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Results 261-280 of 1,013 for speaker:Colette Kelleher

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Future of Mental Health Care: Update on the Next Stages of the Review of A Vision for Change: Department of Health (19 Oct 2017)

Colette Kelleher: I met Mr. Kane before when he was wearing his Genio hat. He is a man of great integrity and experience. I am dismayed, however, that the oversight group is working in parallel with this committee. The group's remit sounds very much like ours, yet we know there are people, including in Mr. Kane's family, in dire straits all over the country. They include children, older people and younger...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Future of Mental Health Care: Update on the Next Stages of the Review of A Vision for Change: Department of Health (19 Oct 2017)

Colette Kelleher: With respect, that is our role, too. That is the reason the committee was established. Mr. Kane and the committee have been asked to address this.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Future of Mental Health Care: Update on the Next Stages of the Review of A Vision for Change: Department of Health (19 Oct 2017)

Colette Kelleher: Would the oversight group be willing to be accountable to the committee in some ways?

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Future of Mental Health Care: Update on the Next Stages of the Review of A Vision for Change: Department of Health (19 Oct 2017)

Colette Kelleher: What about the Minister? As I stated, it seems confusing.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Future of Mental Health Care: Update on the Next Stages of the Review of A Vision for Change: Department of Health (19 Oct 2017)

Colette Kelleher: At least.

Seanad: Commencement Matters: Traveller Education (25 Oct 2017)

Colette Kelleher: I thank the Cathaoirleach for choosing my Commencement matter and thank the Minister for Education and Skills for taking the time to come into the House to deal with it. I wish to ask him about the levels of educational attainment among Travellers and specifically what is in place to address the stark figures that have been published. I start by restating that the position for Travellers is...

Seanad: Commencement Matters: Traveller Education (25 Oct 2017)

Colette Kelleher: We were all delighted to be part of the Traveller recognition but that is not worth anything unless Travellers begin to prosper. Education is key. The Minister correctly stated it is dismal. I referred to the levels of participation right across the system, but particularly in third level. The baseline is so low that we surely can raise our game. It is good that there is a committee...

Seanad: Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (Gender Pay Gap Information) Bill: Committee Stage (25 Oct 2017)

Colette Kelleher: I welcome the Minister to the House. It is great to see this Bill progressing on Committee Stage. I congratulate Senator Bacik and the Labour Party Senators for keeping the pressure on this issue. It is important. We have a real problem here. It is 40 years since we saw equal pay legislation. I would have thought that since that was in place there would be no need to have this...

Seanad: Order of Business (8 Nov 2017)

Colette Kelleher: Figures provided by the Department of Justice and Equality in response to a parliamentary question on 19 October outline the current status of the Government's commitments to welcoming 4,000 people as refugees to Ireland. They seem to show that Ireland is falling short with only one third of that target group welcomed to Ireland to date. In that context, and given that the deadline for...

Seanad: Order of Business (8 Nov 2017)

Colette Kelleher: Hear, hear.

Seanad: Defence (Veterans Lapel Badge) Bill 2017: First Stage (8 Nov 2017)

Colette Kelleher: I second it.

Seanad: International Protection (Family Reunification) (Amendment) Bill 2017: Committee Stage (8 Nov 2017)

Colette Kelleher: I welcome the Minister of State, Deputy Stanton, to the House. We had the Minister, Deputy Flanagan, here on the last occasion. I am delighted we have been able to bring this important Bill back to the House on Committee Stage. I thank the Senators, a majority of whom voted in favour of this Bill on Second Stage on 19 July. As I and others have said time and again in this House and in the...

Seanad: International Protection (Family Reunification) (Amendment) Bill 2017: Committee Stage (Resumed) (8 Nov 2017)

Colette Kelleher: I would like to keep going.

Seanad: International Protection (Family Reunification) (Amendment) Bill 2017: Committee Stage (Resumed) (8 Nov 2017)

Colette Kelleher: I move amendment No. 7:In page 4, to delete lines 9 to 10 and substitute the following: "(2) This Act shall come into operation no later than 3 months after the date of its passing.". This amendment proposes to change the commencement date from a date to be chosen by the Minister to a date no later than 3 months after the Bill is passed.Although there is a difference of opinion in the...

Seanad: International Protection (Family Reunification) (Amendment) Bill 2017: Committee Stage (Resumed) (8 Nov 2017)

Colette Kelleher: I, therefore, withdraw the amendment and reserve the right to retable it on Report Stage.

Seanad: Public Health (Alcohol) Bill 2015: Committee Stage (Resumed) (8 Nov 2017)

Colette Kelleher: This is my first contribution to the debate but, given the time, I will be brief. I acknowledge the Minister's leadership and determination to bring through the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill and he will be remembered for it. This will be an amazing legacy for him to leave when he decides perhaps to move on from these Houses and parts.

Seanad: Public Health (Alcohol) Bill 2015: Committee Stage (Resumed) (8 Nov 2017)

Colette Kelleher: Legacy is important. I appreciate that the Minister is engaging with shopkeepers and I know first hand his track record for engagement having worked with him on another matter last year. In his discussions on structural separation between now and Report Stage, in addition to the shopkeepers I ask the Minister to bear in mind certain people and to speak to them or to their representatives if...

Seanad: Health Services: Statements (Resumed) (15 Nov 2017)

Colette Kelleher: I welcome the Minister of State, Deputy Catherine Byrne. Many of my questions would be more appropriate to the Minister of State, Deputy Jim Daly, who has departed. If the Minister of State, Deputy Catherine Byrne, is not in a position to reply to them, I would be grateful to receive a reply in writing. I acknowledge that a commitment to provide for dual diagnosis was given in the Minister...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Home Care - Rights, Resources and Regulation: Discussion (15 Nov 2017)

Colette Kelleher: I thank Ms Spillane and Dr. Long for their presentations. It is a real indication of how seriously the Department is taking home care. The witnesses rightly commended the Minister of State, Deputy Helen MacEntee, for her leadership on this, and she has passed the baton to Deputy Jim Daly who I am confident will progress this with the same rigour and enthusiasm. I have two general points....

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Home Care - Rights, Resources and Regulation: Discussion (15 Nov 2017)

Colette Kelleher: The scheme is limited to 130 people, as opposed to 500.

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