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Seanad: Dog Breeding Establishments Bill 2009: Committee Stage (10 Feb 2010) See 15 other results from this debate

Nicky McFadden: I raised this issue last week but as I was sick, I could not attend the House to discuss it. I feel very strongly about the difference between making money from dog breeding in puppy farms — to use that awful phrase — and breeding dogs for hunting. From my experience in the midlands, those who breed dogs for hunting care for them and breed them only to replace dogs when they pass away...

Written Answers — Department of Environment, Community and Local Government: Litter Pollution Fines (27 Mar 2014) See 3 other results from this answer

Terence Flanagan: 135. To ask the Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government the duties of a dog warden; the reason a dog warden is not able to fine a person on-the-spot for a dog fouling offence; if there are any plans to enable dog wardens to do so; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14511/14]

Topical Issue Debate: Animal Breeding Regulations (2 Nov 2016) See 2 other results from this debate

Damien English: I thank Deputy Maureen O'Sullivan for raising this issue. The regulation of dog breeding establishments is a matter for local authorities in accordance with the Dog Breeding Establishment Act 2010. Each local authority must maintain for public inspection a register of dog breeding establishments in its functional area. This must include the name and address of the applicant seeking entry...

Written Answers — Department of Rural and Community Development: Control of Dogs (18 Jan 2018)

Michael Ring: The Control of Dogs Acts 1986 to 2010 set out a range of requirements for all dog owners or any other person in charge of a dog. The Control of Dogs Regulations 1998 set out further requirements that owners of specific breeds of dogs have to follow, namely that such dogs must be muzzled and led, on a sufficiently strong leash or chain not exceeding 2 metres in length, by a competent person...

Written Answers — Department of Finance: Customs and Excise Controls (27 Nov 2012) See 1 other result from this answer

Michael Noonan: I am informed by the Revenue Commissioners that their Customs Service currently deploys 15 detector dog teams at strategic locations throughout the country. This figure includes two new teams, which are in the course of being commissioned and which will be fully operational from December 2012. The dogs are used to detect drugs, tobacco and cash and are used at ports, airports, mail centres,...

Written Answers — Department of Environment, Community and Local Government: Animal Breeding Regulations (2 Jul 2013)

Phil Hogan: The regulation of dog breeding establishments around the country is a matter for local authorities, and, since I commenced the Dog Breeding Establishment Act 2010 on 1 January 2012, a strong regulatory framework now exists for local authorities to undertake this work. Statistics in relation to the implementation by local authorities since 2012 of these provisions, and in relation to other...

Seanad: Litter Pollution (Amendment) Bill 2017: Second Stage (10 May 2017) See 2 other results from this debate

Catherine Ardagh: be taken against an individual who causes damage to a person or property where section 22 of the original Litter Pollution Act 1997 is contravened. Section 22 relates to cleaning up after a dog. At first glance, the fines may seem high, but section 58 of the Protection of the Environment Act 2003 increased them dramatically. On-the-spot fines outlined in and permitted by the Act will...

Written Answers — Garda Deployment: Garda Deployment (23 Oct 2008) See 1 other result from this answer

Dermot Ahern: I am advised by the Garda authorities that the Garda Mounted Unit currently has a complement of eleven (11) horses and that the Garda Dog Unit currently has twenty-six (26) dogs attached to the unit based in the Dublin Metropolitan Region. In addition there are three (3) dogs attached to the Garda Dog Unit in the Southern Region which was established on a permanent basis earlier this year....

Written Answers — Department of Environment, Community and Local Government: Animal Welfare Issues (18 Sep 2013) See 1 other result from this answer

Phil Hogan: The Control of Dogs Acts 1986 and 1992, places statutory responsibility for the dog control and licensing services on local authorities. The implementation of the Acts, including any promotional campaigns or educational programmes, is therefore a matter for the local authorities. The Control of Dogs Regulations, 1998 (as amended) set out the requirement that certain breeds must be muzzled,...

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Animal Welfare (26 Feb 2019)

Michael Creed: The movement of companion animals (cats, dogs, ferrets) within the EU, and from non-EU countries into the EU, is governed by EU Regulation 576/2013. Companion animals, including pet dogs, are free to move between EU Member States and from certain other European countries and territories into the EU (Andorra, Gibraltar, Greenland and the Faroe islands, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Monaco, Norway,...

