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mary keating
Posted on 21 Dec 2013 6:28 am

Minister, these grants are pitiful, particularly those given to horse rescues and will merely pave the way for a national cull of beautiful animals who never asked to be born. Please make an additional fund available for special sanctuaries for horses this winter. It is now extremely urgent ..many of the organisations that work hardest are given the smallest grants.
we urgently need 5 million, min, in order to save the poor starving skeletons, tethered and long forgotten by their owners who will die tragically and in great agony in our fields again this year.

i notice that many of the alleged 'welfare' groups are actually in support of a cull. It is sinister that these are the organisations that received the largest grants.

A cull, in my humble opinion is as logical as killing children whose parents will not send them to school.

Recent scientific peer reviewed studies show beyond doubt that animals are sentient beings. Horses are particularly sensitive, loving creatures and through no fault of their own are frequently treated with horrific cruelty.
It is a living horror story, please find immediate funds to set up new sanctuaries as a matter of urgency.

This simply cannot wait, nor can it be absorbed in general funding.

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