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Results 181-200 of 1,662 for speaker:Ned O'Sullivan

Seanad: Order of Business (19 May 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: I ask the Leader to invite the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Deputy Eamon Ryan, to the Chamber to discuss An Post, specifically the integrity and security of our postal service. More than 3 million items of post are handled by An Post every day and, in general, it does a first class job, but recent media reports suggest there are rising levels of theft in the...

Seanad: Order of Business (2 Jun 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: The Taxi Regulator's report was published this week. It was an interesting report which would be a useful subject for debate if the Leader could arrange to have the Minister for Transport come to the House. I raise a particular aspect which concerns hackney drivers in rural Ireland. As Members will be aware, hackney drivers operate under a different code of practice from taxi drivers and,...

Seanad: Death of Former Member: Expressions of Sympathy (22 Jun 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: I did not work with Peter in this House for as long as previous speakers but I had the pleasure of knowing him when I was a county councillor and he was a Seanad candidate. For all that he was a Cork man, which he could not help, he was extremely popular in County Kerry. Along with Joe Walsh, he was a great friend of my late cousin and former Deputy and Senator, Kit Ahern. Our offices...

Seanad: Order of Business (23 Jun 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: I wish to refer to two recent reports on the horse racing industry. The first is the annual report of Horse Racing Ireland, HRI, which is a pleasure to read and highlights the contribution horse racing is making to the economy. It also underlines the wonderful image horse racing presents and the fact that it is a major tourist attraction. It also highlights how Irish horses and...

Seanad: Order of Business (6 Jul 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: I shall try to calm down the atmosphere a small bit. I ask the Leader to arrange a debate on the planning process as soon as possible and in particular the so-called "fast tracking" of planning for major infrastructural development. I ask for this because of our recent experience in the constituency of Kerry North-Limerick West. Members may have read last week that the final go-ahead was...

Seanad: Dog Breeding Establishments Bill 2009 [Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil]: Report and Final Stages (14 Jul 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: I welcome the Minister. I also welcome the amendments to the Bill. I compliment the Minister on finalisation of a Bill which is important to anyone who regards himself or herself as an animal lover. That the Minister was able to accept amendments in the Lower House is to be respected. The Bill is all the better for the amendments. As Senator Cummins stated, it is unfortunate we were not...

Seanad: Order of Business (30 Sep 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: I endorse and support what my colleague, Senator Coghlan, said about Kerry Airport. Will the Leader arrange for the Minister for Transport, Deputy Noel Dempsey, to attend the House and brief Members on the ongoing critical situation? Aer Arann ran a very good operation for a number of years——

Seanad: Order of Business (30 Sep 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: ——but this was underbid in a reckless, ugly, capitalist move by Ryanair——

Seanad: Order of Business (30 Sep 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: ——which said it could run a better service for less money and less subvention. Now, completely in breach of its contract, Ryanair has given just one month's notice to Kerry Airport that it will withdraw all operations. This is the ugliest face of capitalism I have ever seen.

Seanad: Order of Business (30 Sep 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: The Minister for Transport is addressing the situation and I compliment all the Oireachtas Members for Kerry South, Kerry North and west Limerick who are working together in a non-partisan fashion. Will the Leader arrange for a debate on the issue because, as a major tourism county, Kerry is greatly dependent on its regional airport? I endorse and support Senator Joe O'Toole's comments today...

Seanad: Order of Business. (6 Oct 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: I bring to the Leader's attention the results of a recent survey carried out by the Irish Bank Officials Association of the abuse of bank officials by members of the public. I am not referring to Mr. Seán Fitzpatrick or Mr. Michael Fingleton but to ordinary bank clerks who do a decent day's work and have always paid their taxes. They have suffered greatly as a result of the bank crisis in...

Seanad: Order of Business. (6 Oct 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: While I do not know anything about the News of the World, every Member should share my concern-----

Seanad: Order of Business. (6 Oct 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: -----about unacceptable behaviour of people who are purported to be angry.

Seanad: Order of Business. (6 Oct 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: The Senator behaves like Mr. Angry most of the time. I ask the Leader to arrange a debate on the treatment of individuals on the front line, including bank clerks, gardaí and even Members of the House. I have been personally abused on the issue of the banks by people in County Kerry, many of whom did not pay their way even when times were good. We need to get some perspective on the matter.

Seanad: Order of Business (13 Oct 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: I endorse the comments of Senator Boyle and Senator Keaveney on the Government's budgetary strategy. I refer Senator Bacik to the editorials of The Irish Times and the Irish Independent this morning, neither of which has been very disposed towards the Government over the years.

Seanad: Order of Business (13 Oct 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: We are not getting a cheer from the ranks of Tuscany, but certainly we are getting polite encouragement at last. We should play up the good points and not talk down the economy the whole time.

Seanad: Order of Business (13 Oct 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: I have often raised the issue of the gas terminal at Ballylongford on the mouth of the Shannon in north Kerry. This project will create 500 jobs per year for four years. It has gone through the planning process. That was an interminably slow process, which made a complete mockery of the so-called fast track process. We are now being held up again over relatively minor quibbles, and I am...

Seanad: Order of Business (19 Oct 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: The Senator should be careful what she wishes for because it might come true.

Seanad: Order of Business (19 Oct 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: Elections do not always produce the results one might anticipate. The Senator is, at least, in the Seanad which her party leader proposes to abolish. Her chances would be further reduced if that were to happen.

Seanad: Order of Business (19 Oct 2010)

Ned O'Sullivan: This Chamber attracts much criticism from the media and the general public and the leader of one of the main parties wants to abolish it. I would like to report some positive news about it. First, I thank the Leader who receives more than his fair share of abuse. He responded promptly and proactively on the matter of employment in north Kerry which I raised last Wednesday. He said he...

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