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Results 21-40 of 41 for 5 million speaker:Michael Fitzmaurice

Credit Unions: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (24 Jun 2015)

Michael Fitzmaurice: the banks a few years ago whereby this facility was not allowed. I spoke to a credit union today in Glenamaddy which, if it was to get this clearance system for itself, would have to pay €25,000, which is unviable. This is the least the Minister can do. We need basic payment access. In our area, in a 10 km radius, the credit union brought out a 5% loan for improvements on...

Financial Resolutions 2019 - Financial Resolution No. 9: General (Resumed) (10 Oct 2019)

Michael Fitzmaurice: ...start with the agricultural side, stamp duty is crippling for the small farmer who goes to a bank to put a few pounds together. This year is no different, particularly in light of the fact that 1.5% is being added to it. Why do we not try to change this? The EU is supposed to be based on a foundation of protecting the family farm. Why do we not give an escape route to somebody with...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Traffic Management and Congestion in Galway Region: Discussion (14 Feb 2018)

Michael Fitzmaurice: ...County Council, which is a frightening reality. Where are we with solving the lane issue mentioned by Mr. Neary? There are other plans afoot. Is another road that has been estimated to cost €5 million being considered? In terms of a park and ride scheme, we have the airport site. I wonder, no more than other Deputies, what is happening with the park and ride schemes. The...

Financial Resolutions 2022 - Budget Statement 2023 (27 Sep 2022)

Michael Fitzmaurice: ...I was not as happy with. I cannot for the life of me understand why people would go on the rural schemes such as Tús from what I have read today. People on such schemes will receive an extra €5 but if people do not go on the scheme and stay at home they will get an extra €12. That absolutely would fly in the face of encouraging people to work. The Minister needs to...

Early Exit from Peat for Electricity Generation: Statements (6 Nov 2019)

Michael Fitzmaurice: ...up? Regardless of whether it is An Bord Pleanála or anybody else, who is calling the shots in this country with regard to legislation and making sure there is such a thing as a just transition for the 1,400 or 1,500 workers currently? We must also remember that those small towns have shops and businesses that rely on it. Unfortunately, we seem to be throwing in the towel and saying...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action: Supporting a Just Transition: Discussion (Resumed) (20 Nov 2019)

Michael Fitzmaurice: ...their presentation. There are a few things we need to clarify. We met Bord na Móna last year and the year before. A document was given to us called Just Transition and it was to work until 2025 to 2027, and we have met Mr. Willie Noone several times. The rug is being pulled at the moment. We are trying to put seven or eight years into one. It is unfortunate, and I will be very...

Financial Resolutions 2021 - Budget Statement 2022 (12 Oct 2021)

Michael Fitzmaurice: exist in today's budget. I will go through the figures. The increase in the carbon tax on agricultural diesel, which is used on farms around the country, will bring in approximately €9.1 million. The change in VAT will make a difference of approximately €8.2 million. That is €17 million. It was said that the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine's budget...

Financial Resolutions 2019 - Financial Resolution No. 4: General (Resumed) (11 Oct 2018)

Michael Fitzmaurice: ...would struggle. With regard to the new tax rules that have been introduced, I rang an accountant this morning to ask whether it paid to go to work in the situation of a teacher in Dublin on €50,000 or €60,000 who had five children and whose partner was not working. According to the statistics he gave me, it is a sad reality that the budget does not incentivise people to...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Compliance with the Nitrates Directive and Implications for Ireland: Discussion (14 Feb 2024)

Michael Fitzmaurice: ...turn to planning first. There is no point in codding the witnesses because I have gone through this all of my life. There is a guideline document in every council. It states that anyone within 15 km of a designated site can object. They might sometimes bring it down to 12 km, 10 km or 5 km. What is catching us around the country is the habitats directive and the interpretation of it...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Forest Policy and Strategy (Resumed): Discussion (1 Mar 2023)

Michael Fitzmaurice: ...a bother about it? Could Ms Gray explain this to me whether Coillte is concerned about Ireland's climate targets? My understanding on the Coillte-Gresham House deal is that there is going to be 7,500 ha or 8,000 ha of standing forest. They are already accounted for; they are not going to help Ireland in its mitigation. Let us not be trumping the card that it is going to help Ireland....

