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Results 261-280 of 2,629 for speaker:Tim O'Malley

Written Answers — Services for People with Disabilities: Services for People with Disabilities (23 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: The matter of access to public buildings and the provision of lifts which would facilitate access for people with disabilities is not a matter for the Department of Health and Children. The National Disability Authority established under the aegis of the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform will have responsibility, under proposed measures in the Disability Bill 2004, for the...

Written Answers — Health Board Services: Health Board Services (23 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: Responsibility for the provision of services for persons, including children, with intellectual disability and those with autism in the Mayo area is a matter, in the first instance, for the Western Health Board. My Department has asked the chief executive officer of the health board to investigate the matter raised by the Deputy and reply directly to him.

Written Answers — Services for People with Disabilities: Services for People with Disabilities (23 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: Responsibility for the provision of services, including care plans, for persons with an intellectual disability and those with autism in the Dublin 9 area is a matter, in the first instance, for the Eastern Regional Health Authority. My Department has asked the regional chief executive of the Eastern Regional Health Authority to investigate the matter raised by the Deputy and reply directly...

Written Answers — Mental Health Services: Mental Health Services (23 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: Correspondence has been received from the group referred to by the Deputy on the relocation of the Central Mental Hospital. In responding to the group's concerns, it has been explained that proposals for the development of a new Central Mental Hospital are under consideration in my Department. The majority of admissions to the Central Mental Hospital come from within the prison service....

Written Answers — Child Care Services: Child Care Services (23 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: I have been informed by the South Western Area Health Board that, despite the availability of funding and repeated and exhaustive efforts in Ireland and internationally, the board was unable to recruit adequate consultant cover for Courthall, the facility referred to by the Deputy. In the context of the overall strategic plans for the child and adolescent psychiatric services in the board's...

Written Answers — Services for People with Disabilities: Services for People with Disabilities (23 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: It is the policy of my Department to transfer persons with an intellectual disability or autism from psychiatric hospitals and other inappropriate placements to more appropriate care settings. It is also policy to provide enhanced levels of service for persons with an intellectual disability and those with autism who are accommodated in psychiatric hospitals, those accommodated in...

Written Answers — Mental Hospitals Report: Mental Hospitals Report (23 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: The report of the Inspector of Mental Hospitals for the year ending 31 December 2003 was published on 8 September 2004. I welcome the publication of this report and acknowledge the important role the inspector has played for several years in providing an accurate and detailed account of services in the mental health sector throughout the country. In his 2003 report, the Inspector of Mental...

Written Answers — Suicide Incidence: Suicide Incidence (23 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: I am aware of the work of the organisation referred to by the Deputy. I am informed that the Mid-Western Health Board provides support and funding for key bereavement support initiatives in north Tipperary. This includes the Living Links organisation and Suicide Understanding and Support, or SUAS, which provide support for those bereaved by suicide. The Mid-Western Health Board provided...

Written Answers — Suicide Incidence: Suicide Incidence (23 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: I am aware of the correspondence referred to by the Deputy. It is acknowledged that the issue of suicide prevention, especially among young people, requires action in a number of different areas and across a broad range of services and Departments. The issue will be addressed in the context of the preparation of the strategic action plan for suicide reduction which is currently underway. The...

Written Answers — Appointments to State Boards: Appointments to State Boards (23 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: The working group on home supports and personal assistants first met in January 2002. The membership of the working group is as follows: Allen Dunne, Disability Federation of Ireland; Anne Winslow, Irish Wheelchair Association; David Fennell, Cheshire Foundation; Margaret Gillard, Rehab Group; Michael Corbett, Disability Federation of Ireland; Joan Bradley, Post Polio Support Group; Mo Flynn,...

Seanad: Health and Social Care Professionals Bill 2004: Committee Stage (Resumed). (25 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: The maintenance of a comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date register of practitioners is a main function of each registration board and is clearly pivotal to the effective discharge of the role of each board. The registrants also have an important responsibility to keep the relevant board informed of any changes in their registration details. Section 44 specifies a number of detailed...

Seanad: Health and Social Care Professionals Bill 2004: Committee Stage (Resumed). (25 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: I presume the Senator is not referring to voters' registration. I am not aware of and I would be delighted if the Senator could inform me of any register that has not been updated. My understanding of the professions is that the registers must be updated annually. I have no problem with adding the phrase "on an annual basis" to section 45, which states, "publish its register in the manner,...

Seanad: Health and Social Care Professionals Bill 2004: Committee Stage (Resumed). (25 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: I will accept that.

Seanad: Health and Social Care Professionals Bill 2004: Committee Stage (Resumed). (25 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: Section 45(1) states: Subject to subsection (2), a registration board shall— (a) make its register available for inspection by members of the public at all reasonable times,... I presume this covers the Senator's requirements.

Seanad: Health and Social Care Professionals Bill 2004: Committee Stage (Resumed). (25 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: Any reasonable person would understand the term to mean that the register will be available for inspection during office hours, rather than 3 a.m. on a Sunday, for example. From my experience this is also the practice.

Seanad: Health and Social Care Professionals Bill 2004: Committee Stage (Resumed). (25 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: As the Senators will be aware, given the potential implications for a practitioner's livelihood, all decisions of the council in the disciplinary area are subject either to appeal or confirmation by the High Court. It is essential in this regard that the council behaves at all times strictly in accordance with the principles of due process. The fitness to practise procedures contained in the...

Seanad: Health and Social Care Professionals Bill 2004: Committee Stage (Resumed). (25 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: I understand the Senator's views on this issue and she is correct that we are all aware of cases that arose in the past. The professions and the general public accept that much of what happened in the past was not correct. I understand that the medical practitioners Bill and other legislation to come before the Houses will include whistleblower provisions in that there will be an onus on...

Seanad: Health and Social Care Professionals Bill 2004: Committee Stage (Resumed). (25 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: Section 51(3) states: "The complaint must be in writing or in any other form acceptable to the Council and it may be made by or on behalf of any person or by a registration board."

Seanad: Health and Social Care Professionals Bill 2004: Committee Stage (Resumed). (25 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: I believe this addresses the concerns of Senator Browne. As he will agree, we must ensure there is due process and avoid frivolous complaints.

Seanad: Health and Social Care Professionals Bill 2004: Committee Stage (Resumed). (25 Nov 2004)

Tim O'Malley: I take the Senator's point and will consider the matter for Report Stage.

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