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Results 281-300 of 1,061 for mother and baby

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Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (23 May 2023)

Paul Gavan: This evening, we are back on Committee Stage of the Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Bill. I wish to make an appeal to colleagues across the Chamber at this point, because something fundamentally wrong is happening. A Bill that is fundamentally flawed is going to be passed on Committee and Report Stages over the next week and then passed into law. As we all know, this is a Bill...

Public Accounts Committee: Special Report No. 96 of the Comptroller and Auditor General: Child Abuse Inquiry and Redress (13 Apr 2017) See 5 other results from this debate

Catherine Connolly: I would like to think that but then we fast-forward to 2009 and we have the Minister for Education and Science of the time making a statement in the Dáil that the State had no input into the Magdalen laundries. That has since been disproved and we have had the Magdalen report. Now we are up to the mother and baby homes and again the State is doing its damnedest. My question to Mr....

Written Answers — Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Mother and Baby Homes Inquiries (20 Jan 2015) See 2 other results from this answer

James Reilly: I announced the proposed Terms of Reference for the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes and certain related matters on Friday, 9th January. The investigation will thoroughly examine the experience of the many mothers and children who were resident in a Mother and Baby Home over the period 1922-1998. In the course of this announcement, I indicated my view that it would...

Report of the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes: Statements (Resumed) (20 Jan 2021) See 2 other results from this debate

Johnny Guirke: In my constituency of Meath West, in north-west Meath, is the Castlepollard mother and baby home. The Castlepollard home opened in 1935, but without a purpose-built maternity unit initially and with widespread overcrowding, it recorded an alarming rate of baby mortality in its first five years, with 60.2% of all infants dying. There were 4,559 babies born in Castlepollard between 1935 and...

Written Answers — Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Public Consultation Process (19 Jun 2018)

Katherine Zappone: Details of the number of public consultations, replies received and costs incurred from 2011 to date in 2018 by my Department are set out in the following table. The overall objective is to keep costs of this nature to a minimum. As regards the State agencies under the remit of my Department, I have requested Tusla, the Child and Family Agency, the Office of the Ombudsman for Children, the...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (1 Feb 2021)

Frances Black: I wish everyone a happy St. Brigid's Day on this fine spring day. Although we have had two debates on mother and baby homes, I feel I have to raise the issue again. We learned over the weekend that the audio recordings of the testimonies of survivors of the institutions had been destroyed. Many survivors have expressed anger at this latest development, saying they were not informed when...

Order of Business (7 Dec 2021)

Bríd Smith: I do. I will make an attempt at it. On 13 January in an attempt to apologise to the victims and survivors of mother and baby homes, the Taoiseach stated that children born outside marriage were treated as outcasts. Some 40% of the survivors now feel that they are being treated like outcasts because they are excluded from the redress scheme. A motion that was passed in the Dáil on...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Children and Youth Affairs: General Scheme of a Certain Institutional Burials (Authorised Interventions) Bill: Discussion (Resumed) (27 Apr 2021) See 3 other results from this debate

...with regard to Bessborough. Nine hundred bodies are missing. We are not talking about one person. When a group of people, let us say the congregation, cannot tell us where these bodies - women and children - are and then turns around and sells the land, this nation must say that something is wrong. If they are doing it on the site of the one, two or three mother and baby homes of which...

Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions: Mother and Baby Homes Inquiries (20 Jan 2015) See 5 other results from this debate

James Reilly: ...contributions were very helpful. In particular, I thank all those involved who consulted me during the course of the setting of the terms of reference, many of whom were affected directly by the mother and baby homes. I announced the proposed terms of reference for the commission of investigation into mother and baby homes and certain related matters on Friday, 9 January. Relevant...

Leaders' Questions (10 Jun 2014) See 6 other results from this debate

Gerry Adams: ...xe1;in a bhunú. Is cúis áiféala é gur tharla na rudaí seo sa chéad áit, ach is maith an rud é go bhfuil an cinneadh seo tógtha. I, too, welcome that the Government is to establish a commission of inquiry into mother and baby homes across this State. In the past week or so there have been horrific revelations in this regard, including...

