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Results 221-240 of 996 for speaker:John Gerard Hanafin

Seanad: Order of Business. (22 Feb 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: I am glad I was interrupted because the Senator interrupted everybody else. I would have felt badly had I been left out.

Seanad: Order of Business. (22 Feb 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: Having found the United States guilty on every occasion how could Senator Norris say he is an objective person to be on any committee?

Seanad: Order of Business. (8 Mar 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: Will the Deputy Leader raise the matter of the Leader writing to the NRA with regard to signage and the lighting of signs on our motorways, in particular the M50 where one could easily pass a junction because of inadequate lighting of the signs? We also need to ensure proper signposting for our visitors. For example, the N7 and N8 merge, but the only sign visitors coming from Dublin see is...

Seanad: Order of Business. (8 Mar 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: The south is a large area and we would like it to be included. Will the Deputy Leader arrange for a debate on the issue of adult stem cells? Recently we saw in Korea the terrible instance of a false dawn, where deliberately misleading information was given regarding the benefits of embryonic stem cells. Notwithstanding that, evidence is continuing to show the benefits of adult stem cell...

Seanad: Order of Business. (9 Mar 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: I ask the Leader for another debate on the Middle East with specific reference to the dangerous developments taking place as Iran insists on continuing to enrich weapons grade uranium. No one wishes to see a further proliferation of nuclear weapons and there is an inevitability about the outcome and consequences that will occur if Iran continues on this road. Hence, I ask for an urgent debate...

Seanad: Order of Business. (21 Mar 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: I share the concern about the situation in the sugar beet industry and I call for a debate thereon. Greencore will gain from this situation as it still holds the value of the assets of the land banks in Carlow and Mallow and the value of the brand of Siúcra. That will be significantly enhanced by virtue of the fact it will be able to import cheap sugar and will not incur the cost of...

Seanad: Order of Business. (23 Mar 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: I join with those speakers who congratulated Fr. Alec Reid this morning and welcome the ceasefire announced by ETA. We also heard arguments concerning the anti-war movement and marches against the war in Iraq. I believe everyone in this House is anti-war. Perhaps it is time to have a debate on the situation in the Middle East, particularly because the US now recognises that there is a...

Seanad: Order of Business. (28 Mar 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: I share in the call for a debate on ageism. It is entirely appropriate that the Seanad debate this in light of the fact that the word "senate" comes from the Latin word "senex", which means old man. The association is immediately made with wisdom and it is true that wisdom comes with old age. Ageism exists in this country and I believe every Senator has received representation from a person...

Seanad: Order of Business. (29 Mar 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: I support the call of SenatorScanlon for a debate on housing in Dublin. In particular, we must ensure that already-zoned land comes under the rule of "use it or lose it" so that there is an adequate supply of housing, thus preventing disgraceful situations, such as that brought to our attention by Senator Brian Hayes, from continuing in the marketplace.

Seanad: Employees (Provision of Information and Consultation) Bill 2005 [Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil]: Report and Final Stages. (29 Mar 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: I welcome the Minister of State to the House and thank him again. He and his Department have facilitated a co-operative and positive approach by individual companies and their employees in meeting the objectives of the directive. This has resulted in a Bill which recognises the voluntarist tradition in Irish industrial relations which will assist companies and their employees in establishing...

Seanad: Irish Language: Motion. (5 Apr 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: Ba mhaith liom mo bhuíochas a gabháil leis na Seanadóirí uilig as ucht an díospóireacht seo a bheith ar siúl againn inniu. Tuigim go maith go bhfuil suim dháiríre ag na Seanadóirí ar fad sa Teach seo sa Ghaeilge, mar go bhfuil díospóireacht láidir ar siúl. Tá tuairimí maithe acu faoin dteanga, mar atá acu i leith chúrsaí oideachais go ginearálta. Is trua é gur ábhar...

Seanad: Irish Language: Motion. (5 Apr 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: No.

Seanad: Irish Language: Motion. (5 Apr 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: An rud a dhéanaim le "Daingean" ná"Daingean Uí Chúis" a ghlaoch air, mar is é sin an téarma ceart.

Seanad: Irish Language: Motion. (5 Apr 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: Deirim "Dúrlas Éile", in ionad "Dúrlas", agus "Aonach Urmhumhan" in ionad "Aonach". Ní maith liom an chaoi ina bhfuil gach éinne ag gearradh na logainmneacha siar. Ba chóir an téarma iomlán a úsáid. Má táimid chun a bheith cinnte go dtuigimid agus go gcreidimid sa Ghaeilge, níor cheart dúinn mar sochaí agus go háirithe mar cheannairí na tíre seo agus mar pholaiteoirí aon...

Seanad: Irish Language: Motion. (5 Apr 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: I am giving the House my view on what will happen. The policy they are propounding is to remove the compulsory element of Irish for the leaving certificate. It will single-handedly sound the death-knell of the Irish language, and I am not being political, but am speaking from concern. It is interesting that the Labour Party in the Dáil does not support this policy. Neither does the Green...

Seanad: Irish Language: Motion. (5 Apr 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: I hope that Fine Gael never gets the opportunity to implement it.

Seanad: Irish Language: Motion. (5 Apr 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: Go raibh maith agat.

Seanad: Irish Language: Motion. (5 Apr 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: Cén post a bhí ag an Seanadóir?

Seanad: Irish Language: Motion. (5 Apr 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: Or neither.

Seanad: Irish Language: Motion. (5 Apr 2006)

John Gerard Hanafin: Nobody is arguing with that.

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