River Shannon Management Agency Bill 2020: Second Stage [Private Members] (3 Nov 2020)

Michael Fitzmaurice: ...up there have done the analysis. At Jamestown weir there is a problem with the gate. We stood with the former Minister of State, Kevin Boxer Moran, in Termonbarry a year ago. There was €8 million worth of gear. I ask the Minister of State to indicate whether this has been bought or is in water. Where is it this gear? It was going to clear where there is water at a particular...

Regional Airports: Motion [Private Members] (11 Nov 2020)

Michael Fitzmaurice: ...puts pressure on the Government to deliver and I compliment Deputy McNamara on that. One point is that while it is clear the moneys for Cork and Shannon are not subject to EU approval, the €6 million for what we call Knock Airport or Ireland West Airport Knock, as well as the airports in Donegal and Kerry, seems to be subject to EU approval. My understanding was that this was...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Agriculture Issues: Discussion (29 Nov 2016)

Michael Fitzmaurice: way off the mark. That is the first thing that should be done. If one is talking about the funding for that, not a linear cut, there is a commitment in the programme for Government to provide €150,000 for 100. Obviously there is a few quid there that may fill the holes. On the issue of designation, I would be on a different side of the argument. I would be above on high...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Rural and Community Development: Sustaining Small Rural and Community Business: Discussion (14 Nov 2018)

Michael Fitzmaurice: ...that is it. If we look at the history of credit unions, and I can be corrected if I am wrong, we will see that in the big, bad world of many years ago, when things were going bad, something like €250 million would have had to be put aside. We were told that it would be a bad day. The Irish people are still paying for €65 million that was parked in the main banking sector...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Rural and Community Development: Flooding at Ballycar on the Galway-Limerick Railway and Investment in Heavy Rail: Discussion (23 May 2018)

Michael Fitzmaurice: ..., council or State body undertaking work must adhere to 34 types of permit. This even affects private property, which is a burden the State has placed on owners because of EU regulations. The 5 km up the road and the environment were mentioned, but we should be discussing the people in the area and those who travel on the train line. They come first in my book regardless of the EU or...

Heritage Bill 2016 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed) (8 Nov 2017)

Michael Fitzmaurice: ...question this provision. I would debate the point in the context of a High Court ruling on private property rights. I am referring to sections 7B, 7C and 7D as proposed to be inserted by section 5. I realise a garda can get a warrant and go in wherever he wants, that is understandable. However, I question how valid the provision would be for an authorised officer who is not a garda. ...

Land Development Agency Bill 2021: Second Stage (Resumed) (18 Feb 2021)

Michael Fitzmaurice: I only have ten minutes. For the record, we need to clarify what was said by a previous speaker about the property tax in Galway. When his party decided to bring in a property tax, €12 million was collected from the people and the equalisation fund was sent to Ms Angela Merkel. That was decided by a person he supports. On top of that, the water he drinks, the gas that keeps him...

Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Bill 2017: Second Stage (12 Jul 2017)

Michael Fitzmaurice: right before take-off. The Department with the second-lowest budget receives nearly twice that proposed for the Minister's Department, which has been allocated approximately €170 million. The budget for the Department of the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs is approximately €360 or €370 million. That would not do anything for...

Agriculture and Fisheries Council Meeting: Statements (22 Mar 2016)

Michael Fitzmaurice: .... We should not be making excuses for why the animals above on the mountain are not organic. I think we have a tough back-end coming with the beef sector. The number of cattle exported in 2015 was 65,000 less than the equivalent number in 2010. That is a phenomenal number of cattle. If we do not export them on the hoof, our good old friends in the factories will make sure to drop...

Ceapachán an Taoisigh agus Ainmniú Chomhaltaí an Rialtais - Appointment of Taoiseach and Nomination of Members of Government (17 Dec 2022)

Michael Fitzmaurice: ...Eamon Ryan, and, to be honest, I was frothing at some of the things he came out with. Does the Government realise that by agreeing to what it is signing up to in Europe and under its future forestry policy, 1 million ha will be taken out of the equation? I will explain. When the Government talks about signing up to 30% under the new nature restoration, it is talking about farmers who...

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