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Results 261-280 of 769 for garda speaker:Paschal Donohoe

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Protected Disclosures (6 Dec 2016)

Paschal Donohoe: ...with their employment. The term "worker" in this case includes employees, contractors, agency workers, people gaining work experience, and trainees. It also covers members of the civil service, An Garda Síochána and members of the defence forces. Members of the public who have no connection with the relevant workplace are not covered by the provisions of the Act...

Written Answers — Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport: Automatic Number Plate Recognition Cameras (19 Jan 2016)

Paschal Donohoe: ...are used by the M50 Concession for the purpose of the collection of tolls and as such are entirely a commercial matter for that company. Automatic number plate recognition cameras are used by An Garda Síochána in the enforcement of road traffic legislation. As such, this is an operational matter for that organisation under my colleague, the Minister for Justice, Equality and...

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Public Sector Pay (17 Jan 2017)

Paschal Donohoe: ...of which is broken down by Vote in the Revised Estimates Volume.  It is estimated that in the order of 6/7,000 additional public servants will be recruited in 2017, with around 3,000 in the education sector, more than 1,200 in health, and 1,000 into An Garda Síochána (police recruits and civilians). To put this in context, the Exchequer pay bill for 2017 remains...

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Public Appointments Service (27 Sep 2018)

Paschal Donohoe: The Public Appointments Service (PAS), an independent statutory recruitment body, advertised a competition for Investigation Officers in the Protected Disclosure Unit, Garda Ombudsman Commission in July 2017. Following the selection process conducted by PAS a panel of candidates was formed. Should any of these candidates come under consideration for a position they are informed of this and...

Written Answers — Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport: Road Traffic Legislation (22 Mar 2016)

Paschal Donohoe: ...2016, road traffic legislation provides that vehicles driven by members of emergency services during the course of their duties are exempt from a range of traffic laws.  This applies to An Garda Síochána, fire and ambulance services, and is set out in section 87 of the Road Traffic Act 2010, as amended by section 23 of the Road Traffic Act 2014. I have no...

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Garda Station Expenditure (12 Jul 2018)

Paschal Donohoe: I can confirm the totals costs incurred by the Office of Public Works (OPW) on security and maintenance on vacant former Garda Stations for 2017 was €217,766.01 and €193,792.60 are costs which have been incurred up to 10th July 2018 These costs include any maintenance or other actions considered by OPW as being necessary to protect the structure and value of the...

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Capital Expenditure Programme (1 Oct 2019)

Paschal Donohoe: ...€49.3m including VAT 16/8/13 €52.8m November 2018 Cost of additional Works over and above those specified in Tender Docs Historic Wings, National Gallery €29.291m including VAT 17/1/14 Conciliation process Kevin Street Garda Divisional HQ €31.020m including VAT 30/1/15 Conciliation process Wexford Garda Divisional HQ €25.295m including VAT...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach: Estimates for Public Services 2016: Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (29 Sep 2016)

Paschal Donohoe: We are referring to a statement made yesterday afternoon. My message is that we wish to support the Garda and its work but we must honour the commitments we have made to everybody who works in our country's public services. Along with the Tánaiste, I wish to engage in a process and any action required that deals with the GRA's concerns but respects the fact that there are tens of...

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Protected Disclosures (7 Feb 2019)

Paschal Donohoe: ..., the Department of Justice and Equality sought sanction from my Department for payment of a proposed fee structure to legal Counsel as part of a new independent panel for reviewing allegations of Garda misconduct. The correspondence from that Department noted that the Minister for Justice and Equality had decided to set up this panel to consider allegations made to the Minister for...

Written Answers — Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport: Penalty Points System Offences (14 Jan 2015)

Paschal Donohoe: ...cyclists and drivers' hours. The introduction of fixed charge notices for drivers' hours offences is bein g examined at present by my Department in consultation with the Road Safety Authority and An Garda Síochána. If these offences are introduced into the Fixed Charge Processing System, historical breaches of EU drivers hours regulations will...

Financial Resolutions - Budget Statement 2020 (8 Oct 2019)

Paschal Donohoe: ...SAFER COMMUNITIES The Government is also delivering in the area of justice and policing. Investment in the sector will increase by €120 million in 2020, an increase of 4.7%. Next year, I am increasing the budget of An Garda Síochána by €81 million. This is to deliver up to 700 new Garda recruits.

Public Accounts Committee: Garda Síochána - Review of Allowances (1 Nov 2012)

Paschal Donohoe: ..., we have explored the question of when an allowance is an allowance and what that means. It is an interesting observation for the purpose of the work we are doing that an allowance within the Garda Síochána can include overtime but for others we have had in, it is seen as something completely different.

Written Answers — Department of Finance: Illicit Trade (8 Dec 2020)

Paschal Donohoe: ...2020 (01 Jan – 30 Nov) 645 133.9 I am also advised that Revenue works closely with the appropriate Government Departments and agencies in the State, including An Garda Síochána, the Department of Justice and Equality and the Health Products Regulatory Authority, in acting against the illegal drugs trade.

Written Answers — Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport: Anti-Social Behaviour (4 Dec 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: ...’ holiday experience and on their impressions of our country.I have previously raised my concerns with both the Minister for Justice and Equality and the Dublin City Manager and I understand that the Garda Síochána and the civic authorities in Dublin are working to tackle these problems.  Dealing with this behaviour is wider than just the criminal justice...

Written Answers — Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport: Road Safety (3 Nov 2015)

Paschal Donohoe: ...wild animals would involve the establishment of liability. This would be a matter for the motorist's insurer or for private litigation. Investigations regarding road traffic accidents are a matter for An Garda Síochána.

Written Answers — Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport: Haulage Industry Regulation (27 May 2015)

Paschal Donohoe: ​A number of agencies including An Garda Siochana are empowered to stop motor vehicles on a public road.  Once stopped, several agencies across a number of Government Departments are empowered to carry out inspections under a range of legislation.  Within my Department's remit, authorised officers of the Road Safety Authority are empowered to carry our certain...

Financial Resolutions - Budget Statement 2020 (8 Oct 2019)

Paschal Donohoe: In addition, extra civilian staff will allow more trained gardaí to return to front-line policing. I am allocating an additional €39 million in current expenditure to the broader justice sector, an increase of 4.8%. This will fund increasing costs in direct provision and greater levels of activity in the Courts Service and the Prison Service. In addition, the Abhaile scheme has...

Written Answers — Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport: Cycling Policy (3 Nov 2015)

Paschal Donohoe: ...or other road users at risk, by the use of headphones for example, could be considered to be driving without reasonable consideration. The enforcement of this fixed charge offence would be a matter for An Garda Siochána.

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Garda Station Refurbishment (3 Oct 2018)

Paschal Donohoe: The procurement of an external design team for the development of Newcastle West Garda Station is currently being progressed with tender documentation at an advanced stage of preparation. It is expected that tender competitions will commence via the EU journal shortly and that a full design team will be in place by early next year with the necessary works in terms of design development,...

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Garda Communications (17 Apr 2019)

Paschal Donohoe: ...and requirements of all agencies currently using, and those who may use this network in the future, for inclusion in the RFT documents.  A project group comprised of representatives from An Garda Síochána and other emergency services bodies has overseen and inputted into the drafting of RFT documents including technical and operational requirements.

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