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Results 261-280 of 1,842 for speaker:Marie Moloney

Seanad: Sale of State Assets: Statements, Questions and Answers (19 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: Before we move on to questions, does the Minister wish to reply to any of the issues that have been raised?

Seanad: Thirtieth Amendment of the Constitution (Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union) Bill 2012: Committee and Remaining Stages (24 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: Allow Senator Cullinane to continue, without interruption.

Seanad: Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2012: Second Stage (27 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: I welcome the Minister of State, Deputy Perry. He is becoming a regular visitor and we are always glad to see him. I am disappointed the Minister for Social Protection needed to leave, but she will return for Committee Stage. It would be great for social welfare purposes if no one ever got old or sick, was ever made redundant or was left to raise a family on his or her own. Unfortunately,...

Seanad: Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2012: Second Stage (27 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: We will not engage in an education debate today.

Seanad: Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2012: Second Stage (27 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: I thank the Minister of State. It would be impossible for a parent working in an urban area which could be miles from the school his or her child is attending - I sent my children to a rural school which was many miles from where I was working - to leave work to collect the child from school and take him or her to a child care facility and return to work. The Government must, therefore,...

Seanad: Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2012: Second Stage (27 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: I appreciate that the Minister is looking at the relevant age limit applying to one-parent family schemes in other countries. However, we must treat like with like. Child care services are far more readily available in other countries. I have spoken on several occasions to the Minister about the one-parent family payment and how hard life is for such families. I know that she is working...

Seanad: Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2012: Second Stage (27 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: Yes. Previously, that was the case. I do not know the reason it was changed. Perhaps we should revert to the old system which would, at least, ensure rent was paid and a roof kept over a person's head. It is also welcome that the Minister is extending the list of social welfare payments excluded from the general disqualification for receipt of a weekly social welfare payment where a person...

Seanad: Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2012: Second Stage (27 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: I heard a woman, a nurse, say on radio this morning that she believed the banks were beginning to show more mercy, which I welcome. She was happy with how her negotiations with the banks had gone.

Seanad: Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2012: Second Stage (27 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: I am glad to hear the banks are engaging with people. It is to be hoped we are moving towards a situation where they will take into consideration people's financial circumstances and listen to what they have to say and act accordingly. All of these matters will be discussed in more detail during the next few hours and coming days.

Seanad: Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2012: Second Stage (27 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: How many have indicated to speak? There is time available for each person to speak, so I do not see what the problem is.

Seanad: Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2012: Second Stage (27 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: It was for the sake of the child.

Seanad: Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2012: Committee Stage (27 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: The debate on the Social Welfare and Pensions Bill has turned into a child care debate at this stage. I reserve my comments on section 4 on lone parents. I worked with the Minister, Deputy Joan Burton for many years, long before I was a Member. I worked with her several years ago, when she was in the Department of Social Welfare She is an honourable woman.

Seanad: Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2012: Committee Stage (27 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: I am not criticising what others have said.

Seanad: Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2012: Committee Stage (27 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: I trust the Minister when she says that she will not reduce the age of eligible children to seven years unless affordable, safe and proper child care facilities are in place.

Seanad: Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2012: Committee Stage (27 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: I have spoken to the Minister outside the House on numerous occasions. She is the person who said that she would not to this. I ask the Minister to give a firm commitment that if by some chance she is reshuffled, that her successor keeps the commitment the Minister has given us. This commitment is on the record. I cannot see how the Minister could renege on the commitment in 2014. This...

Seanad: Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2012: Committee Stage (27 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: There is no guillotine.

Seanad: Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2012: Committee Stage (27 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: She made that clear long before she introduced it in the Dáil.

Seanad: Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2012: Committee Stage (27 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: Regardless of whether we like it, the debate has strayed into section 4 on this matter. Senator Mooney's amendment states: "a statutory scheme of free comprehensive childcare available to all children shall be put in place". We never mentioned free child care; we stated affordable child care. Child care must be available for all. When child care is put in place, everyone, including those...

Seanad: Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2012: Committee Stage (27 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: I refer to what the amendment says.

Seanad: Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2012: Committee Stage (27 Apr 2012)

Marie Moloney: We are talking about child care in general.

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