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Results 281-300 of 576 for tui

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Written Answers — Department of Education and Skills: Adult Education Provision (11 May 2021)

Niall Collins: ...across Government to deliver better literacy, numeracy and digital literacy in the adult population. The Labour Court has made a recommendation in relation to a claim brought by SIPTU and TUI in respect of regularising the terms and conditions of Adult Education Tutors employed by Education and Training Boards which has been under consideration by officials in my Department, the...

Technological Universities Bill 2015: Report Stage (Resumed) (27 Jan 2016) See 3 other results from this debate

Charlie McConalogue: ...s failure on junior certificate reform, with only one union on-side. Proper engagement with staff representatives from the outset can ensure a much more successful outcome overall. Last night, the TUI protested outside, and there will be industrial action next week. There is a very definite opinion on the part of staff that there has not been appropriate engagement and consultation....

Written Answers — Department of Education and Skills: Haddington Road Agreement Implementation (16 Oct 2013)

Ruairi Quinn: Voluntary Secondary schools. In dual-union schools (Designated Community Colleges and Community and Comprehensive Schools), the FEMPI Act continues to apply to teachers who are not members of TUI. While certain issues of dual representation require further consideration, the position set out above provides an initial basis for the implementation of the Haddington Road Agreement. It...

Select Committee on Education and Skills: Technological Universities Bill 2015: Committee Stage (15 Nov 2017)

Thomas Byrne: ...concern the halfway house that was originally proposed. It was very unfortunate. I do recognise the work that has been done to allay our concerns and the concerns of many within the sector, the TUI and the institutions themselves that institutions could merge, apply for technological university status and then find they did not get it. There would have been huge uncertainties there...

Other Questions: School Curriculum (20 Nov 2012) See 1 other result from this debate

Charlie McConalogue: have given thought to ensuring standards in various schools. In recent weeks Britain has begun to reverse from teachers doing the marking to the introduction of a more uniform approach. The TUI president, Gerry Craughwell, has expressed concerns about how different schools will have different capacities to introduce short courses and those with better resources will provide a...

Other Questions: JobPath Implementation (22 Nov 2016)

Tommy Broughan: ...did the Minister not seek to agree a protocol with the different professions where people are in casual employment as part of their training, in this case perhaps through the INTO, the ASTI and the TUI trade unions? The Minister in one of his press releases referred to 60,000 people participating in the JobPath programme. Its purpose is to target the long-term unemployed. It does not...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills: School Bullying and the Impact on Mental Health: Discussion (Resumed) (8 Jun 2021)

Carol Nolan: I thank all the guests here today. It has come up at previous meetings, and through TUI research, that Irish children are less likely to experience bullying. In fact it is below the OECD average. That is positive. I was interested by a statement at a previous committee meeting that bullying has actually halved in the last 20 years, which is welcome. What we are dealing with is where...

Pension Provisions (11 Oct 2011)

Brendan Howlin: ..., my officials have met to discuss the proposed scheme with the ICTU public services committee, which includes representatives of AHCPS, ASTI, CPSU, IMO, IMPACT, INMO, INTO, POA, PSEU, SIPTU, TUI and UNITE, as well as with the Irish Hospital Consultants Association, the Irish Dental Association, the Psychiatric Nurses Association and representative organisations for personnel in the...

Seanad: Teaching Council (Amendment) Bill 2015: Second Stage (23 Jun 2015)

Caít Keane: ...amendments could be made available to us in plenty of time rather than on the day before so that we can digest and examine them. We need to cross the ts. Speaking of crossing the ts, we have the TUI, ASTI and the INTO all making representations to us. As a former teacher I know that one must choose good role models for oneself. I would not be choosing Deputy Boyd Barrett or Deputy Ruth...

Written Answers — PLC Sector: PLC Sector (15 Nov 2005)

Mary Hanafin: In its pre-budget submission dated 3 November 2005, the TUI recommends that no less than €50 million be provided in 2006 in order to commence the implementation of the recommendations contained in the McIver report on the PLC sector. This report contains 21 over-arching recommendations, incorporating more than 90 sub-recommendations. The principal recommendations are: a reduction in the...

