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Results 1-20 of 1,918 for speaker:Frances Black

Seanad: Order of Business (15 Jun 2016)

Frances Black: I congratulate the Cathaoirleach on his new post. He is a kind, good and fair man and comes from a great part of the county, Sheep's Head, which I love dearly. I convey my condolences to the people of Orlando and the LGBT community. I ask the House to bear with me. I am a little nervous, as this is my first time to speak in the Seanad. I wish to highlight the issue of the misuse of...

Seanad: Order of Business (16 Jun 2016)

Frances Black: I welcome Senator O'Mahony's remarks about the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill. It is great to see movement on the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill considering it has been seven years in the making. Back in December 2009, alcohol was included in a national substance misuse strategy. In those seven years, we have failed our fellow citizens by allowing alcohol misuse to be an acceptable part of our...

Seanad: Mental Health: Statements (22 Jun 2016)

Frances Black: I will share time with Senator Kelleher. It is lovely to see the Minister of State here today and I congratulate her on her new role. I wish her well. As many Senators are aware, ensuring that we address mental health needs throughout the country is an issue that is dear to my heart. On a daily basis, I hear from families and family members that are finding it difficult to access mental...

Seanad: Mental Health: Statements (22 Jun 2016)

Frances Black: -----and start acting on implementing international best practice. One in seven adults in Ireland will have experienced a mental health difficulty in the past year and 9% of the population aged 15 or over has a mental health problem, according to the Healthy Ireland survey. The survey also shows that mental health difficulties are an issue of inequality. The level of mental health problems...

Seanad: Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Bill 2016: Committee Stage (29 Jun 2016)

Frances Black: I commend my colleagues, Senators Ó Riordáin and Ruane, on these amendments. I really feel that we need to consider this issue fully. Senator Ó Ríordáin, when last in office, worked closely with those working in the field of addiction. We can see that in the fantastic work he has done. Senator Ruane has worked in the field of addiction and has done fantastic work...

Seanad: Immigration (Reform) (Regularisation of Residency Status) Bill 2016: Second Stage (29 Jun 2016)

Frances Black: I agree with my colleague, Senator Higgins. Ireland is known around the world for its generosity, compassion and humanity. We do not have to look too far to see all the great work done by Irish overseas agencies. The conditions in direct provision where we keep people are shocking. It is a disgrace. It is not right that people are kept in such conditions. Some county councillors, who...

Seanad: Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Bill 2016: Report and Final Stages (30 Jun 2016)

Frances Black: I second the amendment.

Seanad: Communications, Climate Action and the Environment: Statements (6 Jul 2016)

Frances Black: I welcome the Minister and congratulate him on his new post. I speak today to represent the Independent Broadcasters of Ireland, IBI, which was my nominating body. The IBI represents the two national, four regional, one multi-city and 27 local commercial radio stations throughout Ireland. The mission of the IBI is to promote a strong and vibrant radio sector which reflects the preferences...

Seanad: Competition (Amendment) Bill 2016: Committee Stage (6 Jul 2016)

Frances Black: I commend my colleagues, Senators Bacik and Nash, on bringing the Bill forward. Like Senator Warfield, I have been in the music industry for a long time and have worked with many musicians in the past. Freelance workers work hard not only at their career but also in building their reputation and ensuring they have an income so that they do not have to rely on the State. Freelance workers,...

Seanad: Order of Business (7 Jul 2016)

Frances Black: I was honoured to be selected yesterday as the chairperson of the Oireachtas cross-party group on alcohol harm, which is an informal group seeking to progress legislation and policy that can reduce alcohol harm in Ireland, with a particular emphasis on the implementation of the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill. Yesterday we had our first briefing, which highlighted the impact of harmful parental...

Seanad: Order of Business (13 Jul 2016)

Frances Black: Will the Leader invite the Minister for Health to the House to talk about the issues around alcohol services in the State? I spoke last week on the alcohol problem in the State and I feel that I have to bring it up again. After some research I was shocked to see the findings. Figures in the Health Research Board’s national alcohol diary survey show the following: over 150,000 people...

Seanad: Seanad Bill 2016: Second Stage (13 Jul 2016)

Frances Black: I wish to share my time with Senator Dolan.

Seanad: Seanad Bill 2016: Second Stage (13 Jul 2016)

Frances Black: Before I speak on Seanad reform I will refer to a comment made by Senator Paudie Coffey about celebrities coming in here and being high profile. I do not know if I am being a little bit sensitive. I suppose I had a high profile before I came in here but I want to put on record who I am and why I am here. I am from inner city Dublin and am proud to say I am from the tenement houses only ten...

Seanad: Commencement Matters: Alcohol Treatment Services (14 Jul 2016)

Frances Black: I would like to thank the Minister for coming to the House this morning to deal with this Commencement matter and to congratulate her on her appointment. Alcohol misuse in Ireland is an issue about which I am passionate. For the benefit of the Minister, I will repeat the data I read into the record during yesterday's Order of Business, as set out in the Health Research Board's national...

Seanad: Commencement Matters: Alcohol Treatment Services (14 Jul 2016)

Frances Black: I thank the Minister of State. I welcome the fact that the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill 2015 will go through the Houses. That is fantastic and it will keep the conversation going. I also welcome the hidden harm report. Implementation is vital, particularly for children who live in homes. Nobody understands the impact of hidden harm. I work with families who have loved ones with alcohol...

Seanad: Order of Business (14 Jul 2016)

Frances Black: I attended a briefing this morning by an organisation called WALK, which works with young people with intellectual disabilities, where I met two amazing young women, Jessica and Niamh. Jessica is a young girl with intellectual disabilities who struggled with depression because she could not find the right work for her or any place to go. Due to her so-called intellectual disability -...

Seanad: Water Services (Amendment) Bill 2016: Second Stage (15 Jul 2016)

Frances Black: Thousands of ordinary households are willing us to pass this Bill to suspend water charges formally, but it does not end there. We must scrap them entirely. Let us face the fact that they have been suspended in the hearts and minds of people, as can be seen in the reduction in payments made to Irish Water. Water charges were the straw that broke the camel’s back. People took to the...

Seanad: Order of Business (20 Jul 2016)

Frances Black: In welcoming the Government's housing action plan I highlight the concerns expressed recently by the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, ISPCC. We must bear in mind that the number of children in emergency accommodation increased by 67% in June compared with the same month last year. Hundreds of children are living in emergency accommodation and the State must take...

Seanad: Order of Business (20 Jul 2016)

Frances Black: I am pleased that the Taoiseach has not ruled out the triggering of the clause in the Good Friday Agreement on a Border poll, especially given economic research launched recently in New York. Led by Dr. Kurt Huebner, director of the Institute of European Studies at the University of British Columbia, the findings of this research indicate that the unification of Ireland would have the...

Seanad: Water Services (Amendment) Bill 2016: Committee and Remaining Stages (20 Jul 2016)

Frances Black: I welcome the Minister to the Chamber. I know he has had a busy week. I welcome the proposed suspension of water charges in this Bill. It is clear that the people are not going to accept water charges. They have shown this through the major demonstrations on the streets to oppose this unfair tax. The recent figures from Irish Water show a significant drop in the number of people paying...

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