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Results 241-260 of 2,961 for speaker:Seymour Crawford

Grant Payments. (4 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: I thank the Minister for her reply. Given that farmers with less than 20 livestock units are not eligible for grant aid under the current structure, it will be difficult for them to survive. Does the Minister accept farmers in counties such as Cavan and Monaghan who went into pig and poultry production on small acreage are not eligible either while mushroom producers are in serious...

Grant Payments. (4 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: I refer to the Teagasc office in Bailieboro, which is to close. How can small farmers survive if advice is not available within 20 or 30 miles of their homes? This is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. If small farmers are to remain in business, they must be given realistic grant aid and advice regarding alternatives to generate income outside farming. If that is not done, the industry...

Grant Payments. (4 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: I have been saying that for 12 years but nobody will listen.

Grant Payments. (4 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: It is ridiculous. Teagasc is short of money.

EU Directives. (4 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: I appreciate the Minister has had ongoing meetings with the personnel from Teagasc, especially in her constituency regarding pigs and poultry. Some issues, such as the technicality of transferring slurry and manure of a definite value from one farm to another, need not be significant and could be solved, but it is now tied up in red tape. An elderly farmer who is not fully utilising his land...

EU Directives. (4 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: They are afraid that they will break a rule as that would mean they would lose their single premium.

Requests to move Adjournment of Dáil under Standing Order 31. (4 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: I seek the adjournment of the Dáil under Standing Order 31 to debate the following urgent matter: the fact that surgical services at both Cavan and Monaghan general hospitals are not being fully utilised at a time when the health services are in chaos and private services are being paid for under the national treatment purchase scheme, and when it is clear from statements made by the...

Land Bill 2004 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed). (4 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: I welcome the opportunity to speak on this important legislation. Over the years, various land agencies, including the Land Commission, have played a major role in restructuring land and giving farmers and tenants an opportunity to use the land to good effect. I was one of those who signed a contract with the Land Commission on 13 May 1971 to swap land as part of a major restructuring...

Written Answers — Disadvantaged Areas Scheme: Disadvantaged Areas Scheme (4 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: Question 95: To ask the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a decision will be made to upgrade the remaining area of County Monaghan from disadvantaged to severely handicapped status; the stage the application is at in Brussels; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [14204/05]

Written Answers — EU Directives: EU Directives (4 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: Question 97: To ask the Minister for Agriculture and Food the plans she has to deal with the crisis in the intensive farming sector, that is, pigs, poultry and mushrooms, being brought about by the new proposals in Brussels for the nitrates directive; her views on whether the new regulation plus increased paperwork will force many out of production; and if she will make a statement on the...

Written Answers — Health Services: Health Services (4 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: Question 144: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children the progress towards opening the health care centre in Cootehill, County Cavan for the use of the elderly; her views on whether it is acceptable that a new building such as this go unused for the purpose for which it was built almost three years ago; if the Health Service Executive will make sure that capital funding that...

Written Answers — Garda Vetting Procedures: Garda Vetting Procedures (4 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: Question 386: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if his attention has been drawn to the fact that students taking up postgraduate courses in Nottingham University for teaching require a certificate of good conduct from here; if such students will receive the necessary documentation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [13928/05]

Written Answers — Garda Equipment: Garda Equipment (4 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: Question 425: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of speed camera boxes in place; the roads on which they are placed; the number of boxes fit to be used and the number of cameras in place; if he has made an effort or agreement with his opposite number in Northern Ireland so that drivers from that jurisdiction can be subject to the same laws as those which apply...

Written Answers — Compulsory Purchase Orders: Compulsory Purchase Orders (4 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: Question 486: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he will consider changing the regulations to allow a person who wishes to go to arbitration under CPO for road restructuring to hold on to the offer that has been made to them by the local authority as the minimum to be received in compensation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14363/05]

Written Answers — Recycling Policy: Recycling Policy (4 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: Question 491: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the recycling facilities which are available here for such products as glass, paper and plastic; the percentage of waste product here suitable for recycling or that is recycled here; if he has satisfied himself that enough effort is being made to maximise the benefits of recycling; and if he will make a...

Order of Business. (5 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: I wish to raise three items. First, does the local government rates Bill have anything to do with increased stealth taxes and when will it be introduced?

Order of Business. (5 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: Second, a health Bill is on the agenda which appears to relate to health information and controls. When is this due to come before the House in addition to the nurses amendment Bill so we can discuss the crisis in accident and emergency services and the ongoing difficulties in the health sector?

British-Irish Agreement (Amendment) Bill 2005: Second Stage. (5 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: I thank the Minister and his officials for the quick briefing on this Bill. However, I query the secrecy and urgency surrounding this issue. Why did it have to be rushed through so quickly? I and my party are committed to the British-Irish Agreement and we will do everything possible to ensure it is implemented for the good of our people. However, there is always a danger with rushed...

British-Irish Agreement (Amendment) Bill 2005: Second Stage. (5 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: Let the Minister finish this point.

British-Irish Agreement (Amendment) Bill 2005: Committee and Remaining Stages. (5 May 2005)

Seymour Crawford: May I ask a question? The Minister talked about responsibility but when did he first become aware of this issue? I asked him earlier to identify the then Attorney General. I am not trying to pinpoint individuals but we must be sure about who is responsible for this area. I am not suggesting that I am clear on all the technicalities involved but we employ people on behalf of the State to do...

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