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Results 161-180 of 4,873 for speaker:Diarmuid Wilson

Seanad: Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters: Legislative Measures (21 Jun 2022)

Diarmuid Wilson: At the outset, I should have welcomed the Minister of State, Deputy Feighan, to the House earlier. I thank him for his comprehensive reply. I welcome that this Bill is progressing and I would like if it could be speeded up as soon as possible. This is very necessary legislation and it is important it is brought in as a matter of urgency. More importantly, when it is brought in, it is...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (14 Jun 2022)

Diarmuid Wilson: I second Senator Craughwell's proposed amendment to the Order of Business on the motion regarding Georgia's candidacy for membership of the European Union, and specifically that it be taken without debate, with the agreement of the House. I reiterate the important point that it has been 31 years since Georgia regained its independence and 26 years since diplomatic relations between Ireland...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (14 Jun 2022)

Diarmuid Wilson: There is a precedent for a motion to be taken without debate.

Seanad: Georgia's Application for Membership of the European Union: Motion (14 Jun 2022)

Diarmuid Wilson: I second the motion.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence: Update on Current Situation in Ukraine: Discussion (31 May 2022)

Diarmuid Wilson: An important point has been made there by Senator Ó Donnghaile and I would be interested in hearing the ambassador's response. I know the ambassador and her colleague have been to County Cavan and have seen how close it is to the Border. We have quite a few Ukrainian people located or relocated to Cavan and they are very welcome. In the last week or so, there have been reports of...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (26 May 2022)

Diarmuid Wilson: I wish to join with Leas-Chathaoirleach and other colleagues in welcoming the Darmody family, especially Cara, to the Visitors Gallery. I wish them well in their fundraising efforts. They are highlighting the difficulties faced by those with autism.

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (26 May 2022)

Diarmuid Wilson: I wish I had Cara when I was doing my maths paper.

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (26 May 2022)

Diarmuid Wilson: I wish the family well and welcome them. I would also like to join Leas-Chathaoirleach in congratulating Croatia in its national day and in welcoming the ambassador to the Seanad. As the convenor of the Ireland-Georgia Friendship Group, I want to take the opportunity to wish the Georgian people well on this, the 31st anniversary of independence, and the 26th year of diplomatic relations...

Seanad: Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Bill 2022: Second Stage (25 May 2022)

Diarmuid Wilson: I welcome the Minister of State and his officials to the House. I join the Acting Chairperson in welcoming the young people and their teachers in the Visitors Gallery. Senators Garvey and Craughwell have covered most of the points I had intended to cover.

Seanad: Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Bill 2022: Second Stage (25 May 2022)

Diarmuid Wilson: On behalf of the Fianna Fáil Party, I am happy to welcome this Bill which will enhance and strengthen protections for whistleblowers in Ireland. The general interpretation of a protected disclosure is a written communication of a concern made in good faith which discloses or demonstrates information that may make evident an unethical or improper activity. I am conscious that we have a...

Seanad: Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Bill 2022: Second Stage (25 May 2022)

Diarmuid Wilson: I am very anxious to hear what Senator Clonan says. As the Minister of State has outlined, Ireland is one of a small number of EU countries that had a regime in place prior to the European directive. The 2014 Act has afforded vital protection to whistleblowers, but it is not perfect and we have learned much since the Act came into operation. There have been a number of high-profile cases...

Seanad: Defence (Restriction on Use of Certain Titles) Bill 2021: Second Stage (6 Apr 2022)

Diarmuid Wilson: I propose to share time with my colleague, Senator McGreehan.

Seanad: Defence (Restriction on Use of Certain Titles) Bill 2021: Second Stage (6 Apr 2022)

Diarmuid Wilson: I welcome the Minister to the House for this debate. I congratulate my colleagues, Senators Malcolm Byrne, O'Loughlin and Casey, on bringing forward this important legislation. From my office, I listened with interest to all of the contributions. I cannot disagree with any of them. I take this opportunity to welcome Senator Clonan to the Seanad. I look forward to working alongside him...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence: Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine: Discussion (22 Mar 2022)

Diarmuid Wilson: I thank Ms McKenna, Mr. Morris and Mr. O'Sullivan for their contributions. I also join with the Chairman in welcoming the Polish ambassador to the meeting. I commend the Polish people on the tremendous efforts they have made to accommodate those fleeing this horrific war in Ukraine. I also pay tribute to Romania, Moldova and other countries. We read about this every day and see it on...

Seanad: Life Saving Equipment Bill 2017: Committee Stage (17 Feb 2022)

Diarmuid Wilson: I welcome the Minister of State and, like my colleague Senator Gallagher, I welcome also the representatives of Community First Responders Ireland, who are attending the debate from the Gallery. I ask the Cathaoirleach to bear with me for a moment because we have not debated this important legislation for some time and this is the first time it has been discussed in this Seanad. As some...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence: Review of Workplace Arrangements: Department of Foreign Affairs (8 Feb 2022)

Diarmuid Wilson: I will be brief because almost all the questions have been asked and answered. I welcome the Minister, Deputy Coveney, and Mr. Hackett to the meeting. During a private meeting at which we discussed this matter, I expressed my belief that the investigation should have been carried out by an independent person. However, I accept Mr. Hackett's report and his findings. I have just one...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence: Review of Workplace Arrangements: Department of Foreign Affairs (8 Feb 2022)

Diarmuid Wilson: What about unofficial events?

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence: Russia's Foreign Policy and Security in Europe: Engagement with Ambassador of Russia (2 Feb 2022)

Diarmuid Wilson: The ambassador is very welcome. I thank him for taking time to answer all the questions that have been put to him. Like colleagues, I welcome the resolution of the proposed military exercises off the south-west coast in our economic zone. I congratulate both governments and others for their involvement in that. We believe the Ukrainian people are a sovereign, independent people and should...

Seanad: Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Bill 2021: Second Stage (8 Dec 2021)

Diarmuid Wilson: I welcome the Minister, Deputy McGrath, to the House. I thank him for his comprehensive address to us on this legislation. I am speaking to this Bill on behalf of my colleague, Senator Davitt, who intends to be here before the end of the debate. Therefore, I will be brief in my contribution. I thank the Minister once again for outlining the details of the Bill. While at a first glance...

Seanad: Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Bill 2021: Second Stage (8 Dec 2021)

Diarmuid Wilson: He will be addressing us as Taoiseach.

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