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Results 181-200 of 12,967 for speaker:Dara Calleary

Social Welfare: Motion (31 Mar 2009)

Dara Calleary: I acknowledge the progress set out in the Government's amendment and the Minister's input into making such progress, including by way of providing extra staff and resources to try to address the dramatic turnaround in the demand for welfare payments in the past 12 months. This turnaround was referred to by Deputy Cyprian Brady. I pay particular tribute to the staff in all the local offices...

Written Answers — Grant Payments: Grant Payments (31 Mar 2009)

Dara Calleary: Question 398: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when a REPS 4 payment for a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be awarded. [12786/09]

Written Answers — Grant Payments: Grant Payments (31 Mar 2009)

Dara Calleary: Question 399: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when a REPS 4 payment for a person (details supplied) in Count Mayo will be awarded. [12787/09]

Written Answers — Grant Payments: Grant Payments (31 Mar 2009)

Dara Calleary: Question 400: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when a REPS 4 payment for a person (details supplied) will be awarded. [12788/09]

Written Answers — Grant Payments: Grant Payments (31 Mar 2009)

Dara Calleary: Question 401: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when details of the proposed hardship scheme for sheep farmers will be announced. [12789/09]

Written Answers — Grant Payments: Grant Payments (31 Mar 2009)

Dara Calleary: Question 421: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when a REPS 4 payment for a person (details supplied) will be awarded. [13212/09]

Written Answers — Health Repayment Scheme: Health Repayment Scheme (8 Apr 2009)

Dara Calleary: Question 18: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when the health repayment scheme will be awarded to a person (details supplied) in County Mayo. [14842/09]

Written Answers — Health Repayment Scheme: Health Repayment Scheme (8 Apr 2009)

Dara Calleary: Question 19: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when the health repayment scheme will be awarded to a person (details supplied) in County Mayo. [14843/09]

Written Answers — Schools Building Projects: Schools Building Projects (23 Apr 2009)

Dara Calleary: Question 206: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the status of an application for the provision of a new school (details supplied) in County Mayo. [16039/09]

Company Closures. (29 Apr 2009)

Dara Calleary: I thank Deputies McEllistrim and Deenihan, and all Deputies and Senators, for their good wishes. I also thank the Deputies for raising this matter on the Adjournment. On Friday 24 April, Amann announced that its plant in Tralee was to close with the loss of 215 jobs. The Tánaiste and the Department are keenly aware of the impact on the employees of Amann and their families. In many cases,...

Cancer Screening Programme. (29 Apr 2009)

Dara Calleary: I will take the Adjournment on behalf of my colleague, the Minister for Health and Children, Deputy Mary Harney. On her behalf and my own, I welcome the opportunity to address the House on this matter, to address the Deputies' concerns and to clarify the situation with regard to the national roll-out of BreastCheck. The National Breast Screening Board was established in 1998 as a specialist...

Cancer Screening Programme. (29 Apr 2009)

Dara Calleary: Indicative dates for the roll-out are June for County Clare, September for County Donegal and October for County Leitrim. At the same time, it is vital to stress that any woman, irrespective of her age or area of residence, who has immediate concerns or symptoms, should not wait for an invitation to screening from BreastCheck but should contact her GP who, where appropriate, will refer her...

Job Protection. (6 May 2009)

Dara Calleary: I thank Deputy Breen for his good wishes and for raising this topic. This is an important issue and, consequently, it is being closely monitored and acted upon by the Government on an ongoing basis. However, I would encourage all to take a measured view of yesterday's developments. While the Government is treating the matter seriously, this is not simply an issue for Ireland. This is...

Army Barracks. (6 May 2009)

Dara Calleary: I thank the Deputy for his good wishes. One of the downsides of my new job is that I am no longer a member of the Committee on Enterprise, Trade and Employment, which he has expertly chaired for the past two years. The Minister for Defence has asked me to convey his regrets at being unavailable to take this Adjournment matter in person. However, he is grateful to the Deputy for giving him...

Water and Sewerage Schemes. (6 May 2009)

Dara Calleary: I thank the Deputy for his good wishes, which were extended previously. I extend good wishes to him in regard to his activities next weekend. We have been working on this issue together since our election in 2007. The Water Services Investment Programme 2007-2009, which was published in September 2007, includes 20 major water and sewerage schemes at various stages of planning and...

Special Educational Needs: Motion (Resumed) (7 May 2009)

Dara Calleary: I join colleagues in supporting the Minister, Deputy Batt O'Keeffe, and the amendment to the motion. It is important to recall that in the recent budget in excess of €1 billion was allocated to support children and adults with special educational needs. While a great deal of this debate has focused on events that occurred during the past decade, it is important to place this matter in a...

Order of Business (14 May 2009)

Dara Calleary: Is Deputy Ring still in Fine Gael? I thought he had joined the Labour Party.

Work Permits (27 May 2009)

Dara Calleary: I am grateful to Deputy Higgins for raising this issue and I thank him for his good wishes. Since 2004 Irish policy has been to have, where possible, our general labour and skills needs met from within the workforce of the EU. For strategic skills and labour shortages in designated occupations in key economic sectors such as healthcare, information technology and financial services, our...

Work Permits (27 May 2009)

Dara Calleary: No, I will not.

Cross-Border Investment Programmes. (27 May 2009)

Dara Calleary: I thank the Deputy for raising this matter on the Adjournment. The comprehensive study on the all-island economy was commissioned by the British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference and was completed towards the end of 2006. This blueprint for all-island economic co-operation set out the economic rationale for North-South collaboration, as well as concrete proposals for economic initiatives....

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