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Results 301-320 of 10,035 for speaker:Martin Cullen

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (6 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: There is an example of where that did not happen. The Dáil was reconstituted and formed another Government without going back to the people. I am not saying there is anything wrong with that.

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Committee Stage. (6 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: That is part of the reform question in the next Bill.

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (25 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: It was the General Council of County Councils.

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (25 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: It was the local authorities' own organisation.

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (25 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: I respect the points both Senators have made on this subject which we have debated in great detail, not only on Second Stage but also on Committee Stage. The termination of the dual mandate is the stated official policy of practically all the political parties, including the Labour Party and Fine Gael. It is important to keep this at the forefront of our minds. Senator Tuffy's amendment...

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (25 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: Including the Senator's party.

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (25 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: That is a different argument.

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (25 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: That is an extraordinary assertion that more people should not be involved in public life.

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (25 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: The Senator did. The Senator said, "That is more important than getting more people involved in local government."

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (25 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: I have dealt with this issue. I am not preventing anyone from running for local government. One presumes if a Senator or Deputy has made the decision to run for local government and wants to be part of that structure in the future they will have no difficulty in resigning their Oireachtas seat to do so. It is as simple as that.

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (25 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: That is entirely a matter for the political parties.

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (25 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: I thank Senator Kitt for his intervention. I intended to make the same point. It is extraordinary that Fine Gael and, to some degree, the Labour Party say they are seeking certainty in terms of the direction in which we are going when that is exactly what I am providing. It is quite obvious that Fine Gael does not know where it is headed. The abolition of the dual mandate is a policy of the...

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (25 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: As Senator Dardis has pointed out, Senator Tuffy's proposal to postpone implementation until 2009 is like saying, "Make me pure, but not quite yet." Either we take this step or we do not but it should be noted that underpinning the proposal is the policy position of Fine Gael and the Labour Party. There is no getting away from the fact that both parties are tabling amendments this afternoon...

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (25 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: I have answered the question prompted by the amendment. Amendment, by leave, withdrawn. Government amendment No. 5: In page 3, to delete lines 28 to 34 and in page 4, to delete lines 1 to 13 and substitute the following: "3.–The Principal Act is amended by inserting the following after section 237:

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (25 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: I am glad we have had time to deal with this amendment which addresses issues at the root of much of the debate on Second and Committee Stages. The amendment seeks to provide that when Oireachtas Members leave the local government system, their dealings with the local authorities at a representational level will be secure. I bring it forward in direct response to concerns expressed by Members...

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (25 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: The force of law.

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (25 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: Yes.

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (25 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: I am doing that by regulation.

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (25 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: I appreciate what Senators said. This is a reflection of many concerns raised with me. In the majority of cases, there is no need for such a section. From speaking with colleagues in my party and other parties, I am satisfied that the vast majority of Deputies and Senators have a good working relationship and that there is no need for this provision. There are, in some cases, certain...

Seanad: Local Government Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (25 Mar 2003)

Martin Cullen: These are merely technical amendments. Amendment agreed to. Government amendment No. 7: In page 4, line 15, to delete "of the" and substitute "of that". Amendment agreed to.

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