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Results 21-40 of 891 for speaker:John Minihan

Seanad: Northern Ireland: Statements. (20 Nov 2002)

John Minihan: I too welcome the Taoiseach. I congratulate him and his Government colleagues on their efforts to date in the peace process. I wish him well in the crucial months ahead. On behalf of the Progressive Democrats, I congratulate Senator Maurice Hayes on his appointment and I wish him well. The Good Friday Agreement was a milestone for this country in the search for peace. There is equally no...

Seanad: Northern Ireland: Statements. (20 Nov 2002)

John Minihan: It is about time Sinn Féin and its counterparts issued the P45 to paramilitary organisations.

Seanad: Northern Ireland: Statements. (20 Nov 2002)

John Minihan: It must dissociate from them. If we want to go forward, we can only do so by addressing these issues. We must stop pussyfooting about it, put this peace process back on track and get the momentum moving again. I wish the Taoiseach well in a very onerous task. He carries huge responsibilities for us all. In saying what I have said, I do not detract from the tremendous work that has been done...

Seanad: Order of Business. (27 Nov 2002)

John Minihan: I look forward to a similar 15 minute contribution. I refer to the issue of flooding and the relief made available to be administered by the Red Cross in counties Meath and Dublin. There has been serious flooding in Cork. The relief needs to be extended equally throughout the country. There has been severe flooding in Togher and Blackpool and companies have been put out of business. We must...

Seanad: Overseas Development Aid: Motion. (27 Nov 2002)

John Minihan: I compliment Senator Henry and the Independent group on tabling this motion about which we cannot speak enough. It is an issue we must continuously highlight. Unlike the previous speaker, I do not want to play politics with this issue but there are a few points that should be addressed. In the recent Estimates, we sustained our aid budget, notwithstanding, the difficult budgetary...

Seanad: Overseas Development Aid: Motion. (27 Nov 2002)

John Minihan: Senator Bradford should read the transcript of what was said.

Seanad: Order of Business. (28 Nov 2002)

John Minihan: I raise a recent report by the skills and initiative unit of the Department of Education and Science on the transition year at second level. Many people have been concerned for some time about whether it is working, reaching its ideals or achieving what it was designed to do. This report indicates that it is not and that it should be revisited.

Seanad: Order of Business. (3 Dec 2002)

John Minihan: I too support the call by Senator Ormonde for a debate on An Bord Pleanála and the planning issue. I raised this on the Order of Business two weeks ago. I emphasise again that the co-relationship between local authority planning decisions, inspectors from An Bord Pleanála and the ultimate decision of the board leaves much to be desired. It is all over the place and we have to get it right....

Seanad: Budget Statement: Motion. (4 Dec 2002)

John Minihan: I move: "That Seanad Éireann notes the Minister for Finance's Budgetary Statement." Budget 2003 paves the way for continued economic success. It is a prudent and cautious budget, which encapsulates the best thinking of the two parties that contributed to its formulation. It is a good budget for the country by several different measures. It sets out to deliver another strong surplus on the...

Seanad: Budget Statement: Motion. (4 Dec 2002)

John Minihan: I hope he pays tax on that cash.

Seanad: Budget Statement: Motion. (4 Dec 2002)

John Minihan: He stayed on the bike.

Seanad: Budget Statement: Motion. (4 Dec 2002)

John Minihan: A key point which has been yet again overlooked by the Opposition is the fact that gross current spending will rise by 8.7%, or an extra €3 billion, for public services. Evidently, that is of no interest. My party's manifesto, Managing the Economy, clearly stated the principle that there must be no borrowing to fund current spending, that the general Government balance – in line with our...

Seanad: Adjournment Matter. - Adoption Arrangements. (5 Dec 2002)

John Minihan: I thank the Minister of State, Deputy Callely for coming to the House to respond to this matter. I raise the issue of the bilateral agreement between Ireland and Vietnam in relation to foreign adoptions because it has been reported that existing arrangements will cease at the end of the month. Vietnam is changing from a province-based system to a centralised government-based system, with...

Seanad: Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill, 2002: Second Stage. (10 Dec 2002)

John Minihan: I, too, welcome the Minister. I am glad to have the opportunity to debate the Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill, 2002 which was flagged in the programme for Government. I am one of the wishful thinkers referred to by Senator Quinn and believe this course of action was necessary. Having listened to what the Minister said about withering sites, this action was necessary. He has also...

Seanad: Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill, 2002: Second Stage. (10 Dec 2002)

John Minihan: It is the local authorities.

Seanad: Alcohol Consumption by Young People: Statements. (11 Dec 2002)

John Minihan: I join previous speakers in welcoming this debate, which is timely, if not too late. International surveys have clearly set out that we are on a slippery road when it comes to our future, but it is no harm to remind ourselves of what such surveys indicate about Ireland. Previous speakers have referred to some of the results, but we should emphasise the point. We need to listen and face up to...

Seanad: Domestic Violence (Amendment) Bill, 2002: Second Stage (Resumed). (17 Dec 2002)

John Minihan: I, too, welcome the Minister to the House to introduce this timely and necessary Bill. Trends in recent years clearly indicate an increase in the incidence of domestic violence at this time of year. I agree with the Minister that the Bill is aimed specifically at restoring the power to put barring orders in place ex parte in a manner which conforms to constitutional requirements. Equally, it...

Seanad: National Development Finance Agency Bill, 2002: Second Stage. (17 Dec 2002)

John Minihan: I welcome the Minister to the House. We have said for years that we suffer from an infrastructural deficit. We have failed to keep pace with the development of the economy, making ourselves less competitive and, in doing so, threatening the future of the economy. With that in mind, I welcome this initiative and the leadership the Government is showing in bringing it forward. This is a policy...

Seanad: National Development Finance Agency Bill, 2002: Second Stage. (17 Dec 2002)

John Minihan: I did not mention Luas. The Senator should listen to the debate. If he does not listen, he will not understand.

Seanad: Adjournment Matters. - Cork School of Music. (18 Dec 2002)

John Minihan: I thank the Minister of State for coming to the House. Cork City has been declared European City of Culture in 2005, a prestigious honour not only for Cork but for the country, which will help us promote the arts and culture on both the European and world stage. The Cork School of Music is steeped in the cultural history of Cork. It has received world-wide recognition for its contribution to...

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