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Noreen Porter
Posted on 15 Oct 2014 6:25 pm

We do not know how many Badgers are left in Ireland as there has been know viable survey carried out in recent years. They could very well be endangered at the moment ,as it is clear just from speaking to members of the public, friends and family that Badger sightings have plummeted over the years.

By the time the sufficient information is gathered and a survey carried out , it may already be too late. Surely you should be putting the focus on better Farm Practice and a vaccination for now until the evidence is gathered? Several countries in the EU alone are now "TB Free" and that is not down to Wildlife culls.

The use of snares is extremely cruel and I have heard several reports and eye witness accounts of Badgers being left for several days even weeks before being removed having already sustained crippling injuries and suffered a terrible faith due to exposure and starvation.

Another issues is a large number of these Badgers have been culled without landowner permission and letters were sent at some stage which made farmers feel pressured into allowing "contractors" onto their land to kill Badgers when they themselves did not want this.

Please just put a pause on the culls. 10,922 people have signed the IWT Anti-Badger Cull petition. That is one large voice you can not continue to ignore.

I urge you Minister , please , show some compassion.

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