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Results 21-40 of 3,623 for speaker:Ulick Burke

Seanad: Order of Business. (16 Oct 2002)

Ulick Burke: Will the Leader notify the Minister for Education and Science of the crisis at third level, particularly in institutes of technology where many students are denied access to lectures due to insufficient personnel to provide them? First year students, in particular, who may have had a difficult transition from second to third level, have their woes compounded by this situation, although we are...

Seanad: Order of Business. (16 Oct 2002)

Ulick Burke: Will the Leader notify the Minister of the number of students denied the opportunity for education?

Seanad: European Union (Scrutiny) Bill, 2001 changed from European Union Bill, 2001: Second Stage. (16 Oct 2002)

Ulick Burke: I wish to share my time with Senator Brian Hayes.

Seanad: European Union (Scrutiny) Bill, 2001 changed from European Union Bill, 2001: Second Stage. (16 Oct 2002)

Ulick Burke: I welcome this timely Bill. Had it or similar legislation been implemented years ago, we would not have the difficulties we currently face with regard to some European directives that have been implemented over the years. I refer specifically to the habitats directive. When it was being implemented, few of our own or the European civil servants were fully conscious of the adverse effects of...

Seanad: Order of Business. (23 Oct 2002)

Ulick Burke: I would be grateful if the Leader provided time for a debate with the Minister for Education and Science on a recent report carried out in the Eastern Regional Health Authority area which showed that one out of every three children was being bullied at school. The consequences of this are serious, both for the education system and the children being bullied, the vast majority of whom are...

Seanad: Crime Levels: Statements. (24 Oct 2002)

Ulick Burke: Yes.

Seanad: Crime Levels: Statements. (24 Oct 2002)

Ulick Burke: It was agreed.

Seanad: Crime Levels: Statements. (24 Oct 2002)

Ulick Burke: I apologise, Cathaoirleach.

Seanad: Crime Levels: Statements. (24 Oct 2002)

Ulick Burke: I welcome the Minister and congratulate him on the openness he displayed with regard to the current problem of crime. He has stated one of his priorities is the creation of trust among the various people who deal with crime and that he perceives the necessity for change within the Garda and the manner in which the force is structured. His comments in that regard are welcome.

Seanad: Sub-committee of the Committee on Procedure and Privileges: Motion (Resumed). (24 Oct 2002)

Ulick Burke: I wish to share my time with Senator Fergal Browne.

Seanad: Sub-committee of the Committee on Procedure and Privileges: Motion (Resumed). (24 Oct 2002)

Ulick Burke: I welcome the opportunity to contribute to this debate. During the years the Seanad has become for some, particularly during the silly season, a target for controversy. One sees headlines in newspapars calling for its abolition. These calls usually come from Members of the other House. It is regrettable that we are used as a target for criticism, but the media are usually happy to take up...

Seanad: Order of Business. (12 Nov 2002)

Ulick Burke: Two private schools in the Dublin area issued statements recently to the effect that, with the consent of the parents, they will engage in drug testing where there is a suspicion that students have been involved in drug taking. Will the Leader ask the Minister for Education and Science to indicate if this practice is to be extended to all schools? This may well happen due to public pressure...

Seanad: Order of Business. (12 Nov 2002)

Ulick Burke: I ask the Minister and the Department to indicate their views on this matter. It is recognised that, by comparison with our European neighbours, this country has a serious problem with this issue in second level schools.

Seanad: Second Interim Report of the Tribunal of Inquiry into Certain Planning Matters and Payments: Statements. (12 Nov 2002)

Ulick Burke: I thank you, a Chathaoirligh, for giving me the opportunity to contribute to this important debate. I was taken aback by the statement made by the Minister for the Environment and Local Government that the "findings of the Flood tribunal are a blow to the political system". However, but for the Flood tribunal and its interim findings, the political system would be under suspicion. It is...

Seanad: Second Interim Report of the Tribunal of Inquiry into Certain Planning Matters and Payments: Statements. (12 Nov 2002)

Ulick Burke: It is public knowledge. Mr. O'Flaherty made the statement about Mr. Justice Flood.

Seanad: Second Interim Report of the Tribunal of Inquiry into Certain Planning Matters and Payments: Statements. (12 Nov 2002)

Ulick Burke: He castigated it. I accept your ruling, a Chathaoirligh. It is unfair for anyone to criticise the decisions of Mr. Justice Flood because he acted alone. He did not make a statement about anyone's wrongdoings, only about what went wrong in the planning process over the years.

Seanad: Tourism Industry: Statements (Resumed). (13 Nov 2002)

Ulick Burke: I welcome the Minister's timely address to the House. It is difficult to analyse the causes of the decline in the tourism industry. It is easy to pinpoint the outbreak of foot and mouth disease in early 2001 and the 11 September attacks as major reasons for the decline, but perhaps the Minister could tell us if signs of the decline were apparent prior to those two major events.

Seanad: Community Employment Schemes: Motion. (13 Nov 2002)

Ulick Burke: Wait until tomorrow.

Seanad: Community Employment Schemes: Motion. (13 Nov 2002)

Ulick Burke: Cuts are nevertheless likely.

Seanad: Community Employment Schemes: Motion. (13 Nov 2002)

Ulick Burke: What is it?

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