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Results 261-280 of 27,996 for speaker:Éamon Ó Cuív

Polasaí Dátheangachas. (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: Mar is eol don Teachta, ní foláir, bhí sé de phribhléid agam scéim mo Roinne féin faoi Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla 2003 a fhoilsiú ar an Déardaoin seo caite. Ar ndóigh, tá céatadán suntasach de rannáin mo Roinnese ag feidhmiú cheana féin trí Ghaeilge. I gcás gach ceann de na rannáin a sholáthraíonn seirbhísí ar bhonn dhuine-le-duine trí Bhéarla amháin faoi...

Polasaí Dátheangachas. (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: B'fhéidir go bhfuil an Teachta ag breith ar seo ón taobh mícheart. Ma bhreathnaíon sé ar phlean mo Roinne féin, is é atá ann go soiléir ná go mbeidh duine i ngach uile rannóg a bheidh in ann seirbhís a thabhairt do chustaiméir trí mheán na Gaeilge. Ní hamhlaidh atá i láthair na huaire. Ar ndóigh, mar atá ráite go minic, déanann rannóg na Gaeilge, rannóg na n-oileán...

Polasaí Dátheangachas. (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: Maidir le ceist Ombudsman na Leanaí, tá go leor easnaimh sa seirbhís poiblí ach ná bíodh muid ag breathnú siar. Rinneadh é sin roimh feidhmiú an Achta. Beidh ar oifig Ombudsman na Leanaí plean a chur faoi bhráid na Roinne le déileáil le ceist sheirbhís trí Ghaeilge ach níl mise ag dul a rá inniu céard a bheidh sa bplean sin. Is rud é sin a bheidh le plé. Roghnaíodh 25 des...

Departmental Expenditure. (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: The gross expenditure allocation for my Department in 2004 is approximately €298 million. As the Deputy will be aware, details of the allocations to individual programme areas are included in the Revised Estimates Volume 2004, which was published earlier in the year. Expenditure up to 24 September 2004 across the three main programme areas, excluding administration, is €162 million, which...

Departmental Expenditure. (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: I assure the Deputy that there is no advantage for me in not spending the money, otherwise it reverts to the Exchequer. I will see to it, as far as I possibly can, that the Department spends every euro it receives, and not only the euro but also the cent. Last year, the Department was within €100,000 of a total spend and that is as good as one can hope for. There are variables to be taken...

Irish Language. (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: Last Thursday morning I had the privilege of launching the first language scheme in my Department and formally launching the preparation of three-year schemes by 25 other public bodies, details of which are set out in a table which I propose to circulate in the Official Report. I anticipate that each of these will have finalised schemes before the end of March 2005. I am satisfied that...

Irish Language. (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: I thank the Deputy for his good wishes. I agree with him on the points he made. In the context of the Act and the position of the Irish language, I stated in this House during the passage of the Bill that we must be realistic. The available resources must be assessed and we must progress according to what is available. For that reason the plan for my Department is modest because resources are...

Irish Language. (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: I could not agree with the Deputy more. An interesting side-effect of the Act is that people have suddenly become aware of printing costs. We all see beautiful glossy magazines and photographs which cost us a fortune. Many publications are way too comprehensive. In my experience, one gets so much material each week that there is only one place for most of it, that is, in one's little...

Irish Language. (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: The question of the services in the House will come up in due course. I do not have a list in front of me but I understand that is one of the bodies that will have to present a plan, although I will have to verify that. The Deputy is correct in that it is vital we give example. It is for that reason I very much welcome that the first list of bodies contains such bodies as the Office of the...

Irish Language. (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: Tógfaidh mé Ceisteanna Uimh. 138, 141 agus 165 le chéile. Mar is eol do na Teachtaí, moladh i dtuarascáil Choimisiún na Gaeltachta 2002 go mba chóir staidéar cuimsitheach teangeolaíoch a thionscnamh ar úsáid na Gaeilge sa Ghaeltacht. Tar éis tairiscintí ina leith a bheith iarrtha agus scrúdaithe ag mo Roinn, d'fhógair mé ar 31 Eanáir 2004 go raibh an conradh chun a leithéid...

