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Paul Newsome
Posted on 14 Jan 2014 6:53 pm

Dear Minister O' Sullivan,
Two thousand odd 'units' where there is a need to house the half million people trapped in private rented landlordism, plus more than one hundred thousand on waiting lists, plus those living on the streets,plus people in rent-a-room accommodation etc. is hardly what you can call 'progress', is it?

If you arranged for negative equity landlords to walk away from their massive negative equity debts, which they would likely be delighted to do, and allow their tenants to buy the properties as their own homes, with mortgages based on social housing prices - which would be far less than the abusive and amoral rents worker's are paying to support the deep black hole of negative equity - then you might begin to get somewhere before you hit the brick wall of the 2016 general election.
Regards, Paul Newsome.

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