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Results 221-240 of 4,363 for speaker:Arthur Morgan

Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill 2005: Second Stage (Resumed). (9 Mar 2005)

Arthur Morgan: I do not know what connections Deputy McHugh has with speculators, I will let him answer that. Springfield Glen in Navan is a development of 45 houses and the developer is reported to be in New Zealand. Roads, footpaths and public lighting have all been left incomplete. The developer deposited a bond of €38,000 with the local authority yet conservative estimates suggest that it will cost in...

Written Answers — FÁS Training Programmes: FÁS Training Programmes (9 Mar 2005)

Arthur Morgan: Question 210: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if he will consider the construction of a new FÁS office in Ashbourne to cater for the increased demand in south and east Meath for the services of FÁS and in particular in recognition of the rapidly increasing population of this area. [8189/05]

Request to move Adjournment of Dáil under Standing Order 31. (22 Mar 2005)

Arthur Morgan: I seek the adjournment of the Dáil under Standing Order 31 to discuss the following matter of urgent concern, namely, the unacceptable fact that cutbacks in health services at Louth County Hospital, Dundalk, are forcing patients to travel to Newry in County Down to avail of basic services, such as accident and emergency treatment; the necessity to address this situation as a matter of...

Written Answers — Employment Statistics: Employment Statistics (22 Mar 2005)

Arthur Morgan: Question 39: To ask the Taoiseach the number and percentage of all companies in the State which employ fewer than 50 persons. [9294/05]

Written Answers — Employment Statistics: Employment Statistics (22 Mar 2005)

Arthur Morgan: Question 40: To ask the Taoiseach the number and percentage of all companies in the State which employ fewer than ten persons. [9295/05]

Written Answers — Health Service Staff: Health Service Staff (22 Mar 2005)

Arthur Morgan: Question 107: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children if ambulances and ambulance crews in the Health Service Executive north-east area are covered by insurance to collect employee time sheets at 3 a.m. nightly; and if the terms and conditions of these employees are being breached by carrying out such functions. [9061/05]

Written Answers — Harbours and Piers: Harbours and Piers (22 Mar 2005)

Arthur Morgan: Question 206: To ask the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources the procedures which should be followed in cases in which local authorities appoint members to a harbour authority; when these procedures commenced; if new procedures are proposed; and when new procedures will come into force. [9092/05]

Written Answers — Enterprise Centre Occupancy: Enterprise Centre Occupancy (22 Mar 2005)

Arthur Morgan: Question 266: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the percentage occupancy of enterprise centres across the State and in each local authority area. [9293/05]

Written Answers — Citizenship Applications: Citizenship Applications (22 Mar 2005)

Arthur Morgan: Question 516: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when the application by a person (details supplied) in County Louth for naturalisation will be processed; this person's status; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9288/05]

Written Answers — Local Authority Housing: Local Authority Housing (22 Mar 2005)

Arthur Morgan: Question 644: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government , further to Question No. 414 of 1 March 2005, the reason he made no reference to circular HRT3/2002 in respect of rents of local authority dwellings (details supplied); if this circular has been complied with; and if he will provide a copy of the differential rents scheme for each local authority in the...

Written Answers — Register of Electors: Register of Electors (22 Mar 2005)

Arthur Morgan: Question 668: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the number of persons in the State who are entitled to vote; the number of persons who are registered to vote; the breakdown of this information by local authority area; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9128/05]

Written Answers — Local Authority Housing: Local Authority Housing (22 Mar 2005)

Arthur Morgan: Question 673: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the steps he has taken to ensure that the various differential rent schemes as operated by the local authorities are in compliance with the requirement in section 3 of circular HRT 3/2002. [9290/05]

Written Answers — Local Authority Housing: Local Authority Housing (22 Mar 2005)

Arthur Morgan: Question 674: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he has satisfied himself that all local authority rent schemes are in compliance with the requirement in section 3 of circular HRT 3/2002; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9291/05]

Fur Farming (Prohibition) Bill 2004: Second Stage (Resumed). (23 Mar 2005)

Arthur Morgan: I query some of the statistics referred to by the Minister of State, Deputy Browne. He claimed that 80 people are employed full-time by fur farms with a further 85 seasonal workers. I am curious as to the source of those figures which do not appear to be accurate. I say that in the gentlest way possible. The most recent figure for the value of fur exports from the CSO was €1.6 million. If...

Fur Farming (Prohibition) Bill 2004: Second Stage (Resumed). (23 Mar 2005)

Arthur Morgan: I will come back to that at the end if I have time. Let us look briefly at the economics of this issue. On the basis of export value, a single animal pelt is sold for €14. The animals are killed after seven months. That means that fur farmers, assuming that they extract no profit from the whole business, spend 6.6 cent per day on the animals in their loving care. There is not much scope...

Fur Farming (Prohibition) Bill 2004: Second Stage (Resumed). (23 Mar 2005)

Arthur Morgan: I, therefore, urge all Deputies to support this Bill and bring this marginal barbaric business to an end. I wish to deal with the jibes from the Minister, Deputy Coughlan. When I come to the House, I expect that the Minister and her colleagues will equate everything that a Sinn Féin Deputy says with the Irish freedom struggle. That will not stop me and my colleagues from having our say on...

Constitutional Referenda. (12 Apr 2005)

Arthur Morgan: My hearing must be getting worse because I did not hear the Taoiseach's answer to Deputy Ó Caoláin's question on whether he will hold a second referendum in the event of the first one yielding a no vote. Perhaps he can clarify that matter.

Constitutional Referenda. (12 Apr 2005)

Arthur Morgan: The French might do the job anyway. Has the Taoiseach plans to hold a referendum this year or next year on the issue of a right to housing? Will he hold such a referendum in order to ensure such a fundamental right is available to the people of this State?

Constitutional Referenda. (12 Apr 2005)

Arthur Morgan: I asked about people's right to housing.

Constitutional Referenda. (12 Apr 2005)

Arthur Morgan: There are enough reports to build a house.

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