Written Answers — Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: Residential Institutions (3 Jul 2024)

Roderic O'Gorman: The Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme will provide financial payments to an estimated 34,000 people, some 19,000 of whom will also benefit from an enhanced medical card or health support payment. These benefits are in recognition of experiences while resident in Mother and Baby and County Home Institutions. The overall cost of the Payment Scheme is estimated at €800 million....

Written Answers — Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Child and Family Agency Policy (22 Nov 2018)

Maureen O'Sullivan: 204. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the protections and protocols in place to avoid a recurrence of a traumatic removal in which trauma was caused for the child, the mother and the professionals involved (details supplied); and the special arrangements in place, including a provision of a mother and baby unit, to minimise the trauma, particularly for the child in these...

Seanad: Commission of Investigation (Mother and Baby Homes and certain related Matters) Records, and another Matter, Bill 2020: Committee and Remaining Stages (16 Oct 2020) See 2 other results from this debate

Roderic O'Gorman: Like the other speakers, I take on board the sentiment of what Senator Higgins has been saying. We have spoken about an arrow to a future direction and I have provided plenty of arrows in my contributions today and earlier in the week. I would like not to be fettered by the sort of time period mentioned because it is very tight. I would also like not to be fettered in respect of mother and...

Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes: Motion [Private Members] (24 Feb 2021) See 2 other results from this debate

Cian O'Callaghan: ...First, I want to address some of the comments made by the Minister. He talked of full compliance with the requirements of the DPC. If there is to be full compliance, it is important that the Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation be extended so the DPC can carry out an investigation. If the Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation is not extended, there cannot be...

Ceisteanna - Questions: Cabinet Committee Meetings (25 Sep 2018)

Mary Lou McDonald: Gabhaim buíochas don Taoiseach as ucht a chuid freagraí. The Taoiseach recently visited the site of the former mother and baby home in Tuam where hundreds of babies are buried. As the Taoiseach knows, the survivors of the home and the families of those who resided or died there have expressed disappointment that he did not meet with them during his visit. I wrote to him in August...

Questions on Promised Legislation (12 Apr 2017)

Enda Kenny: This is an interim report. Obviously, it has major implications. The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs set out the views of the Cabinet and Government on the report yesterday. The Government is conscious that the commission has made no findings to date regarding abuse or neglect and believes it would not be appropriate to deal with the questions of redress in advance of any...

Written Answers — Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Mother and Baby Homes Inquiries (23 Nov 2016) See 6 other results from this answer

Katherine Zappone: I propose to take Questions Nos. 218 to 220, inclusive, together. Documentation from the former Bessborough and Tuam Mother and Baby Homes was examined by the HSE as part of its response to the Committee to establish the facts of State involvement with the Magdalene Laundries. In the course of this work the HSE provided a draft report to the Committee secretariat and to the Department of...

Written Answers — Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Mother and Baby Homes Inquiries (20 Oct 2020)

Roderic O'Gorman: The Commission of Investigation (Mother and Baby Homes and certain related Matters) Records, and another Matter, Bill 2020 has been brought forward to ensure that we have the opportunity to preserve access to invaluable information relating to Mother and Baby Homes now and into the future. The legislation provides a legal basis for the transfer of specified databases and related records from...

Bethany Home: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (11 Dec 2013) See 5 other results from this debate

Mary Lou McDonald: Fortunately, that is not the case. The Government says that mother and baby homes are excluded from redress. We have noted the exception of St. Patrick's Home on Navan Road. I query the rationale for this State excluding mother and baby homes. I go further and say there is a great need for us to uncover and put the full glare of public understanding on precisely what happened in mother...

Written Answers — Department of Justice and Equality: Garda Investigations (21 Apr 2016)

Frances Fitzgerald: I propose to take Questions Nos. 42 and 43 together. As the Deputy is aware, the instigation and management of any criminal investigation is a matter for the Garda authorities, as are any operational steps which might be taken in relation to the gathering and preservation of evidence. I hope the Deputy will appreciate that I have no role in this regard. The Deputy will also recall...

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