Written Answers — Department of Education and Skills: Teachers' Remuneration (15 Dec 2015)

Jan O'Sullivan: Under an agreement reached between my Department and the Teachers Union of Ireland (TUI) in 2014, it was agreed that three grades of staff would be recognised as appropriate for employment in the Youthreach sector i.e. Teacher, Youthreach Resource Person and Youthreach Co-ordinator. As an element of this, it was agreed that Tutors who were employed in Youthreach would have their posts...

Seanad: Public Service Pay and Pensions Bill 2017: Committee and Remaining Stages (14 Dec 2017)

Gerard Craughwell: I side with Senator Conway-Walsh. A good job was done in negotiating the agreement but I was president of the Teachers Union of Ireland, TUI, when the first FEMPI was negotiated. It was tough going. Croke Park II collapsed and we went on to make the Lansdowne Road agreement. There was always deep-seated resentment at the fact that the FEMPI legislation brought in punitive measures for...

Written Answers — Department of Finance: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (9 Jun 2015)

Michael Noonan: ...2014 Markus Henn World Economy, Ecology and Development Open letter addressed to Ambassador Froman (US) and Commissioner De Gucht (EU) acknowledged and referred to DJEI  5 November 2014 Pat King  and others ASTI, IFUT, INTO and TUI Referred to DJEI with answer based on their response 28 January 2015 Peter Lacey People's Movement Referred to DJEI 24 March 2015 Eddie...

Leaders' Questions (29 Sep 2016)

Frances Fitzgerald: be addressed in a negotiated way. I agree with the Deputy that we are speaking about a negotiated way forward. That is what has happened. We have seen that happening already in respect of the TUI and the AGSI, notwithstanding its more recent concerns about the public service pay commission. Of course, it is through sitting down and negotiating that this can be resolved. I am very...

Written Answers — Department of Education and Skills: Technological Universities (6 Apr 2016)

Jan O'Sullivan: in 2012, the General Scheme of the Bill was published, and was subject to Oireachtas Scrutiny by the Joint Committee on Education and Social Protection in April of 2014. I am aware that the TUI participated in this process, and many of the Committee's recommendations have been taken into account during the drafting of the Technological Universities Bill. The procedure for...

Written Answers — Department of Education and Skills: Teachers' Remuneration (2 Nov 2016)

Richard Bruton: ...for this by deciding that new entrant teachers would henceforth commence on a new salary scale which had a starting point higher than the starting point of the old scale. The recent agreement with TUI and INTO in the context of the Lansdowne Road Agreement substantially addresses the current difference in pay between those recruited since 2011 and those recruited since 2012 and will...

Topical Issue Debate: Industrial Disputes (3 Nov 2016) See 2 other results from this debate

Richard Bruton: ...that we must try to explain to teachers the benefits on the table with this deal. I have tried hard to progressively improve the position of teachers through negotiations with both the INTO and TUI. As the Deputy knows, we achieved flexibility in the use of Croke Park hours in May and in September we achieved a breakthrough on a deal for newly qualified teachers that provides up to a 22%...

Written Answers — Department of Education and Skills: Teachers' Remuneration (1 Mar 2017)

Richard Bruton: ...the State. The Lansdowne Road Agreement has allowed a programme of restoration to start. I have used this to negotiate substantial improvements in pay for new teachers. The agreement reached with TUI and INTO will see pay rises of between 15-22% (between €4600 and €6700) for new entrant teachers. I accept that ASTI members had outstanding pay demands and that the deal did...

Written Answers — Pension Provisions: Pension Provisions (17 Nov 2010)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: My Department is aware of the report by Trident Consulting entitled "Future Pension Provision" which was commissioned by the three teachers unions, ASTI, INTO and the TUI. In addition, my Department is aware of the views of these unions concerning the Government's planned introduction of a single pension scheme for all new-entrant public servants. The Trident Report was made available to...

Written Answers — Department of Education and Skills: Education and Training Boards (18 Oct 2022)

Niall Collins: ...consideration by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. My officials have met with the Unions on a regular basis on this matter and they will be sharing details of the proposal with the TUI and SIPTU representatives as part of the ongoing engagement regarding this claim.

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