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anne flynn
Posted on 4 Apr 2014 9:40 pm

This country suffers from afforestation. By products of afforestation are flooding, water contamination, and land erosion to name a few. We have a moral obligation to care for a department that looks after our forestry and procures and manages these assets to the enjoyment and fulfilment of it's people, for an ecologically balanced and sustainable future. Flooding, water contamination and land erosion can be moderated with planting appropriate tree lines. We as a nation don't have a forestry, what we have is a greedy blood sucking monopoly that dictates it's business on profits and immediate gains no future assets or strategic forestry planning has ever been adhered to. What we have is a company trying to exploit our nations natural resources. Planting turbines instead of trees. Growing trees to cut them down, instead of growing trees to generate an ecologically balanced environment. When will this Government realise not everything needs to be exploited for an immediate commodity. Will this government ever realise that the people of Ireland want more from life than reaping and bleeding every last resources from the bowels of our lands and seas...Stop the exploitation and start thinking conservation...

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