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Animal Welfare (4 Apr 2017)

Michael Creed: Responsibility for legislation relating to dog breeding establishments rests with the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government. However, officials from my Department work closely with local authority officers on issues relating to the welfare of dogs and, in 2015, engaged with them on joint inspections of dog breeding establishments.  In overall terms the welfare...

Written Answers — Proposed Legislation: Proposed Legislation (24 Mar 2009) See 1 other result from this answer

John Gormley: Work has been ongoing for some time in my Department in drafting measures to provide for statutory regulation of dog breeding establishments within the dog control legislative regime. The issues involved are complex and required detailed consideration. This process has included discussions with a number of organisations, bodies, public agencies and interests active in this area. It is my...

Written Answers — Department of Rural and Community Development: Animal Breeding Regulations (27 Feb 2018)

Michael Ring: The Control of Dogs Acts 1986 to 2010 set out a range of requirements for all dog owners or any other person in charge of a dog. The Control of Dogs Regulations 1998 set out further requirements that owners of specific breeds of dogs have to follow, namely that such dogs must be muzzled and led, on a sufficiently strong leash or chain not exceeding 2 metres in length, by a competent person...

Written Answers — Department of Finance: Revenue Commissioners Resources (22 Oct 2013) See 1 other result from this answer

Michael Noonan: I am advised by the Revenue Commissioners that their enforcement and intelligence teams currently deploy 13 detector dog teams at strategic locations throughout the country. Each team comprises a detector dog and handler, and the dogs are used in the detection of drugs, tobacco and cash. While the detector dog teams are deployed primarily within their regions of assignment, they are also...

Written Answers — Department of Finance: Revenue Commissioners (9 Sep 2024)

Jack Chambers: I am advised by Revenue that it currently operates 27 detector dog teams, including one team working on behalf of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. The year one cost of each detector dog team is approximately €100,000. This includes the cost of a trained detector dog, salary of the handler, training for the handler with the dog, transport, and kennelling arrangements....

Written Answers — Proposed Legislation: Proposed Legislation (21 Oct 2009) See 1 other result from this answer

John Gormley: Work is under way in drafting an amendment to the Control of Dogs Acts and I hope to publish my proposals in the near future. The draft Bill proposes to give statutory effect to the recommendations of the working group that had been established to review the management of dog breeding establishments. The working group recommended that a dog breeding establishment be defined as 'a premises...

Written Answers — Department of Rural and Community Development: Animal Breeding Regulations (9 Jul 2019)

Seán Canney: My Department has overall policy responsibility for the Dog Breeding Establishments Act 2010. Under the Act local authorities are responsible for operational activities such as the registration, inspection and regulation of Dog Breeding Establishments, including enforcement activities. Last year, following a public consultation process my Department published new Guidelines for Dog...

Written Answers — Control of Dogs: Control of Dogs (30 May 2006) See 2 other results from this answer

Mary Coughlan: Statutory responsibility for the control of dogs lies with the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government under the Control of Dogs Act, 1986. My Department is responsible for applying EU controls on the importation of dogs from the perspective of disease control, primarily protection from rabies. The controls do not include provisions for banning the importation of...

Written Answers — Control of Dogs: Control of Dogs (30 May 2006) See 2 other results from this answer

Mary Coughlan: Statutory responsibility for the control of dogs lies with the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government under the Control of Dogs Act, 1986. My Department is responsible for applying EU controls on the importation of dogs from the perspective of disease control, primarily protection from rabies. The controls do not include provisions for banning the importation of...

Public Accounts Committee: Appropriation Accounts 2021
Vote 42 - Rural and Community Development
Report of the Accounts of the Public Services 2021
Chapter 6: Central Government Funding of Local Authorities
(30 Mar 2023)

Ms Mary Hurley: Yes, there are currently 60 dog wardens. The plan now is to put a further 40 dog wardens in place as quickly as possible. While arrangements may differ, local authorities are the responsible entities in respect of their arrangements regarding the various establishments and in respect of procedures around dogs. The overall ambition is that dog wardens would be employees of...

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