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Results 301-320 of 13,285 for speaker:Joe McHugh

Seanad: Dormant Accounts (Amendment) Bill 2004: Committee Stage. (7 Jul 2004)

Joe McHugh: The board will be appointed by the Minister. Its members need not be involved in the community sector.

Seanad: Dormant Accounts (Amendment) Bill 2004: Committee Stage. (7 Jul 2004)

Joe McHugh: I do not say that but the Minister is not obliged to appoint people from the community and voluntary sector to the board.

Seanad: Dormant Accounts (Amendment) Bill 2004: Committee Stage. (7 Jul 2004)

Joe McHugh: I move amendment No. 3: In page 5, between lines 5 and 6, to insert the following: "(a) notwithstanding any other provision of this enactment, to provide final sanction for the disbursement of moneys if satisfied that such disbursement is within the policies and principles of this Act and the Principal Act,". This amendment is in a similar vein. At the outset of the Minister's tenure in the...

Seanad: Dormant Accounts (Amendment) Bill 2004: Committee Stage. (7 Jul 2004)

Joe McHugh: We are talking about transparency. The Minister missed an opportunity to stick with the existing board and it is politicised now whether we like it or not. Senator Ryan is satisfied that the Minister is moving on his amendment but I am not because the €220 million will be gobbled up by Departments and will enter mainstream funding. Small community and voluntary groups working with people...

Seanad: Dormant Accounts (Amendment) Bill 2004: Committee Stage. (7 Jul 2004)

Joe McHugh: I thank the Minister for being open in his response. The issue of transparency is important in this matter. It is important to instil confidence in the process. I suggest the peace and reconciliation programme could be part of the template as it involved different measures and a process for application. The group which is not in a position to fill out a competent application should be given...

Seanad: Dormant Accounts (Amendment) Bill 2004: Committee Stage. (7 Jul 2004)

Joe McHugh: I move amendment No. 6: In page 5, to delete lines 30 to 35 and substitute the following: "32.—(1) The Board shall consist of a chairperson and 10 ordinary members appointed by the Minister and shall include——

Seanad: Dormant Accounts (Amendment) Bill 2004: Committee Stage. (7 Jul 2004)

Joe McHugh: Does the Minister accept the amendment?

Seanad: Dormant Accounts (Amendment) Bill 2004: Committee Stage. (7 Jul 2004)

Joe McHugh: I welcome the Minister of State's comments and look forward to hearing the result of his deliberations.

Seanad: Disability Services: Motion. (29 Sep 2004)

Joe McHugh: I welcome the Minister of State, Deputy Tim O'Malley, to the House. I too welcome the publication of the Disability Bill but have reservations about its key areas. Regarding the ring-fencing of moneys over a five-year period, the question arises as to how much money will be involved and what will happen in five years time. While the legislation states that assessments will remain independent,...

Seanad: Order of Business. (7 Oct 2004)

Joe McHugh: I join my colleague, Senator Brian Hayes, in calling for the speedy enactment of the Garda Síochána Bill 2004. The Government's procrastination on this Bill is leading to serious issues within the force, particularly in Donegal. While the Morris tribunal has its merits and must do its job, the perception throughout the island is that the only place where corruption exists is in Donegal....

Seanad: Order of Business. (13 Oct 2004)

Joe McHugh: I ask for the Leader's positive and timely intervention regarding allegations of malpractice in the fishing industry in Donegal. There is a very credible fishing industry in Donegal which is the backbone of the fishing industry in this State. As its credibility is at stake, a speedy investigation is necessary. We do not want it dragged out. I ask the Leader to get in touch with the Minister...

Seanad: Intoxicating Liquor Bill 2004: Second Stage (Resumed). (13 Oct 2004)

Joe McHugh: I welcome the Minister. I am delighted he accepted a common sense amendment tabled by Deputy Jim O'Keeffe last week. The 10 p.m. time restriction should not be set in stone for all time. Time will prove there is much off season tourism in remote places. The west and Donegal already have off-season tourism when people bring families on holiday. We need to keep an open mind on the legislation...

Seanad: Intoxicating Liquor Bill 2004: Second Stage (Resumed). (13 Oct 2004)

Joe McHugh: They do not want to be with adults. We do not want to go back to the days of youth clubs where young adults were under the supervision of parents, volunteers or the local parish priest. We must afford young adults the opportunity to be under supervision in a controlled environment but with young people, perhaps 18 to 21 year olds, working with them in a paid capacity. Pubs are seriously...

Seanad: Order of Business. (14 Oct 2004)

Joe McHugh: I wish to follow on from Senator Ulick Burke's concerns in regard to Hanly II. We have grave concerns in the north west because of the new alignment of the health constituency base which extends from Malin Head to Thurles in County Tipperary. The people of the north west are not convinced this is a natural region and the matter needs to be examined. Any health board review has to take into...

Seanad: Order of Business (Resumed). (20 Oct 2004)

Joe McHugh: Many social economy projects are coming towards the end of their three-year lifespan and there is grave concern that they will come to an abrupt end and that FÁS is looking for an exit strategy. A total of 64 jobs are at stake in Inishowen in a social economy project involving Tullyarvan Mill, Greencastle Maritime Museum and Inishowen Community Radio, in regard to which a public meeting is...

Seanad: Order of Business (Resumed). (20 Oct 2004)

Joe McHugh: Yes.

Seanad: Order of Business. (28 Oct 2004)

Joe McHugh: I welcome the decision of the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Deputy McDowell, to seek approval for 2,000 extra gardaí to increase the strength of the force to 14,000. He needs to be aware of some reality checks, however. I recently raised the issue of morale within the Garda. The Morris tribunal in Donegal is doing a job that has to be done, but it is inadvertently having a...

Seanad: Order of Business. (28 Oct 2004)

Joe McHugh: I am making a very serious point.

Seanad: Order of Business. (28 Oct 2004)

Joe McHugh: A young garda was shot in the hand in the early hours of this morning. Senators would have been up in arms and calling for debates if he had been more seriously maimed. I call on the Minister, Deputy McDowell, to introduce clear and unambiguous protection for Garda personnel.

Seanad: Order of Business. (28 Oct 2004)

Joe McHugh: Such protection would be timely because the need for it is imminent. This is the start of something very serious within the force. As legislators, we have a duty to stand behind the Garda Síochána, rather than going up against it, and it is time we did so.

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