Please note that this search is only for the exact word/phrase entered. For example, putting in 'autism' won't return results for 'autistic spectrum disorder', you will have to search for it separately.

Number of occurencesTable includes - TDs | Senators | BothDate range
34Headings, procedural text, etc. Mar 2015 – Jun 2023
4 Denis O'Donovan (FF) Dec 2008 – Oct 2015
2 Denis Landy (LAB) Jul 2016 – Oct 2016
2 Paul Bradford (FG) Jul 2012 – Dec 2013
1 Alex White (LAB) Nov 2009
1 Déirdre de Búrca (GRN) Nov 2007
1 Michael McCarthy (LAB) May 2004
1 Mary O'Rourke (FF) May 2006
1 James Carroll (FF) Apr 2010
1 Brendan Ryan (LAB) Jun 2006
1 Niall Ó Brolcháin (GRN) May 2010
1 Colette Kelleher (IND) Oct 2019
1 Michael McDowell (IND) Nov 2023
1 Aideen Hayden (LAB) Jun 2014
1 Sean Barrett (IND) Mar 2015
1 Marie Sherlock (LAB) Jun 2021
1 Dan Boyle (GRN) Jan 2008