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Results 261-280 of 1,335 for speaker:Robbie Gallagher

Seanad: Commencement Matters: Road Safety (6 Dec 2017)

Robbie Gallagher: I welcome the Minister to the House this morning. I acknowledge he is very good when it comes to attending Commencement debates that relate to his portfolio and I thank him for that. Today, I would like to talk about road safety. I am conscious of the most recent horrible fatality that occurred a few days back. Our thoughts and prayers are with that family and all connected to them at...

Seanad: Commencement Matters: Road Safety (6 Dec 2017)

Robbie Gallagher: The Minister referred to the cost of this initiative. I assure him that little or no cost is involved in it. I acknowledge the Minister's contribution to road safety. I know he takes the issue seriously. Perhaps the Minister and the RSA could take a lead role in this regard. I cannot emphasise enough the impact of this event on the 400 students who attended it. I believe this worthwhile...

Seanad: Order of Business (6 Dec 2017)

Robbie Gallagher: I take this opportunity to invite the Senator to Glenveagh National Park where I am sure he will have a very enjoyable experience. At the outset I would like to pass comment on and pay tribute to RTÉ on the programme it broadcast last night. The programme showed very clearly that the carers of Ireland do not want to be listening to us trying to score political points against one...

Seanad: Death of Former Member: Expressions of Sympathy (6 Dec 2017)

Robbie Gallagher: Cuirim fáilte mór go dtí an Teach roimh Mona agus a clann uilig. Tá mé cinnte go bhfuil siad iontach bródúil as saol Des. I welcome Mona Hanafin, Mary and John Hanafin and the grandchildren of Des Hanafin to the House this afternoon. I also acknowledge the presence of Deputies Cahill and Mattie McGrath. I am sure the Hanafin family can be very proud of...

Seanad: Order of Business (7 Dec 2017)

Robbie Gallagher: Today, we woke to hear about another shooting of a member of An Garda Síochána as they went about their duty. I suppose it highlights once again the dangers the men and women of An Garda Síochána face so that the rest of us can go about our daily lives in a safe fashion. Today, I acknowledge the honour and bravery of our gardaí as the Scott Medal ceremony is due to...

Seanad: Order of Business (12 Dec 2017)

Robbie Gallagher: I would like to raise an issue I raised previously, as have others. That is the fodder crisis facing farmers. It is a very serious issue, particularly in the Border counties and the west. Teagasc recently conducted a survey in those affected areas. It claimed that 60% to 70% of farmers surveyed were of the opinion that they were going to be short of fodder now and for the remainder of the...

Seanad: Order of Business (13 Dec 2017)

Robbie Gallagher: I concur with the views of Senator Paddy Burke. The terms and conditions of councillors in many spheres need to be addressed and I look forward to the Minister coming in early in the new year to do just that. I wish to raise the terms and conditions of some school secretaries. The school secretary is the first point of contact when one enters a school. The secretary is a vital link...

Seanad: Special Needs Assistants: Motion (13 Dec 2017)

Robbie Gallagher: Cuirim fáilte roimh an Aire go dtí an Teach. Cuirim fáilte mhór roimh na daoine atá ag éisteacht linn inniu fosta. Fianna Fáil fully supports the Labour Party motion. I compliment the Labour Party Members on raising it. From a Fianna Fáil perspective we have been consistently critical of the manner in which the Government allocates SNAs. It is...

Seanad: Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) (Amendment) Bill 2017: Committee and Remaining Stages (14 Dec 2017)

Robbie Gallagher: I welcome the Minister to the House and I acknowledge the help and assistance I have received from his office with regard to this ongoing issue. I acknowledge the guests in the Public Gallery, including former Ceann Comhairle, Dr. Rory O'Hanlon, and some of the people affected by and involved in this campaign from Carrickmacross. I acknowledge all the work done by the group here and others,...

Seanad: Order of Business (23 Jan 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: At the outset I would like to remind the previous speaker that, unfortunately, Fianna Fáil is not in government. If we were, I can assure him that we would not be having this conversation because we would have already had it.

Seanad: Order of Business (23 Jan 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: Moving on-----

Seanad: Order of Business (23 Jan 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: I would like to move on without interruption. I would like to raise an issue which I have raised here on a number of occasions, namely, the chronic shortage of teachers throughout our schools. I have highlighted this issue in the House on a number of previous occasions but, unfortunately, nothing has happened on it to date. I understand that our party, Fianna Fáil, has a Private...

Seanad: Commencement Matters: Hospital Waiting Lists (24 Jan 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: I welcome the Minister of State, Deputy Jim Daly, to the House. I would like to discuss the ongoing overcrowding in accident and emergency departments and the potential role of smaller hospitals, such as Monaghan Hospital, in alleviating the current problem. To put it mildly, it is very unsatisfactory to see thousands of citizens, most of them elderly, lying on hospital trolleys. We need...

Seanad: Commencement Matters: Hospital Waiting Lists (24 Jan 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: I thank the Minister of State for his response and welcome his commitment to visit Monaghan. I will contact his office to arrange the visit as soon as possible. He has said we cannot keep doing the same things and expect different results. I am heartened by the fact that he is a doer rather than a sayer because this problem requires new thinking and somebody to lead the HSE away from its...

Seanad: Order of Business (25 Jan 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: Today marks the fifth anniversary of the murder of Detective Garda Adrian Donohoe outside Lordship credit union. He was originally from County Cavan and embodied everything that was good about being a member of the Garda Síochána. He totally immersed himself in life in County Louth. His brutal killing leaves his wife Caroline without a husband and his two children without a...

Seanad: Mandatory Reporting: Statements (25 Jan 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: I thank the Minister for her presence. I acknowledge and thank her for her work in this area to date. Fianna Fáil welcomes any change that increases child protection. We support the introduction of mandatory reporting, but it must be backed up by training and resources, a key issue to which the Minister alluded. Under the mandatory reporting requirements of the Act, mandated...

Seanad: Order of Business (30 Jan 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: People were horrified and saddened by events last week in Aughnacloy, County Tyrone, which is on the Monaghan border, when an 83-year old woman, Pat Davidson, was found with serious injuries after a burglary in her home. This lady suffered a fractured spine, a fractured pelvis and a fractured skull and she was put into an induced coma.I am sure Members will join me in wishing her a full and...

Seanad: Order of Business (30 Jan 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: Try to stay in the present day.

Seanad: Order of Business (30 Jan 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: I think the people are more interested to learn what the Government is going to do about housing rather than in a history lesson, with respect.

Seanad: Order of Business (30 Jan 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: The Leader should not be antagonising other Senators.

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