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Results 361-380 of 25,682 for speaker:David Cullinane

Seanad: Order of Business (25 Oct 2011)

David Cullinane: -----in order that we can comprehensively deal with these issues. If the Senator has information on any bank property, he should contact the Garda.

Seanad: Order of Business (25 Oct 2011)

David Cullinane: What Senator Darragh O'Brien cannot stomach is that his party is rotten to the core with the brown envelope culture, cronyism and everything that has been wrong with politics in this country for the past 30 years. Now he does not want accountability and scrutiny because he fears them.

Seanad: Welfare of Greyhounds Bill 2011: Second Stage (25 Oct 2011)

David Cullinane: I am last out of the traps. I welcome the Minister of State to the House and the Bill. I would welcome any Bill which enhances and protects animal welfare. I join other speakers in acknowledging the role of the industry in the economy and in cultural life, as Senator Ó Domhnaill mentioned. My city, Waterford, has an excellent greyhound track. Many people, as previous Senators have done,...

Seanad: Order of Business (26 Oct 2011)

David Cullinane: My first question relates to the imminent EU summit. It is clear that there may be potential changes to EU treaties. The Taoiseach is on record as stating that 90% of what might lie in any future deal would not require treaty changes. However, it is clear there may be some. Will any treaty changes be put to the people in a referendum? The people should decide. This is the last...

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Oct 2011)

David Cullinane: In the course of recent months, all parties have requested the Minister for Health to attend this Chamber. We have waited five months for him to come here for statements on health and to take questions from Members from all parties and groupings. I have a question for the Leader if he is in a position to answer it. Will the Sinn Féin Party be given an opportunity to make a statement? If...

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Oct 2011)

David Cullinane: That does not clarify the matter.

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Oct 2011)

David Cullinane: That does not clarify the matter for me. Does that mean that we will have time to make a statement, the same as the other groupings?

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Oct 2011)

David Cullinane: Here we go again. Sinn Féin is being told that it can ask a question the same as anybody else and it might get one minute, but I am not going to accept that again on behalf of the Sinn Féin Party. It is absolutely——

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Oct 2011)

David Cullinane: I completely agree with Senator Noone that it is the political system that is wrong, but the political system can change.

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Oct 2011)

David Cullinane: I have previously given examples to the Leader and this House.

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Oct 2011)

David Cullinane: That is an outrageous claim to make. It just shows that people in this House are not open to change. It is disgraceful that the second largest opposition party in the State is not being given the opportunity to put questions to the Minister for Health.

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Oct 2011)

David Cullinane: Others can talk about procedures and Standing Orders, but a precedent was made when previous Ministers attended this House and Sinn Féin was given an opportunity.

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Oct 2011)

David Cullinane: I am asking the question.

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Oct 2011)

David Cullinane: The question is, why is the second largest Opposition party in the Oireachtas not being given an opportunity to put questions to the Minister for Health?

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Oct 2011)

David Cullinane: Members who were appointed to this House are being given the opportunity.

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Oct 2011)

David Cullinane: The political parties and other Independent groups were all part of blocking Sinn Féin from asking the Minister for Health those questions, and they are hiding behind procedures.

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Oct 2011)

David Cullinane: Why are the Leader and other groupings — Fianna Fáil, the Labour Party, Fine Gael and the two Independent groups — denying Sinn Féin the opportunity to put questions to the Minister for Health? They are hiding behind procedures and Standing Orders, while saying that that is the system. We can change the system, but if we do not then this House should be abolished.

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Oct 2011)

David Cullinane: When the Minister for Health is here we will resist it, and will do so in the coming weeks also. We will keep resisting until the Leader acknowledges and recognises that Sinn Féin should be given speaking time.

Seanad: Health Services: Statements, Questions and Answers (27 Oct 2011)

David Cullinane: Does the Minister accept that we have a two-tier health service and that health care may depend on ability to pay rather than on need? Does he support universal health care provision? What steps will he take to put in place a more egalitarian health service? I welcome the Minister's support for the abolition of the HSE. Will he take on board the Sinn Féin proposal of replacing the HSE...

Seanad: Toghchán an UachtaráinElection of President (8 Nov 2011)

David Cullinane: On behalf of the Sinn Féin Party, I extend a warm comhghairdeas to Michael D. Higgins, whom I believe will be an outstanding President for all the people of Ireland. I have no doubt that he will bring his unique qualities and attributes to the job of President. He will most certainly be a President of whom we can all be proud. It is hoped he will be a President that will inspire people,...

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