclusion as a starting point is vitally important. I echo a few points that Ms Browne made on human rights. It is important to take this human...

Select Committee on the Future of Healthcare: Relationship between Primary Care and Secondary Care (21 Sep 2016)

...attend, he or she will probably come because he or she will want to know what is happening. Everybody is at the table. We are competing as regards access to diagnostics. We had a discussion about echoes last night. We want more echoes to be done at St. Luke's. Professor Courtney is running an excellent and huge oncology service at a new centre in St. Luke's. Cancer patients who are on...

Written Answers — Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: Departmental Advertising (14 May 2024)

Roderic O'Gorman: ... The Sunday Business Post 40,008 The Sunday Independent 88,123 The Belfast Community Telegraph 7,682 Cork Evening Echo 3,576 Cork Independent 5,688 The Evening Herald 10,774 Irish Mirror 8,241 Irish...

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