Irish Language. (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: Maidir leis an dara cuid den cheist, rinne mé ainailís bunaithe ar dhaonáireamh 1996 ar líon na gcainteoirí laethúil Gaeilge fásta ins na ceantracha taobh amuigh den nGaeltacht. Ní raibh aon áit taobh amuigh den nGaeltacht go raibh níos mó ná 10% den phobal ag labhairt na Gaeilge go laethúil seachas trí toghroinn cheantair a bhí ar imeall na Gaeltachta go raibh cuid den...

Irish Language. (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: Tuigim an t-imní atá ar an Teachta. D'fhéadfaí méar a shíneadh i dtreo na Gaillimhe, go mórmhór ar na bruachbhailte thart ar Ghaillimh. Tá mé ag breathnú ar reachtaíocht an údaráis i gcomhthéacs eile ar fad ach ní bheidh sé sin déanta roimh dháta thoghcháin Údarás na Gaeltachta. Beidh cúig bliana caite ag an mbord in oifig ag deireadh na bliana seo. Cheana féin,...

Designated Areas. (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: I propose to take Questions Nos. 139, 149 and 188 together. I introduced the CLÁR programme in October 2001 to address depopulation as well as the decline and lack of services in rural areas. An Agreed Programme for Government contained a commitment to annual funding for the CLÁR programme and to consider additional areas for inclusion in light of the 2002 population census data. The...

Designated Areas. (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: If one analyses it using the criteria laid down for CLÁR, no area is left out which would comprise a population of 1,000. We analysed it every way. To be honest with the Deputy, I tried to include every area I could within the criteria. Unfortunately, those areas do not fall within the criteria for the scheme.

Written Answers — Decentralisation Programme: Decentralisation Programme (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: I propose to take Questions Nos. 142 and 231 together. The Deputies will be aware that the progress of decentralisation in any Department is guided by the overall implementation process being carried out centrally by the decentralisation implementation group. In that context, the following steps have been taken by my Department to advance the decentralisation process. A dedicated...

Written Answers — Irish Language: Irish Language (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: I propose to take Questions Nos. 143, 193 and 208 together. The Irish Language Forum was established by me in July of this year with terms of reference to advise in relation to: the desirability of a 20 year strategic plan with realistic goals for the Irish language in the State; the short-term strategic priorities for the preservation and the promotion of the Irish language within the State;...

Written Answers — Departmental Funding: Departmental Funding (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: I would like to indicate that primary responsibility in this instance lies with my colleague, the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. As the Deputy is aware, Pollathomas is a designated Gaeltacht area and, as Minister with responsibility for Gaeltacht Affairs, I have visited the area on a number of occasions. My Department, in co-operation with the Department of the...

Written Answers — Offshore Islands: Offshore Islands (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: My Department currently subsidises 14 ferry services to 12 islands, as well as an all-year round air service to the Aran Islands and a winter helicopter service to Tory Island. Five of these contracts provide connecting road transport services on the mainland. I have arranged for a full list of these services to be forwarded to the Deputy. I have also made available funding of just over...

Written Answers — Decentralisation Programme: Decentralisation Programme (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: The September 2004 data received from the CAF system indicate that staff in my Department have lodged applications or expressions of interest for relocation under the decentralisation programme as follows: Knock Airport, nine; Na Forbacha, none, other Departments, 48; and public service organisations, five.

Written Answers — Western Development Commission: Western Development Commission (5 Oct 2004)

Éamon Ó Cuív: The Western Development Commission was established on 1 February 1999 under the Western Development Commission Act 1998. The functions of the commission are to promote, foster and encourage economic and social development in the western region, defined as the seven western counties of Donegal, Leitrim, Sligo, Mayo, Roscommon, Galway and Clare. Its activities involve policy analysis and...

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